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I Became a Millionaire After Letting Go of the Attachment to Competitiveness and Money

October 24, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am from Chaoyang City in Liaoning Province. Before I started practicing Falun Dafa, I struggled to make ends meet by pedaling a flatbed tricycle and doing drudgery work. I also competed with others.

After I became a practitioner, I've learned to let go of the attachment to competition, and to put others first. I am at peace when I conduct myself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Before 2002, the officials in my village took away part of my land to use in their expansion of a road. I gave the rest of the arable land to my siblings. The officials promised to repay my loss with a good parcel of land in the future.

The village officials subdivided the land and distributed a parcel to each resident in 2002. Since the villagers relied on farming, everyone wanted a piece of fertile land that could guarantee harvest during the drought or flood season.

There was a corner lot full of weeds that no one wanted. Master said,

“Some people knew that he was a practitioner and asked him: 'As a practitioner, you don’t want anything. What do you want?' He responded, 'I’ll take whatever others don’t want.'” (Zhuan Falun)

When it was my turn to choose, I picked the corner lot. The village official gave me more land, a total of four acres, after he noticed that I had chosen the land no one wanted. Everyone, including my family, mentioned that I didn't mind being taken advantage of. My heart was unmoved by their words because I believed what Master said about doing good deeds.

What Goes Around, Comes Around

The officials in our village were planning to expropriate land from the residents, and were paying 300,000 yuan an acre. Although people thought I had lost out in 2002, I'm now gaining more in return. As long as I follow Master's teachings, I will not lose out on anything. I'm happy and at peace since I don't argue and compete with people. Practicing Falun Dafa is the best choice I have made. My entire family and I have benefited greatly from it.

Words cannot describe my gratitude towards Master. Thank you Master for your merciful salvation!