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Open People's Minds by Clarifying the Truth Face to Face

November 17, 2013 |   By Guilian, a practitioner from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Many Chinese people in today's modern society are only interested in material things. Money, and what it can buy, is what is on their minds.

It has been more than ten years now that Dafa practitioners have been clarifying the truth to people. It is not easy to open their hearts. We must stay in the Fa, and have righteous thoughts. We need to clarify the truth to them face to face. Only then can we save them. I would like to share some experiences to encourage us all to continue on our paths to save sentient beings.

Shop Owner Installs My Water Heater and Hears The Truth

I purchased a new water heater and the shop owner himself came to install it for me since his employee, who usually did it, was on leave. I felt he was predestined. We chatted and I started to clarify the truth to him. He agreed with me and we talked about how evil the CCP is and that it was doomed. Then I mentioned Falun Gong.

He said that he often found Falun Gong booklets, pamphlets and DVDs in his bicycle basket and under his door. I told him he should read them, they were true, and that he would benefit from reading them. He said he had and that Falun Gong was good.

Then he added that it was not good that they were trying to overthrow the government. I said, “You haven't read the information carefully. It is on every pamphlet. Falun Gong talks about Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It teaches people not to lie or do bad things and to be kind to everyone. In a conflict they look within first to see where they haven't done well. The Falun Gong exercises help people get fit and stay healthy. Whoever is in power has nothing to do with us.”

He said, “OK, I understand now. Then why is Falun Gong not allowed?” I said, “The official figure said there were over 100 million people practicing Falun Gong. More than the number of CCP members. The leader was afraid and became jealous.” He asked about the self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square, and I explained how it was staged. He had suspected it was a lie, and now he knew the truth.

I told him about the quitting the Party. He said he had not believed in the CCP for a long time now, but he did not want to be harassed if he quit. I told him to do it for himself, no one else. I said, "God knows what you are doing, you can even use an alias to quit the CCP and nobody will know."

I went on to tell him that Falun Gong practitioners are kind, they don't smoke or drink, don't gamble or go to nightclubs. Nor do they cheat or seek personal gain. They are good to everyone. They also have excellent health from practicing Falun Dafa and look radiant and young. He agreed then that Falun Gong was very good and wanted to apply to join! I laughed and said, “We don't have any form of organization. If you want to learn, you come learn, no need to apply. As long as you want to learn Falun Gong, every practitioner will help you unconditionally and won't charge you a penny.”

I gave him an amulet. He was very pleased and read the words on the amulet out loud: “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He asked me for my telephone number and said that he would learn Falun Gong from me soon.

Shoe Repairman Understands Dafa Is Good

During the holiday, a fellow practitioner and I went out to clarify the truth. We came to a shoe repair shop. The practitioner told me that she had given him truth clarifying flyers before. She went to talk to him again, while I sent forth righteous thoughts. She asked him if he had read any of the flyers she had left with him and if he had any questions for her. He wasn't very friendly and said, “You people say 'good will be rewarded and evil be punished.' I believe in that. You say the CCP is bad. I agree. You ask me to recite 'Falun Dafa is good.' Will Falun Gong give me money?”

I came over and said, “Your whole family is safe and you have no problems. How much is that worth to you? How much do you spend on good health? Isn't that like earning money if you and your family are safe and healthy? If you often recite 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,',you don't need to spend a penny or make extra effort and your business is good. Doesn't it mean you earn money?” His tune changed and he chuckled as he said, “Yes, that is true.”

He went on to ask me if I had any idea when the CCP would fall from power and who would take over after it does. I said that whoever comes into power must have virtue and be willing to follow Heaven's will. "People must be considered first. When it will fall depends on people's thoughts. If people want it to fall soon, it will. If you withdraw from the CCP, you have nothing to do with it regardless. You will not be implicated. If you recite often 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' you will be healthy and safe in any circumstances." He then quit the CCP with the alias “Duo Fu.” He waved goodbye to us as we left and assured us that he would recite 'Falun Dafa is good' often.

Our brief conversation opened up his heart, and he was saved.

Sanitation Workers Hear the Truth

After we left the shoe repair shop, we saw several sanitation workers taking a break, so we stopped to chat with them. I talked to a lady about how corrupt the officials are now and how difficult it is for anyone to make a decent living. Then I mentioned Falun Gong and handed her a flyer. She agreed with me and said that she used to practice Falun Gong but gave it up after the persecution began. She said she knew Falun Gong was good and still had Dafa books at home.

I said, “Of the 7 billion people in the world, only 100 million people have obtained the Fa. So you should treasure it, even if you only read one paragraph of the book a day, you should continue. You are not alone, don't be afraid. It is not wrong to be a good person. Many of us are practicing. Over 100 countries support Falun Gong and allow people to practice it. Please do not give it up. You know it is good. Practitioners are blessed.” She said, “Yes, my family is doing well and we are quite well off. I will pick it up again.”

Then I clarified the truth to a man beside me. I said that good will be rewarded and evil will be punished. He did not believe me. He said, “Many people do many bad deeds but they still live a good life. They haven't been punished.” I said, “It is not that they will not be punished--the time will come soon.” I took out the materials I brought with me and pointed to the pictures of the article on the destruction of the ancient city Pompeii. I said, “A volcano erupted. There was nowhere for the people go. This was Heaven punishing people. Why are there calamities? Because people have become bad. If you are good and kind, you will avoid calamities. Good is rewarded, evil is punished.” He didn't know how to respond.

I continued, “The CCP doesn't allow people to believe in gods, just the CCP. They persecute Falun Gong. Falun Dafa is the Buddha Law. The CCP dares to curse Buddhas and gods. It is against Heaven's principles. Will it be allowed to continue to exist? If people do not punish it, Heaven will. So those who still believe it and support it will be in danger. When calamities come, people say that Heaven will bless us and gods and Buddhas will bless us. Nobody ever says the CCP will bless us. The CCP cannot even protect itself. Will it look after anyone else? So those who have joined the CCP organizations have to withdraw, so they can be saved. If you often recite 'Falun Dafa is good,' gods and Buddhas will bless you and your family. You will avoid any calamities. How blessed you will be then.” He kept nodding his head and said that he would recite, "Falun Dafa is good." He said he hadn't joined any CCP organizations. My fellow practitioner gave him a Shen Yun DVD.

We passed out flyers, Minghui Weekly and the Three Withdrawals to them, and they were happy to take them. They saw us off for a long way when we left.

Clarifying the truth face to face is not that difficult. A brief discussion is often enough to help people understand the truth and open their hearts. Often people come ask for flyers, DVDs, and software to break through the Internet firewall, even before anything is said to them. Master has paved the way for us, and people are waiting for us to save them. I hope practitioners do not fear clarifying the truth face to face. As long as we are in the Fa and have righteous thoughts, we will have wisdom while we are talking. We are not ordinary beings. We have Master. So what do we fear? Sentient beings are waiting. As long as we have the thought to do it, we will do it well.

Please point out anything not in the Fa.

Thank you, fellow practitioners.