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Thoughts About My Trip to Hong Kong and Macau

November 20, 2013 |   By a Dafa practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) In September, my husband suggested we go on vacation. We decided to take a tour of Hong Kong and Macau, which wasn't too costly and required minimal time to get the visas.

Our three-member family took the bus from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. As soon as we walked across the border, we saw Falun Gong practitioners hold posters on the side of the street, and distribute the book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and the Epoch Times newspaper. All tourists from China rushed to them to take the books and newspapers.

I captured the precious moments with my camera. However, when we returned to the bus, the tour guide said, “Hong Kong is a capitalist society where people enjoy the freedom of speech. You can read about Falun Gong here. However, when you return to China, you may have trouble passing through customs. If you are carrying Falun Gong materials with you, you may be detained for several hours. To avoid causing trouble, I suggest you not take any Falun Gong materials.” Later when we went to other tourist sites, many tourists dared not take any truth clarification materials. However, all tourists were impressed with the fact that Falun Gong was legal in Hong Kong and Macau.

Later I briefly told the tour guide the story of my relative who was sentenced to prison because he firmly believed in Falun Gong and refused to give up his belief. I told her that the CCP was vicious. She didn’t say much at that time. Later she said on the bus that she admired Falun Gong practitioners because they were all kind people with good moral values. In Hong Kong, practitioners never asked for the government’s financial aid no matter how much they needed it.

I would like to share with overseas practitioners, that as long as you persistently distribute flyers and put up posters, you are disintegrating the evil and saving sentient beings, no matter how many materials you are able to hand out, or whether the tourists accept them. I saw a practitioner in Hong Kong and another in Macao disappointed when the tourists didn’t take the truth-clarifying materials. Practitioners: Don’t be disappointed. As long as you stand there, you are validating Dafa.

In fact, practitioners in China are also producing truth clarification materials. Thus people have access to them. I think that the most important thing for overseas practitioners is to persistently clarify the difference between China and overseas to tourists from China, thus disintegrating the Party culture.

The above is my personal understanding. Please point out anything that is inappropriate.