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New Practitioner Walks onto the Path of Cultivation

November 07, 2013 |   By Moon, a Dafa practitioner from Guangxi, China

(Minghui.org) I am a new practitioner. I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2010. I am now in my thirties. After I read Zhuan Falun for the first time, I started disciplining myself according to Dafa. Though I didn't practice the exercises at first, Teacher purified my body and removed all my illnesses. When I read Zhuan Falun the second time, I started practicing the exercises. At that time that I saw the three Chinese characters “zhuan fa lun” surrounded by pure white light. Teacher's picture was also surrounded by a white light. Moreover, every character in the book was surrounded by a white light. I knew that Teacher had opened my celestial eye and allowed me to see the Fa's light.

Falun Dafa is the true law that I have been searching for all my life. Teacher opened my wisdom, and my reincarnations surfaced in my mind. It seemed that in one life I was the daughter of a minister in the Tang Dynasty, and enjoyed much wealth and honor. And in one lifetime I was a nun, tapping a wooden fish in the candlelight. I have been waiting for Dafa lifetime after lifetime. Teacher has arranged everything for me.

I was very anxious to read all of Teacher's Fa. After I finished reading, I understood that I am a Dafa practitioner in the Fa-rectification period, so I must do the three things well. To do the three things well, I must study the Fa well, study the Fa often, and cultivate myself well. I discipline myself to improve in the Fa and assimilate myself to the Fa. I often recite Hong Yin, Hong Yin Vol. II , and Hong Yin III , and read Essentials for Further Advancement .

I realized that I should let go of my attachments to the fame, personal gain and sentimentality, purify my mind, let go of all my human attachments, as well as look inside in conflicts, discipline myself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and become a true Dafa practitioner.

All three things are important. I spend my spare time studying the Fa. I get up at 3:30 every morning. I initially started studying the exercise movements by watching the DVD on the first day and started practicing the exercises on the following day. When I practiced the first set of exercises, I felt that I was huge, as tall as the heavens and incomparably noble. I achieved the state of ding (a conscious, yet empty state) right away, as soon as I meditated. I felt that I was as huge as a universe. I sat there like a huge mountain, unshakable.

On the third day of practice, the music was very noisy due to loud electric currents. I had a headache and couldn't continue doing the exercises. The noise stopped as soon as I turned off the music. I talked to my sister, who is also a practitioner, about the trouble. She advised me to send forth righteous thoughts because it was demonic interference. She also taught me to recite the Fa-rectification formulas. As soon as I started practicing the exercises, the electric currents became louder than ever. I recited the Fa-rectification formulas, and the noise miraculously stopped. I could practice the exercises again.

While I was practicing the exercises, I saw beings from other dimensions, who tried to interfere with me. Every day I saw different beings. They disappeared as soon as I sent forth righteous thoughts. Sending forth righteous thoughts is really very important. While I send righteous thoughts, I see my own dimensional field cleansed, and many evil elements in other dimensions eliminated. It's really a big war between the righteous and the evil.

Take one time for example. I chased the evil to a very deep dimension. I concentrated on the word, “eliminate” (Mie, in Chinese) and sent out Falun. The Falun and the word “mie” eliminated the evil together, and it was eliminated quickly. Righteous thoughts come from the Fa. Righteous thoughts become strong as long as we study the Fa well, study the Fa often, and behave with righteous thoughts and actions. I enlightened to a lot from the Fa. I want to validate the Fa, clarify the truth, and persuade people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Teacher has arranged everything for me. Nothing is accidental.

I am running a small business in a market, selling premium quality meat. My business has been running very smoothly over the past two years. All those who come to me have a predestined relationship with me. When giving change to people and buying things outside, I use currency bills on which I have written truth-clarifying messages about Falun Dafa. I seize every opportunity to tell people the truth about Falun Dafa, and persuade them to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. My sister, practitioner Lin, and I ride our motorcycles every night to nearby villages to distribute pamphlets. We wrote on electricity poles and walls, “One Will Be Blessed by the Gods by Sincerely Reciting 'Falun Dafa is Good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good'.” We sent righteous thought all the way. Teacher protected us and gifted us with divine power, so no one could see us.

Our paths are becoming broader and broader, and our righteous thoughts are getting stronger. We recently started distributing pamphlets at a school entrance. We thought that since there are school kids in almost every household, we can save more people distribute materials at a school entrance. We can distribute hundreds of pamphlets at each school. All the students eagerly take the pamphlets. We tell them the facts while sending righteous thoughts. We tell them, “Take it home and show your family.” We are very happy to see people learning the truth. There are still many people waiting for us to save them. I will not let Teacher down. I will continue doing the three things well so our Teacher can rest assured.

My cultivation level is limited. Please compassionately point out anything inappropriate.