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Cancer Patient: Miracles I've Experienced Since Taking Up Cultivation in Dafa

November 10, 2013 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Nanjing, China

(Minghui.org) I used to suffer from mid-to-late-stage breast cancer. I underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which then triggered the onset of hepatitis C. I was forced to give up treatment. Surgery also left a large, infected incision, which wouldn't heal.

I couldn't lift my arms or straighten my back. I lost my hair due to the chemotherapy, and my eyes turned a yellow-green color. I lost my will to live and felt helpless and desperate. I knew that death was near after I saw the doctor whisper something to my husband.

I became depressed and refused to talk to anyone. I understood that everyone had to deal with his or her fate, but didn't understand why mine was so cruel. I then started to read books about destiny, qigong, Christianity and Buddhism.

One day, I was determined to drag myself out for a walk outside of the hospital. I went to a little bookstore, planning to buy some books about fortune-telling. I accidentally grabbed a book from the shelf called Zhuan Falun.

As I flipped through the pages, one sentence caught my eyes: “I’ll tell you a truth: the whole process of cultivation is a process of constantly getting rid of human attachments.” (Zhuan Falun)

I was shocked. I had grown up under the influence of atheism and had been very attached to my goals, striving hard to accomplish them. I didn't expect to see something like this and couldn't understand why the principles I had followed before were really attachments to be discarded, so I bought this book to study it further.

As I read Zhuan Falun , I gradually acquired a broader view of life. I learned that human beings could practice cultivation, purify our minds and bodies through cultivation, get rid of diseases and even become higher lives. The book also explained the significance of being a good person.

I was so happy to have this precious book – it introduced me to a rare cultivation way that allows one to improve to a high level!

My mindset changed as a result of reading this book, and my unhealthy body became healthy. Tests showed that I no longer had hepatitis C. My doctor couldn't believe that I'd recovered without any treatment, and thought that the testing lab had made a mistake. However, all subsequent tests again turned out negative.

I was finally released from the hospital after 18 months, leaving the doctors with a “mystery” to solve.

Persevering Despite the Persecution

A friend took me to a Falun Dafa group exercise site, where I experienced more miracles. A large surgical scar in my chest used to be infected and bleed. After I joined the morning group exercises, it started to heal and grew new skin. Within a month, it was completely healed and has remained clean and healthy to this day.

I experienced the miraculous power of Dafa and became a determined practitioner. I have never stopped doing the exercises and studying the Fa since then, rain or shine.

Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Dafa in 1999, I have been illegally arrested six times simply for practicing Falun Dafa. I was also taken to forced labor camps twice.

Police searched my home and confiscated my household items, including a computer, printer, cash and other personal property. My family was threatened, and authorities extorted money from them. The crimes committed by the CCP are too numerous to list.

Despite the brutal persecution, physical torture and huge mental pressure, I remained steadfast and healthy under the blessing of Dafa.

My colleagues witnessed how miserable I used to be, and how healthy I now look. My story became an inspiration for them. Many of my acquaintances expressed that this was a miracle; they couldn't help but praise Falun Dafa. Many now recite “Falun Dafa is great! Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are great!” every day.

The Communist Party's slander, false accusations and distortion of the facts cannot damage the reputation of Falun Dafa. Dafa is a righteous law and is recognized around the world. I hope that those who have assisted in the persecution will stop committing crimes against innocent practitioners, learn the facts about Falun Dafa and choose a bright future for themselves. Good will be rewarded and evil punished.