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Xuan Zang's Compassion Overcame Ruthless Bandits

November 09, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) Many people are familiar with the fascinating stories of the Monkey King. But Xuan Zang, whose story became the prototype for the novel Journey to the West , actually traveled alone to India seeking the Buddha's teachings. He experienced tremendous hardship on a trip that took him 19 years. He was welcomed with great enthusiasm when he returned.

According to historical records, “Both monks and people rushed to welcome him. Even the marketplaces closed to celebrate this event.” Xuan Zang spent another 19 years translating the Buddhist scriptures into Chinese so the public could read them. What follows is one of his adventures on his way to India.

Statue of Xuan Zang in front of Dayan Tower in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China

Encountering Bandits

Xuan Zang encountered many robbers on the trip and he successfully persuaded most of them to not commit crimes. But one gang of bandits near the Ganges River was especially ruthless. They took Xuan Zang’s belongings and then planned to kill him to pay tribute to a goddess they believed in.

Both Xuan Zang and the local residents who traveled with him tried to stop the robbers, but they would not listen. Since the situation seemed hopeless, Xuan Zang asked the robbers to give him some time to reach nirvana himself.

Moved by Xuan Zang’s calm and dignity, the robbers backed off. Xuan Zang sincerely recited Buddha scripture, wishing to cultivate again after reincarnation, as well as to be given the opportunity to save these robbers who killed him.

Compassion Moves Heavenly Beings and Lowly Robbers

The compassion of Xuan Zang moved the heavenly beings and the weather suddenly changed. The sky darkened, a strong wind blew up, and the robbers' boat was nearly overturned.

Shocked by the change, the robbers knelt down and asked local residents who Xuan Zang was. After learning he had traveled a long distance from the Han region to India for the Buddha's teachings, the robbers kowtowed to him and apologized.

While sitting in meditation, Xuan Zang let go of life and death, and reached a higher plane in cultivation.

After stopping him and seeing he was still alive, the robbers were thrilled and apologized again.

Xuan Zang explained the principles of the Buddha School and asked them to stop doing bad deeds. The robbers not only agreed and abandoned the vicious religion they followed, but also began to follow the Buddha School principles and became good people.

A Lesson for Today

History often serves as a mirror, reflecting present day events. The severe persecution of innocent Falun Gong practitioners by the communist regime over the past 14 years has killed at least 3,000, leaving hundreds of thousands in detention and millions of families in pieces.

Such brutality violates mankind’s moral bottom line, and the regime responsible for carrying it out is doomed to fail. As catastrophes and natural disasters increase in number, many people have begun to wonder if there is a cause and effect relationship between the two.

The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance can help stabilize society and lead people to a better future. When people ignore this reprehensible persecution and act against their conscience, they are not only being irresponsible, but also recklessly putting their future in danger.