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Looking Inward and Improving My Character While Bringing Shen Yun Performing Arts to Mexico

November 07, 2013 |   By a practitioner from Mexico

(Minghui.org) Greetings, Benevolent Master! Greetings, Fellow Practitioners! I'd like to share my cultivation experience in coordinating with others to bring Shen Yun to Mexico City.

Letting Go of Attachments Amidst Conflicts with Others

At the beginning of the project, practitioners A and B, who where coordinators, told me that I couldn't participate in the coordinator meetings. I didn't like what they said and became upset with them. Their decision to not allow me to attend the meetings was very hard on me. I later realized that I was looking outward. I knew that if I wanted to advance in my cultivation, I had to do better. One day we recited Hong Yin III:

Who's Right, Who's Wrong

As a cultivator
One always looks for one's own faults
´Tis the Way to get rid of attachments most effectively
There's no way to skip ordeals, big or small
[During a conflict, if you can remember:]
'He's right,
And I'm wrong,'
What's to dispute?”

I realized that the way I approached the problem was not right.

After we finished studying the Fa, we began to discuss how to handle various aspects of our Shen Yun project. I continued to hear these phrases in my mind, “He’s right, and I’m wrong.” (Hong Yin III) So I said to myself, “I will put these words into practice from now on.” At the time, my heart was stirred and I was still upset. But as I looked inward and thought of Master's words, I could see that what was really bothering me and stirring my heart was nothing external. It was my ego, my arrogance, and my pride. Every single attachment was exposed and was resisting being eliminated. After I realized that, I became determined to put the Fa principles into practice.

Each time practitioners A or B talked, I looked inward and repeated, “He’s right, and I'm wrong.” Very shortly, they called and asked me to participate in the coordination meetings for the Shen Yun project. My heart no longer felt heavy, and we were able to coordinate better.

Remaining Calm and Maintaining Righteous Thoughts During Difficult Moments

I was in charge of the visa arrangements for the Shen Yun Company visiting Mexico, and the responsibility made me anxious. Two months prior to Shen Yun's arrival, Mexico changed the immigration law, and the immigration department was not clear about the new regulations and procedures. We did what they asked us to do, but there was constant confusion and new instructions, and time was passing by quickly.

Just a few weeks before the arrival of Shen Yun, I thought I had done something wrong, so I decided to visit the immigration office immediately. On my way there, thousands of negative thoughts entered my mind, “It will be my fault if Shen Yun cannot enter Mexico,” “There won't be time to start a new visa application process,” “Where can I hide if things go wrong?” “I could not face practitioners if something bad happens,” and so on. When I noticed these thoughts, I eliminated them immediately. I also read the lecture "Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Switzerland" that I carried with me. The following passage stuck with me:

“Then what, ultimately, is the most original matter? It’s water. But the water I’m talking about is not the water of our ordinary human society. Nor is it the water of the rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans that exist at different levels. This water is what creates all matter and lives of a cosmic body at a given level. You can call it 'original matter'… [actually,] you can only call it original matter. And this kind of water differs from the concept of water that we understand in the dimension of ordinary human beings. To be precise, it should be called 'still water,' as it doesn’t move. It’s completely still and motionless. It wouldn’t ripple or splash if you were to toss something into it.” ("Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Switzerland")

I understood that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance was everything, and that at its purest level, it’s completely still and motionless. So I thought, “I want to be assimilated to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” Then I realized that I was very far from being like the original matter - “It's completely still and motionless. It wouldn’t ripple or splash if you were to toss something into it.”

I remembered that all matter in the universe is composed of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I noticed that I was at the opposite end. I looked inward and thought, "Why was my heart moved? Why did I have such incorrect thoughts? This is the Fa of the cosmos. So how can anything or anyone prevent Shen Yun from coming to Mexico to save thousands of sentient beings, especially when they are waiting to be saved!" "Nothing can stop the Fa! I must have righteous thoughts and help these people do what they are supposed to do, at this crucial moment in history."

I gained more confidence as I approached the immigration window to ask about our visa application. The officer was very kind. He informed me that we had followed the proper procedures, and there were two other options available for us to choose.

Because of this experience, I was able to have a calm heart and send forth righteous thoughts during difficult moments while working on our Shen Yun project. After this experience I reminded myself to remain calm and continue to send forth righteous thoughts during difficult situations, and things moved along with ease.

After making sure the visa application process went smoothly, somehow my previous incorrect thoughts followed me to the legal department of the National Auditorium, the theater where Shen Yun was to perform. The theater representative called us repeatedly for the immigration documents. Their policy requires that we submit all immigration documents before Shen Yun could perform. The problem was that we were not able to obtain the documents until Shen Yun's arrival at the airport.

