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The Persecution of Mr. Liu Yongping in Beijing's Xinan Forced Labor Camp

February 25, 2013 |   By a correspondent from Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) While being held in Xinan Forced Labor Camp, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yongping from Beijing had his blood taken for testing against his will and was force-fed unknown drugs, deprived of sleep, forced to recite prison rules, and forced to sit on a small bench for long periods. This treatment resulted in hypertension.


Mr. Liu Yongping

Mr. Liu Yongping, 51, lived in the Xicheng District of Beijing. Since 2001, he has been sent to a labor camp twice. While Mr. Liu was in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in 2004, he was deprived of sleep for 18 days. His hair turned white, his legs swelled up, and his memory was impaired. The police directed other inmates to beat him with a stool until it broke into pieces. The persecution of Mr. Liu by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has caused great harm and devastation to his family, especially his son, who is just a child.

Three undercover police officers from the Haidian Domestic Security Division of Beijing ambushed Mr. Liu Yongping at his house in the Xicheng District at 7:00 p.m. on August 2, 2012. When Mr. Liu and his wife entered their home, three officers followed them. They ransacked the place and took Mr. Liu's computer and mobile phone. They also called the neighborhood committee to send in two people to act as witnesses. They didn't leave a receipt for the computer and cell phone.

After Mr. Liu was arrested, his family didn't know where he was. They tried to look for him everywhere. They called the Haidian Domestic Security Division and asked why Mr. Liu had been arrested. They were told, “I don't know” or “No one is here. This isn't my office” or “Hold on, I will get someone for you.” But no one ever came back to answer the call.

On September 8, Mr. Liu's family again called the Haidian Domestic Security Division and were told, “Liu Yongping was sent to a labor camp.” On September 9, his family received a notice saying that he was already sentenced to serve two and a half years of forced labor for possessing six Falun Gong books in his home.

In 2012, the CCP personnel in Beijing used the state machinery and squandered taxpayers' money to persecute Falun Gong practitioners who uphold Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Especially during the CCP Congresses and on public holidays and sensitive days, the CCP ransacked practitioners' houses, arrested them, and sentenced them to prison to be tortured. In 2012, 343 practitioners in Beijing were arrested, 65 were sent to labor camps, and 9 were sentenced. These numbers give just a partial indication of the extent of the persecution.

Xinan Forced Labor Camp:

Ma Jie, director
Fang Lan (or Fan Chunlan), Ni Zhenxiong (in charge of “transforming” practitioners), and He, deputy directors
Wang Genliang, chief
Na Jianbin and Lu Ge, deputy chiefs
Niu Guangpeng, guard
Gao Junbing, Section chief of the Department of Education: 86 -10-60279523

Related article:

Mr. Liu Yongping from Beijing Detained for More Than a Month