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Teacher Saved My Sister from Late Stage Cervical Cancer

September 23, 2013 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) It was the end of October 2012 when my younger sister called me and told me that my elder sister was suffering from cervical cancer and that the cancer cells had spread to her liver. My younger sister told me that she might pass away any time, and if I did not return home immediately, I might not be able to see her again.

When I heard this I felt pretty sad. Ordinary people cannot escape illness or death. I knelt before a portrait of Teacher, put my hands in the heshi position (a gesture of respect, with the palms together in front of the chest) and said, “My elder sister is in the last stage of cervical cancer. If she is willing to follow Teacher, please make an arrangement to save her life.”

I live in the northeastern part of China. My sisters and parents live in the southern part of China. It is not easy for me to see them.

That same evening, my brother called me six times. He said that the hospital personnel had refused to administer any more medication to my elder sister, because they did not know what else they could do for her. He also asked me whether I could do something in order to save our sister. I told him that I was just a practitioner and had no power to heal anyone. I said that only Teacher could help her, if she read the book Zhuan Falun and followed its teachings.

My sister stayed in the hospital only three days. Then, she went back home and began practicing Falun Gong with our mother, who had been practicing Falun Gong for some time.

My sister practiced Falun Gong diligently with my mother for one month. Gradually, she recovered some of her physical strength and was able to help with some housework. Many days later, she recovered completely, and could do everything she used to do.

Her husband wanted to make sure that she was really alright and asked her to have a physical checkup. A doctor checked her and said that she was perfectly healthy. Furthermore, he said that her heartbeat was like that of a young woman. My sister, who is in her fifties, and her husband were overjoyed. They often said, “Falun Gong is truly fantastic. What a big change in just over a month!” My sister also said that had this not happened to her, she would have never believed that practicing Falun Gong could cure such a serious illness.

During the past ten years of persecution, my brother and sisters were against my practicing Falun Gong. My brother had even tried to force me to quit. But since Teacher has given my sister a second life, my entire family are very grateful to Teacher. Today, my brother, sisters and sister-in-law all want to practice Falun Gong.

A few days back, I called my elder sister. She was very excited and kept on telling me how great Falun Gong is. She told me that her Celestial Eye was open and she saw many miraculous scenes, including a Buddha inside and outside of her house. When she sat in meditation, she saw “three flowers gathering above her head.” She said that she will definitely continue with the practice.

Currently, we have eight family members who are already practicing Falun Gong, and several more will soon start. I want to represent my entire family and thank Teacher for offering us salvation. We shall be diligent, do the three things well and keep up with the progress of Fa-rectification.

We are most grateful to Teacher!