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Mr. He Jianzhong Detained More Than a Year, His Grieving Father Dies

February 26, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Gansu Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. He Jianzhong, a Falun Gong practitioner in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province has been illegally detained for more than a year. His 90-year-old father was so worried and overwhelmed with grief that he passed away in November 2013. Before Mr. He's father died, he kept asking, “Why are good people who follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance being persecuted?”

Mr. He’s 80-year-old mother has had to endure the difficulties the police deliberately created and their indifference. She is looking forward to her son’s return home.

Mr. He Jianzhong, in his 50s, was detained at a brainwashing center in Gongjiawan after he was arrested by Chen Zhikai and other officers from the Chengguan District Domestic Security Team on October 28, 2012.

Mr. He was taken to the Qilihe Court and charged with “Breaking the law implementation” on March 26, 2013. In court Mr. He’s lawyer stated, “It’s legal for Chinese citizens to practice Falun Gong in China and to have Falun Gong related materials.” The lawyer requested Mr. He be released.

Mr. He’s case was returned to the Qilihe Procuratorate for lack of proof on September 22, 2013. The family went to the procuratorate to look for him and was told he had been taken to the Domestic Security Team.

The Domestic Security Team officers tried to force Mr. He’s mother to sign on their fake search warrant on October 10, 2013. His mother refused.

His mother said, “You didn’t show any document before when you searched and now you're trying to force me to sign on this warrant. You can write whatever you want on the list. This is fake!”

The case was sent to the City Intermediary Court at the end of November, and it is still there.

Previous reports:
Defense Attorney Demands Acquittal of Mr. He Jianzhong in Lanzhou City Court
Mr. He Jianzhong Arrested Again After Seven Years of Imprisonment
Owner of Painting and Calligraphy Store in Lanzhou Arrested, Store Contents Confiscated

Officers Involved:
Wang Zhao (王昭), Judge at Qilihe Court +86-931-2501176 (Office)
Jin Bokong (金柏孔): +86-931-2501173 (Office)
(For more contact information, please refer to the original Chinese article)