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Memorable Experiences and Lessons on My Path of Assisting Master in Fa-Rectification

October 17, 2013 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Australia

(Minghui.org) Greetings, Master! Greetings, Fellow Practitioners!

The progress of Fa-rectification is forging ahead rapidly, and 21 years have now passed. There has always been an issue of cultivating upwards or dropping down for me, and I have worried and troubled Master a lot. On my cultivation path, I have been bathed in Master’s great compassion. I have no words to express my deepest gratitude and respect. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate and painstaking salvation! I hope all young practitioners like me can learn from my mistakes, get rid of all human attachments, and strive ahead vigorously.

In 1998, my mother and I obtained the Fa. Through cultivation, my mother gained health and gradually came to understand the inner meaning of Dafa. To make sure I wouldn’t be left behind, she started to teach me to recite Hong Yin. I was only eight back then and didn’t know what cultivation was. Due to my strong attachment to play, I couldn’t understand its inner meaning, either. Then a sudden and severe bellyache struck me down, and I begged Master for help, kneeling and crying. All of a sudden, the pain disappeared, as if nothing had been wrong. Surprised, I knelt down in front of Master’s portrait and said, “Teacher, I have decided to practice!”

Master said in Lecture Three in Zhuan Falun:

“They will not let it happen, and they will try everything to stop you from practicing cultivation. Accordingly, all kinds of methods will be used to interfere with you. They will even come to really kill you.”

Under Master’s merciful protection, I passed a big tribulation in a dream. Two ghosts holding knives appeared in my dream and tried to kill me. I jumped off the second level of a building and kept running without turning my head. When I was about to be caught by these ghosts, a magnificent Buddha appeared on a corner, wearing a yellow kasaya and sitting on a law wheel. I stopped and stared at the Buddha. He waved his hand and immediately the two ghosts were sucked into the turning law wheel. I right away knelt down with gratitude and was held up by the smiling Buddha. Then I woke up.

The following year, in a similar dream, I was chased and attacked by people with axes. When I woke up, I could feel a dull pain on my back. I knew I had paid back my karmic debts. Master tenderly cared for and protected me. My gratitude is beyond words.

In 1999, the persecution started. Back then, I still kept my pure nature, so my thoughts were very righteous. To defend Dafa, my mother and I hurried to Beijing overnight and settled down in a fellow practitioner’s home. That place was filled with over 40 practitioners from all parts of the country. That night, all the practitioners slept under the same roof. Because we didn’t have enough food, the adult practitioners saved their food for me.

They asked me, “What will you do if the police arrest you and try to take away your Dafa book?” I replied seriously, “I would rather die than give my book away. They can beat me to death, but I won’t give it up.” All the practitioners in the room laughed. At that moment, all of us were determined to safeguard Dafa and let go of the attachment of life and death. We didn’t have fear inside.

The next day, hundreds of practitioners were locked in the yard of a police station. All of us were required to fill out a form and line up to be interrogated. Whatever they asked, I replied in a righteous and dignified manner. The policemen started to mock and tease me as being pretentious. Thanks to Master’s merciful care, my mother and I didn’t suffer severe persecution. We were sent back overnight to our local police station to be put in detention.

During that period, the atmosphere was depressing and it was dark everywhere. I felt like I was suffocating. The pressure from my family and school forced me to transfer from one school to another constantly. To encourage me, one time during meditation, Master showed me all my lifetimes of reincarnation from the moment I descended to Earth till now. My tears streamed down and I felt Master’s enormous grace and the hardships he has borne.

I didn’t know much about cultivation when I was a child and just did whatever Master required. Because I was pure then, I didn’t miss out on one single event. From sending forth righteous thoughts, the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, distributing truth-clarifying materials, to all the Fa-teachings of Master, I witnessed the grandness and sacredness in other dimensions. Whenever I was fascinated by some scene, I was awakened by external elements to remind me to come back.

