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Let's Cultivate Well to Save More Sentient Beings

September 23, 2013 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) I am a 45-year-old practitioner who began practicing Faun Dafa in 2004. Before I began practicing, I had various health problems, including rheumatoid arthritis, stomach pain, blood in the stool, and a fibroid tumor in my uterus. I was allergic to medicine, so the more medicine I took, the worse my symptoms became. The devastation of pain, unemployment, and distress in my life caused me to be very temperamental; I was angry all the time. I had acne on my face and aphthous ulcers in my mouth. I complained and whined from time to time, and even thought about about killing myself. Eight years ago, compassionate Teacher saved me from hell and gave me all the best.

Eliminating Hatred Amidst Family Conflicts

When my husband's older brother got married, my in-laws gave him almost everything. When I married my husband, my in-laws didn't give us a thing. Everything in my family was created from scratch.

The older brother lived with my in-laws and ate with them for a long time. My in-laws treated the older brother's daughter, who grew up at my in-law parent's home, like a pearl in the palm, while they did not care for my son at all. During the holidays, we normally bought gifts for my in-laws, but not the other way around. My father-in-law was quite stubborn, so he did not get along with my husband. He was always unhappy with us no matter how much we showed filial respect for him. He detested my son and me and hated to see us. In front of them, I swallowed my anger, but upon coming home, I would dump it on my husband. The conflicts and rancor deeply accumulated, and I developed strong hatred and jealousy towards my in-laws.

After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I realized that a cultivator needs to be a good person no matter where they are, so I tried to put down my personal feelings against my in-laws and take the initiative to look after them more often. I remembered one early summer, when it was really hot, my father-in-law said, “There is too much noise coming from downstairs and it is so hot. I can hardly sleep at night.” I invited them to stay in the first-floor condo I had purchased, where it was cool and clean. However, my father-in-law responded with a long face, “Who cares about going to your place. I have my house. It is none of your business.” At that time, all of the family members of the older brother were present and I felt that I had terribly lost face. I shivered with anger.

After I had a second thought, I that felt my father-in-law might have taken my invitation as purposeful teasing, because he did not contribute a dime to purchasing the condo. I recalled Teacher's Fa,

“But normally when a problem arises, if it does not irritate a person psychologically, it does not count or is useless and cannot make him or her improve. Accordingly, his mind cannot get over it and is still bothered by it. It could be that his mind is hooked on it. He always wants to turn around to look at the faces of those two people. Upon looking back, he sees the two wicked-looking faces in a heated conversation. He can no longer take it and becomes very upset. He may even pick a fight with them right away. When a conflict occurs among one another, it is very difficult to control one’s mind. I say that it would be easy if everything could be taken care of in the sitting meditation; however, it will not always be this way.” (Zhuan Falun)

I thought to myself, “I am a cultivator and I need to get rid of my attachment to hatred, the fighting mentality, and face-saving.” So, I said calmly to my father-in-law, “Dad, I truly meant it.” My father-in-law understood that he was in the wrong, so he kept his mouth shut.

My father-in-law turned a deaf ear to my truth clarification when he was alive, which I feel is a pity. On the day of his funeral, I said to the portrait of my deceased father-in-law, “Dad, no matter what grievances there were between us, I hope you remember 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' May you have a good destiny.” Pm the day after the funeral, my father-in-law told me in a dream, “I know Falun Dafa is good now. I know you are a good person.”

My mother-in-law is now alone. I go to see her often and understand that her life is not easy. I sometimes take her sightseeing or have dinner outside with her. I often spend time chatting with her, and she is now willing to talk to me about anything she has on her mind. In the past, she was deceived by the lies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I try to change this by conducting myself well and showing her the goodness of Falun Dafa. My mother-in-law has gradually come to know that Falun Dafa practitioners are good people.

Eliminating My Impatience

I once went to a square to clarify the truth, and met a lady. During our conversation, I learned that she was a retired medical doctor, enjoying a pension of several thousand yuan per month. She was a member of the CCP. She knew that Falun Dafa was good, but did not agree to quit the party and its affiliated organizations. She said, “I lost my parents when I was small. It was the financial assistance from the village that kept me fed, raised, and educated. I was later able to become a medical doctor. No matter how bad the CCP is, I will not quit it. I won't go against the CCP.” During the conversation, she turned a deaf ear no matter what I said. I became impatient, but when it was time to say goodbye, I still smiled and said to her, “I hope we have the predestination to meet again. I wish you peace.”

After I returned home, my mind was still there. Why did she not listen and quit the party? I realized that I had been too hasty and too impatient, and had not enabled her to truly understand the meaning of quitting the party. That night, I dreamed that I continued to clarify the truth to her, “Ma'am, let me give an analogy: A felon kills many good people and is supposed to receive the death penalty in court, right? However, a lawyer defends him by saying that in such and such year and month, he voluntarily yielded seats to others. He also did good deeds by escorting seniors to cross a busy intersection. Would this kind of defense be convincing?” After I woke up, I realized that Teacher was opening up my wisdom after seeing my heart for saving sentient beings. I am truly indebted to Teacher. Teacher has said,

“If one wants to save human beings, that isn’t the way. One has to let human beings understand the principles and have their own hearts change them. This is truly saving people.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Canada”)

I went to the square again the next evening, hoping she would show up again. I felt that her knowing side wanted me to save her. To my surprise, she indeed came. She waved to me from afar, and I thought in my heart that I must save her this time! While I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all the dark minions, rotten demons, and evil spirits of the CCP behind her, I asked Teacher to reinforce me. I began by talking about the various movements the CCP launched throughout the history, which caused 80 million people to die an unnatural death, and then talked about the persecution of Falun Gong, the current corruption within the evil party, and the “perish communist stone” in Pingtang, Guizhou Province. Finally, I repeated to her exactly what I said in my dream last night, “Let me give an analogy...”

