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Solemn Declarations from Two Dafa Supporters

August 08, 2012 |  


Solemn Declaration

I am a leader where I work. At the request of the local Political and Judiciary Committee and 610 Office, I had told the Public Security officers where I work to follow, arrest, and detain our Falun Gong practitioner employees. With the help of my family, I have thoroughly contemplated my conduct for years, and now deeply regret how I let down Dafa's Master Li [Hongzhi] and Dafa practitioners. I solemnly declare: “From now on, I will protect the Falun Gong practitioners at work and not let our Public Security officers participate in the persecution of Falun Gong. I also appreciate those kind Dafa practitioners who called me to tell me the truth. To make up for my mistake, I will take every opportunity to let people know that Dafa is good.”

By Yun Tian, July 2, 2012

Chinese version available at :http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2012/7/25/342名觉醒世人的郑重声明-260661.html

Solemn Declaration

When I made my pension payment to the residential committee six months ago, the supervisor told me to sign my name on a form. Although I cautiously asked him about the form, I still signed it after he told me that I did not need to read it, just sign it. I realized later that it was a “pledge card” to oppose Falun Gong. I am upset that the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses dirty tricks to damage Falun Gong. I solemnly declare: “The pledge card I signed is null and void. Falun Dafa is the righteous law of the universe. I will support it with my whole life.”

By Zhang Zuoping, July 15, 2012

Chinese version available at :http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2012/7/25/342名觉醒世人的郑重声明-260661.html