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Righteous Thoughts Accompany Me on the Divine Path

February 13, 2014 |   By Xuelian, a Dafa disciple in Heilongjiang Province, China

 (Minghui.org) I encountered many difficulties in my life, including many illnesses. One day, I suddenly had the urge to practice Falun Dafa. Through the practice, Master cleansed my body, and I have been healthy ever since.

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Dafa, I became homeless to avoid being illegally arrested. During this period, I built up my righteous thoughts, and Master protected me. Later, I helped to establish many truth-clarification material production sites.

Looking back at the past 14 years of my cultivation, it has been a tempering process. I have been able to walk to this day because of compassionate Master's protection. This is the most glorious thing in my life! Below is my experience.

Master Calls for My Return

Since I was young, I was frail, sick, unsociable and timid. I led a troubled life. The company that my husband and I worked at closed down, and there was no other place to earn an income. For the sake of earning a living, we did some business, but no matter what we did, we lost money. Finally, we became bankrupt.

Due to the psychological blows and pressures of life, I acquired all kinds of diseases, such as tuberculous pleurisy, hypertension, heart disease, and severe insomnia. Because of my pain and suffering, coupled with the plight of my family, I broke down completely. One day, I took a large dose of sleeping pills. My husband sent me to the hospital, and I thus escaped death.

Someone told me that practicing Falun Dafa may assist in gaining a healthy body. However, an up-and-down fate caused me to doubt the idea. I did not dare to believe that such a good thing would fall in my lap.

One morning in early 1999, I suddenly woke up around 2 a.m. I do not know why, but I felt anxious to start practicing Falun Dafa.

I borrowed a set of Master's audio lectures. I was a little stunned when I heard Master's sonorous and cordial voice. I thought: “This voice is so familiar. Where did I hear it before?”

I borrowed a copy of Zhuan Falun. At that time, I was ill. I had tachycardia, my body was weak, and I was shivering. The moment I held Zhuan Falun, I felt a cold wind in front of my chest, and there seemed to be something spinning. The uncomfortable feeling of a fast heartbeat was gone.

I felt a little sleepy. This had not happened in a long time because I had severe insomnia. I put down the book and laid down with my eyes closed. I felt a powerful airflow come over me and saw a small spinning fan. I thought it was a Falun. Just when I wanted to take a better look, it went into me, entering my forehead together with the airflow. Suddenly, I became energetic. My insomnia disappeared from then on.

Steadfast and Diligent

I was thrilled to have obtained Dafa. After I finished the housework, I studied the Fa; this was my first priority. My husband watched television at night, which interfered with my studying the Fa. Thus, I would sleep first, and after he went to bed, I got up to study the Fa.

One night, when I was concentrating on reading Zhuan Falun, I felt that although my eyes were looking at the book, each sentence seemed to be going directly into my heart. My heart was directly communicating with the Fa. That feeling was too wonderful for words. After practicing the meditation for a few days, I felt Falun spinning in my lower abdomen.

One night shortly after I obtained the Fa, I felt guanding (purifying and further cleaning up the body) for the first time: Suddenly I felt a warm current pass through my body.

It was just like Master said:

“Those with supernormal abilities or those who are sensitive may feel it during sleep or at another time, as a warm current will suddenly come down from the top of their heads to all over their bodies.” (Zhuan Falun)

I had so many illnesses. Thus, when I first started to practice, Master cleansed my body. I eliminated karma time after time, and some symptoms were removed gradually. I was not the least bit afraid, no matter how uncomfortable I felt. I knew that after eliminating the karma, a cultivator would no longer have any illness.

I persisted in studying the Fa and practicing the exercises, and under Master's compassionate care, I overcame the tests smoothly.

Once, I was eliminating karma for more than 20 days. I had a fever, was coughing, ached all over and could not get out of bed. My husband and child became anxious. They decided that if I did not get better, they would give me an injection and ask me to take medicine.

I said: “That will not do. Master is eliminating karma for me. I am able to feel it. Falun is spinning in the area that is painful and adjusting me. I have been enduring this suffering for all these days and will overcome the test soon. If I take the medicine and receive an injection, all this suffering will be in vain, and I will have to endure it again.”

At night, I dreamed that a doctor wrapped a few pills in yellow paper and asked me to eat it. I did not. The next day, I recovered.

In Dafa cultivation, my xinxing is elevating continuously, and my body has been cleansed. I have changed as a whole person.

Indissolvable Bond

On November 19, 2000, fellow practitioners and I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Dafa. We were arrested and detained by the wicked regime. During detention, I resisted the persecution by going on a hunger strike and was force-fed many times. I was seriously hurt, physically and mentally. The wicked people also extorted over 3,000 yuan from my family.

In the fall of 2002, the evil attempted to arrest me again. Under Master's ingenious arrangement and compassionate care, along with the help from my kind neighbors, I escaped safely. I went to my niece's home in another area and integrated into the one-body of practitioners there very quickly.