At that time, the evil beings flooded in from all directions like sea waves. When my righteous thoughts were strong enough, Master supported me. My joy was beyond words every time I saw Master. Traveling from layer to layer, I saw countless sentient beings on every level. They eagerly waited to be saved. The old forces did what they planned from level to level, starting from a deep dimension. On every level, if the practitioners were not righteous enough, the beings there were controlled by the old forces, which affected the next level. Sometimes, I sent forth righteous thoughts for a long time and was awakened from the meditation due to the pain in my legs. Thus, I asked my five subordinate souls to sit in a circle as my Fa guardians and suddenly my power was strengthened. The evil beings transformed into the figure of Master in order to interfere with me, but I wasn’t influenced by them and said loudly, “I am a disciple of Li Hongzhi!” The law wheel that rotated in Heaven and on Earth turned the evil back to their original forms, sucked them in, and disintegrated them completely. Every time I studied the Fa or did the exercises, Master would stay beside me and look after me. Tears streamed down my face whenever I thought about Master’s great benevolence.

In order to save sentient beings, my mother and I went out at night to distribute truth-clarification materials. When my mother put up the materials on utility poles, I sent forth righteous thoughts at her side. Sometimes a police car passed by, but we were safeguarded by compassionate Master. My mother and I clarified the truth between the city and the countryside without stopping. Several times we had to separate and take different paths. It was very dark and the path was narrow. I could always hear some special noise. I was too scared to walk forward. Then I kept on reciting the Fa-Rectification verses, reminding myself that I should do this. Every time on such occasions, I felt that Master’s Fashen were following and looking after me. Once when we sent forth righteous thoughts intensively in front of the entrance of the Procuratorate, suddenly the sky got dark and it started raining. I asked Master for help and started to communicate with the beings from another dimension. Immediately, the rain stopped and only started again after my mother and I arrived home safely. Every time this miracle happened, I became even more steadfast in my belief in Dafa.

Gradually, I became contaminated by everyday society in school. I don’t know when it started, but my heart gradually detached from Dafa. Although I was still quite young, I developed many attachments, such as to self-importance, jealousy, reputation, comparing myself with others, trying to curry favor with others, to fame, profit and emotion, etc. My mother asked me to study the Fa with her, but I started to reject this and even quarreled with her. The black material started to build up on my body layer by layer; finally, I could no longer see my true body. In fact, I had fallen to an everyday person’s level from being a Dafa disciple.

I stopped practicing and could not double cross my legs. As a result, I was often interfered with by the evil and got ill. My attachments got stronger, driven by human notions. Finally, one day Master said to me seriously: “You are no longer the original Liu Yang.” But I still did not wake up; I was still attached to human beings' interests. I had fallen according into the arrangements of the evil forces. Although deep in my heart a voice reminded me that I was a Dafa disciple, there was always a force that drove me away from Dafa. When I went to Beijing again, standing on Tiananmen Square, I was extremely afraid. Without righteous thoughts, I failed to be a cultivator who could validate Dafa.

Benevolent Master didn’t give up on me. One day, my mother got a DVD, the video of Master’s Fa-Lecture to Australian Practitioners. When I saw Master again, I burst into tears and realized how much our Master had endured for us. I also realized that I had failed to live up to His expectations. Because of students like me, Master has had to wait again and again. I woke up to the truth that, because of my faults, the sentient beings who were arranged to be around me had lost their chances to be saved. I decided to stand up again from where I had fallen down.

Soon after, in one of our political classes, the teacher defamed Dafa. I hesitated to stand up at first. Due to the attachment of fear, I was afraid of getting expelled from school and having others scold me. But I took a deep breath and stood up while gritting my teeth. I spoke very loudly to tell the teacher that he was wrong. The classroom got quiet right away, and everyone stared at me in surprise. I felt calm at that moment and also felt Master’s help. I talked about the truth of Falun Daf, and that Falun Dafa had spread to over 100 countries. When I finished, everyone applauded me.

