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Why Do I Practice Falun Gong?

July 27, 2012 |   By Shengyuan, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I previously regarded money as more important than even my life. I was born in the countryside and attended school for only four and a half years. I got married when I was 23. I did whatever was needed to survive. I worked very hard, and, as time progressed, I contracted heart disease, cervical disease, cranial nerve pain, and so on. I had to take a lot of Chinese medications.

In the spring of 1997, my head felt numb, and I experienced loss of memory. At the time, my neighbor who lived upstairs recommended that I study Falun Dafa. My older sister was practicing Falun Dafa as well and she actually had suggested it to me before. But I didn't believe what she told me because I was an atheist and I had no time. That autumn, I was diagnosed with a gynecological disease. I then came down with lumbago, and I never stopped menstruating. I was often in a daze, but didn't tell anyone.

One day I went out for something and approached three railway crossings. When I crossed the first one, a train was coming towards me, so I stopped and waited. After crossing the first railway, the bell for the second train rang. I heard it, but I didn't watch for the train. I continued on to cross the second and third railway crossings. Just as I walked onto the rails I heard the train. When I turned, the train was behind me. I was scared and broke out in a cold sweat. I stood there and thought about what had almost happened. I was frightened and thought that bad things would happen sooner or later if I kept walking around in a daze. What should I do? My family's financial situation was not good, but I had a child to care for, so being in a daze was a major problem. The desire to live reminded me of what my sister and neighbor had said about Falun Dafa.

In order to save money and improve my health, I began practicing Falun Dafa, but considered it a trial period. I went to the practice site on December 29, 1997. At that time, it was difficult for me to read out loud. Becasue I went back to work too soon after thyroid surgery, my vocal cords had not yet recovered. But I kept on reading aloud no matter how I sounded. Falun Dafa is so amazing, and all the health problems mentioned earlier disappeared after the 1998 New Year. I was so excited. Being healthy is wonderful!

My husband was an alcoholic who drank at every meal. No matter how much he drank, he could still function at work. When he drank at home, he sometimes lost his temper, and he was often dissatisfied with me. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, he could no longer drink as much and felt sick when he drank. He finally quit drinking. I was surprised that my husband stopped drinking, even though I wasn't a diligent practitioner. Falun Dafa is so merciful! My family members also improved in their behavior.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) initiated the unprecedented persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. They banned Falun Dafa and confiscated all books and videos related to Falun Dafa. They also disseminated many falsehoods. Facing the suppression didn't stop me from believing in Falun Dafa, as I had benefited from Dafa. Without paying one penny, I had become healthy. My family benefited, too. My child and husband also returned to good health and our family was happy. If everyone practiced Falun Gong, our nation could save a lot on medical costs.

I distributed Falun Dafa truth clarification materials, put up posters, and hung banners. I tried to tell people about Falun Dafa in different ways and save those who still had kind hearts. I can't bear to see people be eliminated for persecuting Falun Dafa.

I was stopped by police when I was on my way to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in 2000. I was arrested and illegally held in a prison for six months for distributing Falun Dafa materials.

I was very sad when I saw everyday people lost in this world, and when I heard of people reporting practitioners who were saving them to the police. But it also made me more confident in clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to everyday people.

No matter how difficult, I am a practitioner on the way to godhood. Alas, everyday people who listen to the lies of the CCP will not have a future. This why I want to practice Falun Dafa even if I am persecuted by the CCP. I have benefited greatly from Falun Dafa!