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Solemn Declarations from Two Falun Dafa Practitioners

September 17, 2013 |  


Solemn Declaration

I obtained Dafa in 1998. Since I did not study the Fa in depth, my understanding of the Fa was shallow. So, after the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Dafa on July 20, 1999, I was taken advantage of by the evil.

Under intense pressure, I was afraid of being beaten and pressured, that my relatives could be implicated, and so on. Because CCP members from the county government threatened me, I wrote the three statements against my will, irrationally raised my hand to renounce Dafa, even said I would give up practicing, and was forced to help burn Falun Dafa books and tapes.

In addition, CCP members in my village forced me to sign my name on documents that defamed Dafa. Everything I did and said harmed Dafa and had a negative impact on Master's saving of sentient beings. I let our great Master down. Now, I am aware and realize that I was wrong.

I solemnly declare: “Everything I have written, said, and done that does not conform to Dafa is null and void. I will completely reject the old forces' arrangements, follow the cultivation path arranged by Master, do the three things well, cultivate myself well, look inward, harmonize with the whole body, and solidly cultivate in Falun Dafa until the end.”

Liu Haiyan, June 30, 2013


Solemn Declaration

I started to practice Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) in 1998. When the evil CCP started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, since I had not studied the Fa in depth, I wrote a guarantee statement while I was not clearheaded.

My school initiated an "anti-Falun Gong" signature collection activity in 2001. I not only signed it, but later, during an assembly of the school's staff and workers, I was forced to promise not to practice any longer.

I went on a trip organized by my employer in August 2009. During that trip, two police officers entered my room in the middle of the night and ransacked it. They searched my luggage, and, since my ID had been marked that I was a practitioner, they wanted to know whether I really had given up practicing Falun Gong. In a state of panic, I replied, “Yes.”

Afterward, I was very remorseful and wondered why I didn't always have righteous thoughts and righteous actions during critical moments. This happened because my cultivation was shallow.

I solemnly declare: “Everything I have done, written, and said that does not respect Master and Dafa and does not conform to Dafa is null and void. I will compensate for the losses I caused to Dafa, follow the path arranged by Master, and cultivate in Dafa until the end.”

Zhao Jianrong, August 20, 2013
