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Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the 14-Year-Long Persecution in Front of Parliament (Photos)

July 24, 2013 |   By Yingzi

(Minghui.org) It's been 14 years since former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and his regime launched a nationwide brutal persecution campaign against Falun Gong in China. Since the onset of the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners worldwide have never stopped clarifying the facts.

On July 20, 2013, Falun Gong practitioners in Ottawa gathered at Parliament Hill. They displayed posters to expose the ongoing brutal persecution in China.

Falun Dafa practitioners demonstrate the exercises on Parliament Hill

A passerby signed the petition demanding the Chinese regime immediately stop the persecution.

Manager of a Software Company: Witness to Brutal Tortures Used on Falun Gong Practitioners

While he was in China Mr. Wang Yang was tortured by the authorities because of his belief in Falun Gong. Mr. Wang is currently a project manager at a software company. In 2001, he was arrested and taken to Heizhuang Detention Center in Zhengzhou City for telling people the facts about the persecution. While he was detained, he often heard the sounds of other practitioners being viciously beaten. In order to force practitioners to give up their belief, the guards locked practitioners up in solitary or locked them up in cages less than 3 feet high to torment them.

A month later Mr. Wang was transferred to Baimiao Forced Labor Camp in Zhengzhou. The guards there used electric batons to torture practitioners. Every day practitioners had to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong. If they refused to watch, they were tortured.

“No suppression can sway the practitioners’ righteous belief,” said Mr. Wang. He hoped more Chinese people could learn the facts of the persecution and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organization.

Former Assistant in Guangzhou: "Righteous Belief Guides Me Through the Persecution"

Ms. Wen Guilan used to be an assistant at a practice site in Tianhe, Guangzhou. She was under surveillance after the persecution began. The police chiefs in Guangzhou City and the Tianhe District tried to force her to give up the practice and to convince other practitioners to do the same. She turned them down.

Ms. Wen says Falun Gong saved her life. “Because of my job, I was exposed to a lot of radiation. Four of my coworkers died of cancer. I was reborn after I practiced Falun Dafa. After a short while, my heart disease, intestinal problems, and severe arthritis were all gone. I would never give up the practice, nor ask others to.”

Facing the suppression and the CCP’s deceitful propaganda and lies that have brainwashed the world, Ms. Wen always tells everyone she meets how beneficial and peaceful Falun Dafa is and how brutal the persecution is.

Support from People in Canada

After quietly reading the information on the posters, Tyrone Lamonreux said, “This is another example of the CCP suppressing a peaceful group. I definitely witnessed the battle between good and evil.” He wished that the Canadian government would stand up and raise its voice for Falun Dafa. He also believed that the government should have foreign policies to help stop the persecution in China.

Helen Vajeovec immediately signed the petition demanding that the persecution be stopped after she learned the truth. Her parents fled communism, left Europe, and emigrated to Canada. She said she is very much aware of the evil nature of the Communist Party from her parents’ experience. “I heard a lot about the persecution of Falun Gong. I even saw a documentary about the persecution. Even the children are in trouble,” she said.