As she listened, she continually nodded her head and said, “Yes, right, I will quit.” In the end, I asked asked her name, and she said it was Zhao. I said happily, “What a coincidence! My last name is also Zhao. Let me give you the alias 'Xin Lian' to use for quitting. On the one hand, we both have the same last name and now you understand the truth, so the 'Lian' connotes that both of our hearts are connected. 'Lian' also connotes a pure lotus that grows out of mud but is untainted by it.” After hearing this, the lady was so elated that she stared at me with her eyes wide open and then held me up and said, “Wow! You are really miraculous! It's wonderful!”

Eliminating Fear and Apprehension

I once went with several friends to a small commodity market and bought a thermos. Since my friends are everyday people, I was not able to clarify the truth to the female owner of the store, and I felt rather sad. Perhaps as a result, my thermos did not function properly a few days later. Since there was a one-year warranty, I hurried to the store for a repair and I told myself to remember to clarify the truth to the female owner this time.

I arrived at the store in the early morning. The female store owner was happy, because she thought it was new business, but then found out it was a repair under warranty. So, after I only said a few words, she became impatient. She let her assistant exchange the thermos for me, and then asked me to leave. After I came back home, the thermos went bad again in a few days. I searched inward calmly and found that I had fear and apprehension in terms of clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings. It was these attachments of mine that hindered people from listening to my truth-clarification.

Superficially, it was a problem with the thermos again, but in actuality, Teacher had given me another opportunity to save someone. So I was determined not to give up on her. I felt I should save the store owner. I decided to visit her again later that day.

I sent forth righteous thoughts as I asked Teacher to strengthen me and eliminate all the factors that prevent the worldly people from being saved. When I arrived at her store, she was alone and did not seem very busy. I said to her politely, “I am sorry I had to come again.” After we engaged in some small talk, I said, “See, you and I actually have a predestined relationship, because the thermos has made us meet three times. If it were not for the thermos, we might have remained strangers.

"I have a great message that I must tell you. As you can see, there are so many natural and man-made calamities occurring in the country. The CCP is corrupt from the top down and has stopped at no evil, causing widespread indignation and discontent. In order to avoid the disasters, we should quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations quickly. This is a way to keep you in peace without costing you a dime." The owner listened to me tentatively this time, and nodded her head from time to time. She said, "Yes, I would like to quit the Youth League that I joined. Here is a name card with my name on it."

I told her to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," which will bring blessings to her. As soon as I finished my truth-clarification, some customers came and the owner went to greet them. I took her name card and the thermos home, forgetting the matter of repair. However, when I used the thermos, it worked again just as if it had never been broken. It was really miraculous!

Middle School Principal Awakens

Over the past few days, as I was vending at a night market, a gentleman in his sixties approached me. I thought that he must have unknowingly come to listen to truth-clarification, so I greeted him first and called him “big brother.” He was happy and said in a foreign accent, “My first impression tells me you are nice, and you treat people quite well.” I asked him how old he was and about his profession. He said, “What do you think I do for living?” I said, “You are in your sixties, you are a cadre, and you look like an intellectual. You are also a party member.” The “big brother” said, “Wow, you got it all. I am a middle school principal of a county. I used to teach Chinese language, but I am retired now. I am supposed to receive over 6000 yuan per month, but I only receive a bit over 5000 now. The Communist Party is not doing the right thing!”

Upon hearing this, I immediately changed the topic to truth-clarification. Since he had taught Chinese language, I told him in detail about the content of a truth-clarification booklet called “The Lies That Have Deceived Four Generations of Chinese People.” I also talked about the “Tiananmen immolation” which framed Falun Gong, and about quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He listened to me tentatively and at the end, he said, “I have worked in education for several decades and told the children to be honest and not to lie, all the time. I have never doubted that I have taught lies that deceived people. What you talk about today, I have never heard before. I feel I have suddenly become enlightened! I am truly awakened! My last name is Li, so give me the alias “Awakening.” I am a party member, so please help me quit.”

I said, “Big brother, please also remember Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. Treating Falun Dafa and Falun Dafa disciples well will bring blessings to you.” He said, “You may give me some booklets to take home tomorrow. I want to ask my family members to look at them.”

The next day, I gave the big brother the truth-clarification materials I prepared for him. I am grateful for the true awakening and salvation of this life.

Over the past eight years since I obtained the Fa, I have had many more experiences that can be talked about!

Thank you Teacher for giving me the opportunity to save sentient beings. Thank you Teacher for your saving grace. Let's all be diligent and further advance our cultivation in the process of saving sentient beings. Heshi.