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Ms. Meng Fanli Subjected to Physical and Spiritual Torture at the Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center

February 28, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondence from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) In September 2012, Ms. Meng Fanli, a Falun Gong practitioner from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested and sent to the Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center, which is affiliated with the Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Reclamation Bureau. Officers at the brainwashing center tortured her in attempts to make her renounce her faith in Falun Gong.

Before Ms. Meng had breakfast on the morning of September 5, 2012, a group of plainclothes police officers broke into her home. They were led by Hu Zhiguo, the political director of the Jiangchuan Farm Police Department and the chief of the 610 Office, along with deputy chief Hu Zhenfu and police officer Zhang Yubin. They were accompanied by some young police officers. They ordered Ms. Meng to put on her clothes and go with them. She said, “I will go nowhere. I am not a lawbreaker. Why should I go with you?” The police then forcibly dragged her down the stairs out of her home. She cried out, “Falun Dafa is good!” When her neighbors heard her cries they came out to see what was going on, but they were blocked by the police who stood in the way.

In the police car Ms. Meng continually told the police the true facts about Falun Gong. She emphasized that heaven rules by karmic laws and everyone will ultimately pay for what they have done. She told them that Falun Gong was practiced all around the world except for in China, where it is severely persecuted. She reminded them of all the different political movements that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has launched since it came to power, and all of the scapegoats that the CCP has executed to placate the victims of those movements. She warned them not to follow the CCP to commit crimes. All the way to the brainwashing center they sat still and listened to her.

The Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center is located at Qinglongshan Farm under the false public name of “Law Education School of the Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Reclamation Bureau.” The chief is Fang Yuechun, who is also the deputy chief of the Qinglongshan Police Department. Ms. Meng was held in a room alone. During the first several days at the center, Tao Hua, an officer of the brainwashing center, along with some former practitioners who had turned against their faith under pressure, took turns talking to her and slandering Falun Gong. She was forced to watch videos that defamed and renounced Falun Gong, which she refused to do. Agitated, Fang and officers Jin Yanpeng, Zhou Jingfeng, and Zhu Zhaopeng held her down, seized her hand, and forced her to write the three statements.

Ms. Meng kept clarifying the truth about Falun Gong, hoping that they would understand the facts, stop committing crimes against its practitioners, and treat them in humane manner. They also received truth clarification text messages from other practitioners that read, “Stop the persecution and release Meng Fanli immediately.” The officers looked sad and disappointed when they read the messages. Ms. Meng told them that they should read them carefully and that they would benefit a lot from them. Fang responded to Ms. Meng, “We are supposed to do this [persecute Falun Gong].”

Eventually by intimidation, deception, threats, and humiliation they forced Ms. Meng to write the three statements renouncing Falun Gong... On the seventh day of her detention they began torturing her. During the day she was forced to crouch on her heels with the door and the curtains closed. She did this for so many hours that her legs ached at night. Two guards took her to a private hall and cuffed one of her hands to one chair and the other hand to another chair. Then they each sat on the chairs and tilted the chairs backward to force her to crouch down. They pushed her down under a desk and dragged her out, moving her hands to tighten the handcuffs and intensify the suffering. The pain was so acute she likened it to tearing out her heart. Her hands became numb, her blood pressure skyrocketed, and her legs ached. After several hours, the torture became so unbearable that she wrote the three statements against her will.

The guards forced the practitioners to write the three statements twice a day, and called it their daily assignment. They also forced them to write letters of apology to the Qinglongshan Farm Police Department. This was a form of spiritual torture that was far more devastating than any physical suffering. It drained her soul and made her lifeless.

Ms. Meng had been arrested twice in the past for practicing Falun Gong. In 2000, she was sentenced to one year of forced labor because she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. In 2004, she was sentenced to three years of forced labor after she was reported to the police when she was clarifying the facts of Falun Gong to people. She was subjected to force-feeding during her detention in the Jiamusi City Detention Center.

Other people involved in Ms. Meng's persecution were Tao Hua and policewoman Fang Xiumei. Tao has received many truth clarification letters and telephone calls telling her not to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, but she has refused to listen.

According to some insiders, the brainwashing center is paid a 10,000 yuan monthly for the arrest of each Falun Gong practitioner. The blood money keeps the persecution ongoing.