I understood that this was a hint from Master, as these beings had gotten to know the truth, which they had been waiting for, for a long time. I made up my mind to return to the path of cultivation. My school did expel me, and my mother decided to send me overseas, hoping that I would not be contaminated there as badly as in China.

I came to Australia. When I walked into the room where the Truth-Compassion-Forbearance International Art Exhibition was being held and saw Master’s portrait, I broke down in tears, just like a child who had been away from home for many years.

Now I am very clear about cultivation practice. I will speak about how wonderful Dafa is and how beautiful Shen Yun Performing Arts is. One supportive teacher who knows the truth talked to his students about the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party on his own initiative.

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Zhuan Falun, Lecture One)

I understood that all of these things happened because I had the wish and Master benevolently helped me.

After I joined the NTDTV team, the attachment of showing off was reinforced and was quite hard to detect. For example, whether or not the program had been done well, my human notions were generated. It was actually due to a lack of understanding what “Helping Master to Rectify the Fa” means.

Master said in “What Does it Mean to ‘Help Master Rectify the Fa’?”:

“This alone is what you should be doing, yet you want instead for Master to help you? How could you use Dafa during the Fa-rectification to instead help fulfill your human ideas?”

I suddenly realized that I was different from what I had been in the past, when I didn’t have so many human notions and attachments. As a result, I listened to Master with a pure heart. But then I could hardly meet the requirements to “follow Master’s teachings”. When my righteous thoughts were not strong enough, substances in the level of human beings entered into my body, because I was at the same level. In the meantime, I wrongly thought that all of these human desires and thoughts originated from my own self. As a result, I failed to deny them. Once I realized this, I always had tears in my eyes because I noticed that I had upgraded myself without awareness. Master had removed some of the bad parts from my body, as I had the heart to improve. Surrounded by Master’s benevolence, I felt deep regret for what I had not done very well in everyday life.

Master gave me hints through dreams to let me realize that I should save more sentient beings as soon as possible. I remember in one of the dreams, the whole world turned vertical, and the height of the ocean waves reached more than several hundred meters. After the flood passed, people were submerged, and tall buildings were shattered. Only I was isolated, while people constantly raised their hands asking me to save them. The whole world was full of hysterical cries and screeches; it was really too horrible to look at. I was shocked, but I couldn’t move a bit facing the countless people being eliminated. I was crying aloud with a painful heart. I woke up and was still crying.

In one of my special dreams this year, I saw that the whole world had been cleaned up. Master led all Dafa disciples to a very beautiful dimension. Disciples were sitting around Master. Master taught the Fa for a while, then he walked over to every Dafa disciple and gently pointed once at everyone’s forehead. Immediately, I felt like my body had no boundary, very happy and glorious, and my mind could communicate with the Universe with unlimited wisdom. All Dafa disciples had returned to their original positions. I woke up trembling. This was the only dream I had after the one of the great catastrophe. I think the time is really limited. If we do not do well, we will not be able to face Master, and we will not be able to face the beings that lost their chance to be saved.

I sincerely hope little fellow practitioners and young practitioners can draw lessons from my faults and benefit in their own cultivation practice to become true Fa-rectification Dafa disciples. I sincerely hope the practitioners who are still wandering among everyday people awaken as soon as possible.

Do not be unworthy of Master’s grace in His arduous efforts to save us. Do not fail to live up to the expectations of the universe. I sincerely hope all of us can cultivate our every thought on the path of true cultivation and do the three things well, so we will not feel regret and be too late when the final trial takes place.

Our cultivation paths are very narrow, and in the face of “pain and hardships” when we let go of our attachments, and in our painstaking efforts in saving sentient beings, we must do everything with our hearts and with righteous thoughts, which means we must hold a firm belief in assisting Master in Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings, and an unshakable determination to solidly cultivate in Dafa.

“Cultivating gong has a path mind is the way On the boundless sea of Dafa hardship is your ferry”. (“Falun Dafa,” Hong Yin)

Thank you, Master. Thank you, Fellow Practitioners! Above is just my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate. Heshi.