The general coordinator and I went to the theater's legal department to explain the situation and assured them that everything was fine, that they would have the immigration documents upon Shen Yun's arrival. On our way there, my heart was full of fear. However, because of my previous experience, it was easier to maintain righteous thoughts. I thought, “I'm like still water and nothing can move me. Everything in the cosmos is created by and for Dafa. Nothing can prevent Shen Yun from coming to Mexico to fulfill its mission. For thousands and thousands of years, the staff of the auditorium, in the process of being saved, was destined to play its role in this moment in history.”

The meeting was quick and went very smoothly. The staff at the legal department was very understanding of the situation. After the meeting, the theater representative told us, “What you have accomplished with Shen Yun is good enough to write a book about. Many people who work in the media and advertising fields told me they would pay any price to learn what you did and how you did it.” What he said to us and what I heard that morning showed me that even everyday people can perceive the greatness of Dafa. And I knew our Benevolent Master was with us 100%.

Considering Others First When Making Decisions

We encountered a difficult situation after Shen Yun's arrival. Initially, the food committee was made up of practitioners who would cook every day for Shen Yun. But as time went by, we decided that the committee was going to be headed by an everyday person who specialized in this area. We handed the responsibility to a catering service. We thought this was a more practical approach. It would require less work from us, and would be less complicated.

But the old forces took advantage of this large gap, and setbacks began to occur. Initially, we decided to give Shen Yun performers the best of typical Mexican food, because we wanted them to try our delicious local food. We didn’t take into consideration that it would be too spicy, and inadequate for them. Consequently, we got negative comments as soon as the meals were served. A day later, more than half of the Shen Yun members started having stomach problems.

I thought, “What's happening?” I refused to accept any of the old forces' arrangements and gathered all the strength I could to get through this situation. I tried to maintain my righteous thoughts, without thinking about the attitudes of others, and only considering doing the best for Shen Yun. I made quick decisions and was ready to take orders. Our Compassionate Master became aware of the situation as well. After He was informed about the problem, He replied saying that the problem was the water and not the food. Master ordered us to boil water and give it to each Shen Yun member immediately.

After that, the outside catering service was immediately terminated. Overnight, a group of practitioners got together to take care of the food preparation, consisting of only Chinese food, for Shen Yun members. Master says,

“We have also said that if every one of us cultivates his inner self, examines his own xinxing to look for the causes of wrongdoing so as to do better next time, and considers others first when taking any action...” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

This experience gave me the opportunity to look inside and let go of my attachments to ego, pride, the pursuit of comfort, and wanting to show off Mexican food. Above all, it helped me understand the importance of considering others before making a decision, being able to give up my own ideas for the benefit of others, let go of the attachment of wanting to look good, and be humble in receiving instructions or indications for planning changes. Although it was difficult to change the entire menu overnight, practitioners did an admirable job, from beginning to end, and at the same time, considered others first.

Experiencing a Miraculous Moment

I learned something else in the process of finding a dance studio for the Shen Yun dancers. The Shen Yun Company at first requested that we reserve a room at the hotel for the dancers to practice in. Later, the company decided to cancel the rehearsal at the hotel, and instead rehearse at a dance studio, so they could have access to rails, mirrors, and adequate flooring.

We immediately began searching for a dance studio, but the first one we found was already booked for three days. Because I was still trying to solve the food issue and many other things, I didn't have time to search for a dance studio for the remaining two days. I felt overwhelmed. I strengthened my righteous thoughts, “I'm like still water, and nothing can move me. I should let things flow, and whatever needs to be resolved will be resolved.”

Other practitioners didn't have time to search for a dance studio either, so I knew I had to do it myself. A person came to mind--someone I had met a few months before. We had visited a company to promote Shen Yun and met a lady who had contacts with dance schools. I thought I should call her and ask for help. Then something miraculous happened. Just before I called her, she called me! She asked how I was and if I needed anything from her. This was one of the most miraculous experiences I've had, and I could not believe it! She found a dance studio that was available. It was very clear that Master was present and providing us with the solution!

The difficulties we encountered could be very overwhelming to everyday people. But for Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples, it's a privilege and a sacred opportunity to continuously maintain our righteous thoughts, constantly improve and raise our xinxing levels, and eventually return to our original true selves.

These are my understandings at my current level. Please kindly point out any shortcomings.

(Presented at the 2013 Western U.S. Fa Conference)