The local coordinator looked for me and told me that no one from my area had come to collect truth-clarification materials to distribute in my hometown. She wanted me to distribute them. I felt that this would make things a little difficult for me. However, I remembered that nothing is coincidental in cultivation. Since she had looked for me, there must be something that I needed to cultivate. Hence, I agreed.

After the coordinator left, my attachment of fear emerged because I had been forced to become homeless. The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became.

One night, my mind was filled with a scene of being arrested and tortured.

I asked Master to strengthen me. I continuously sent forth righteous thoughts and recited the Fa:

“A Great Enlightened One fears no hardship
Having forged an adamantine will
Free of attachment to living or dying
He walks the path of Fa-rectification
confident and poised”
(“Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions” in Hong Yin Vol. II)

The next morning, my xinxing still did not measure up. Hence, I continued to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts. Then I heard a voice: “I'll lead you!” I realized that it was Master and thought: “I will not be afraid with Master's protection!” I quickly went back to my hometown to obtain the truth-clarification materials.

When I reached the house of a practitioner who had these materials, her neighbor recognized me. As this neighbor loved to gossip, I became a little afraid that she might let the evil know of my whereabouts. The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became. I went to find the coordinator and said that I didn't want to deliver the materials anymore, explaining that it was inappropriate because many people in my hometown knew me.

When I returned, I studied the Fa and thought, “If it is Master who asked me to do this, regardless of how difficult it is, I must break through it.” At night, I dreamed that many materials became alive and were communicating with me, saying, “Indissolvable bond.” They were sad and would not let me leave them.

I cried, “Rest assured, I will definitely deliver you every week.” I felt that there was a special predestined relationship between me and the materials. This also increased my understanding of the solemn nature of the materials and the importance of cherishing them.

The journey back and forth took almost four hours. While traveling, I was always sending forth righteous thoughts and reciting the Fa. My mind was very pure, and the rows of trees on the roadside seemed to greet me happily. Regardless of the cold in winter, heat in summer, bad weather, huge snowfall or festivals, I never had one delay. I always delivered the materials on time.

Small Flowers Blossoming

My husband's young brother went to a southern area to do business. He asked us to stay in his new house because he was reluctant to rent it to an outsider. I was afraid that it was not safe to return. However, my husband insisted. I thought that nothing was coincidental, so maybe I should go back.

When I saw the spacious house and how the surrounding environment was very quiet with only a few households around, I understood the purpose of coming back. I pointed to a small bedroom and said to my husband, “This will be my 'studio.'”

Just after the New Year in 2006, practitioners delivered a computer and a printer to me. When the practitioner with technical expertise opened the Minghui website, I had tears of excitement upon seeing Master's photo. The practitioner demonstrated how to surf the Web, download and print.

My attachment of fear was very strong because this was the first time I would be working with a computer and a printer. My heart beat very quickly. I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to strengthen me.

After the paper in the printer got used up, I put more paper in. Suddenly, the machine stopped working. I became very anxious.

Master said:

“Dafa disciples’ cultivation is done among ordinary people, and this is something never done before in history. If you each travel well your respective paths there are bound to be difficulties, and going forward to meet those difficulties head-on is for the sake of validating Dafa, saving all beings, doing away with the old forces’ arrangements, and countering the persecution. The cultivation done in the past never had these things, and Dafa disciples are the pioneers. That is why in cultivation sometimes you will do well, and sometimes you won’t know what to do. When you encounter difficulties, sit down and study the Fa some more, and as long as you are righteous in thought and action, there will be no barrier that you can’t pass through.” (“A Reply to the Dafa Disciples of Peru” in The Essentials of Diligent Progress Vol. III)

I sat down with the practitioner and studied the Fa. After studying for a while, both of us sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to strengthen us. A black plastic bottle appeared in front of my eyes. I understood at once that the printer was out of toner. I added the toner, and the machine was back to normal.

During the initial stage of producing truth-clarification materials, it was very difficult and there was a lot of trouble. When I encountered difficult problems, I asked Master for help and pondered how to solve the problem. Unconsciously, I knew how to solve it. I did not know how, but I repaired the machine.

Master said:

“'The great Fa is boundless.' Cultivating it depends entirely on your heart.” (Zhuan Falun)

“... cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while transforming gong is done by one’s master.” (Zhuan Falun)

As long as I use my heart to do it, Master will provide a solution. Each time when I solved a difficult problem, I had tears of gratitude. Thank you, Master!

During that period, it was very busy. I had to produce the materials and coordinate other things. I had to ensure that I study the Fa, do the exercises and send forth righteous thoughts. I often skipped my meals and stayed up all night.

Later I thought: “I can't be busy alone. The whole body of practitioners must elevate. When everybody becomes mature, this is what Master wants.” Using the principle of “flowers blossoming everywhere” ("Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference"), I went to look for practitioners to interact with.

Under Master's compassionate care and other practitioners' joint efforts, a few small production sites blossomed one after another. Many human attachments, such as resentment, impatience and fear, were eliminated in the process.

I am grateful to Master! It is Master who awakened me from the haze and confusion and allowed me to find the path to return home. It is Master's compassionate care that has allowed me to be steadfast and diligent on the divine path.