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Shanghai Police Fabricate Evidence Against Ms. Fan Limin and Threaten Lawyers Hired by Her Family

March 28, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shanghai, China

(Minghui.org) The domestic police division of Jing’an Police Department fabricated evidence against Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fan Limin and filed a case against her in Jing’an Court three months ago. Two teams of lawyers hired by her family were forced to quit because of pressure and she had to find other lawyers to defend her.

Ms. Fan Limin, 57, was arrested at home on the morning of August 26, 2013, and her home was ransacked. Without producing any documents and without following legal procedures, plainclothes officers Zhou Feng, Yin Guopeng, and Chen Jiaming arrested her and put her in the Jing’an District Detention Center.

The lawyer indicated that the police notes made from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on August 26, 2013 stated that they obtained “material evidence” from Ms. Fan Limin’s home. However, both the search warrant and the search notes were issued by the Jing’an Police Department at 12:05 p.m. on August 26. Article 136 of the Criminal Law Code states: “In conducting the search, the search warrant has to be issued and shown to the person being searched.”

The lawyer cited several articles of criminal code that the police had breached in fabricating evidence to lay false charges against Ms. Fan Limin.

"The officers from the Jing’an Domestic Security Division knowingly disregarded the law in persecuting Ms. Fan and are therefore guilty of fabricating evidence and abusing their power."

The lawyer also cited article 36 of the Constitution, granting citizens the right to freedom of belief, "so there are no legal grounds to detain, investigate, or place charges against Ms. Fan. Also, no legal statute or judicial opinion indicates that Falun Gong is a cult, or that it is a crime to believe in Falun Gong, or that it is a crime to inform people about Falun Gong, so there was no crime on her part."

Prior Arrests

Ms. Fan, who resides on Kangding Road in the Jing’an District, used to suffer from sciatica and high blood pressure. After taking up Falun Gong, she fully recovered. Following Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she is known for her kindness and willingness to help others.

Ms. Fan went to Beijing on Chinese New Year's Eve in 2000. On her way, she was arrested and then sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp. After returning home, she not only took over the heavy workload of her family business, but also had the responsibility of raising her children and supporting them through school.