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Tongliang County Brainwashing "Class" in Chongqing Closed

January 29, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Chongqing, China

(Minghui.org) A brainwashing facility billed as a “Law Enforcement Study Class” that was set up by the 610 Office and Tongliang County in Chongqing in September 2013 was closed on October 5.

The "study class" was used specifically to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and functioned as a “black jail.”

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) routinely holds practitioners in such places and subjects them to torturous brainwashing in an attempt to force them to give up their belief.

Mother and Daughter Held for 15 Days

Hoping to profit, people from the Tongliang County Political and Legal Affairs Committee and the 610 Office set up a “Law Enforcement Study Class” in September 2013.

Around September 20, they arrested a few religious believers and held them for two days. A mother and daughter, Ms. Li and Ms. Zhao, both Falun Gong practitioners, were illegally arrested on September 23, 2013, and held for 15 days. The "class" was then shut down.

Only a few days after the mother and daughter were released, people from the Shaoyun Township Judicial Department, Police Station, and Dongfang Community Management Committee harassed them and other practitioners who were blacklisted.