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Following Closure of Shaanxi Women's Forced Labor Camp, Practitioner Sent to a Brainwashing Center

January 21, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shaanxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Following the closure of Shaanxi Women's Forced Labor Camp, the last Falun Gong practitioner detained there, Ms. Huang Xiaoqin, was released on October 26, 2013. She was then held in a brainwashing center until November 11. When she found out that her husband, Mr. Huang, could no longer walk, she was extremely sad.

Ever since the Chinese Communst Party (CCP) banned Falun Gong July 20, 1999, Shaanxi Women’s Forced Labor Camp has participated in torturing practitioners. The guards deprived practitioners of sleep, using fatigue to try to force them to comply. They also restricted bathroom breaks, suspended the practitioners in mid-air, put them in straitjackets, and tortured them using the death bed and electric batons.

After repeated beatings, electric shocks, suspension, injection of harmful substances, and poisoned food, Ms. Wei Xinrong from Mian County suffered from a chronic lung disease and passed away on the morning of December 1, 2012, at the age of 49.

The labor camp was an underground factory for counterfeit products. It supplied large quantities of counterfeit medicine and baby products to wholesale vendors.

Ms. Huang Xiaoqin, 60, a practitioner from Chenggu County, Hanzhong City, is retired from Liaoyuan Machinery Company. She suffered from Hepatitis-B, disc protrusion, frozen shoulder, spondylitis, and other painful diseases. After she had practiced Falun Gong for only three months in 2008, she was disease free. She told people her own story to show how good Falun Gong is.

Officers from the Domestic Security Division of Chenggu Police Department arrested her in 2009 and sentenced her to one year of forced labor. During her detention in the labor camp, her husband had a stroke and was rushed to the hospital.

In July 27, 2012, Ms. Huang was once again arrested and sent to a labor camp for 15 months. Prior to being sent to the labor camp, Ms. Huang was severely tortured for three months in Hantai Detention Center, under the supervision of officer Zhu Xiumei. She was forced to perform hard labor and subjected to extended sleep deprivation. The Hanzhong City Forced Labor Committee denied Ms. Huang’s appeal and sent her to Shaanxi Women’s Forced Labor Camp to complete her term.

Ms. Huang was the last practitioner to be released from Shaanxi Women’s Forced Labor Camp. On October 26, 2013, the day of her release, Yu Dingfeng, an officer with the Chenggu County Political and Legal Affairs Committee, ordered her former employer and her son to take her to Zaoshu Village Brainwashing Center.

Ms. Huang's husband was anticipating his son and future daughter in-law to pick her up for a family reunion. After he found out that his wife was not coming home, he was so disappointed the he suffered a stroke. Their son and his fiancée could not go back to work in Shanxi Province. They had to remain in the hospital to care for their father.

Ms. Huang is not the only the practitioner who suffered from ongoing persecution following the labor camp’s closure. Yu Dingfeng from the Chenggu 610 Office, along with others, continue to persecute other practitioners, including Li Jun and Gu Xiuying, both employed at Liaoyuan Machinery Company.

Earlier report: Mrs. Huang Xiaoqin Illegally Imprisoned In a Forced Labor Camp