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Solemn Declarations from Two Dafa Supporters

November 28, 2013 |  


Solemn Declaration

My family has had no peace since my mother, a diligent Falun Dafa practitioner, was persecuted by the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP), beginning in 1999. During that time, the local police station tried to force my mother to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong. She refused, so I wrote it on her behalf.

In addition, my father's work was also affected due to China's guilty by association policy. Lacking a clear understanding, I thought that it was Falun Gong destroying my family and had once said something bad about it.

After my mother was sentenced to forced labor, my father was under a lot of mental pressure. At that time, due to my hostility toward Falun Gong I burned the main Falun Gong book Zhuan Falun, some Falun Gong materials and badmouthed the practice. My father died of illness and I blamed Falun Gong for that and hence I was even more hostile toward it.

After my mother was released, I could not endure her words and deeds and often quarreled with her regarding Falun Gong. However, she remained calm and didn't blame me for any of my hostile actions. Eventually, she changed my thinking through her actions and speaking about Falun Gong. I witnessed the beauty and supernatural ability of Falun Gong from my mother.

I am very regretful for what I have done that was against Falun Gong. I solemnly declare that everything I have done and said that was harmful to Falun Gong is hereby null and void. I believe in and support Falun Gong. I will always remember that Falun Gong is good.

Liu Xiaoyun, October 12, 2013


Solemn Declaration

To follow my work unit's requirement, I once went to the local police station to apply for a certificate of “no criminal record.” The police station asked me to apply first for a certificate from the local government. The certificate for the local government had a line reading, “did not participate in the Falun Gong cult organization."

I know that Falun Gong is not a cult, but I did not want to get into trouble by asking the local government to issue a new certificate. Hence I went back to the local police station with that certificate and got the “no criminal record.” Then I gave these two certificates to my work unit.

I know that what I have done was harmful and disrespectful to Falun Gong. I solemnly declare that the so-called certificate issued by the government was accepted against my conscience and is hereby null and void. I firmly believe that Falun Gong is the righteous law. From now on, I will never do things that are harmful to Falun Gong.

Chen Hui, November 12, 2013