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I Became a Falun Gong Practitioner While Imprisoned

March 05, 2014 |   Dictated by a practitioner and recorded by another practitioner

(Minghui.org) I was sentenced to prison just prior to 1999 for accidentally killing someone. It was a limited term of imprisonment for manslaughter. At that time, some guards were encouraging prisoners to practice Falun Gong to improve their minds and health. They gave prisoners Falun Gong books and a place to learn the exercises. Many guards and prisoners knew very well how beneficial practicing Falun Gong was, and witnessed the positive changes it brought to people.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, but some prisoners who learned it in prison refused to give up the practice, so officials transferred them to other prisons. At that time, large numbers of illegally arrested practitioners were sent to the prison I was in. One of the methods used by guards for “transforming” practitioners was ordering criminal inmates to monitor and torture them.

I was also assigned to watch practitioners at first. I was puzzled, and noticed that these practitioners were police officers, professors, doctors, and other mainstream people. One practitioner told me, "The universe is now in the process of Fa rectification. All beings are measured by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They will be eliminated if they don't meet the standard." I thought, if I'm not up to the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, where will I go even if I finish my sentence? I thus began practicing Falun Gong in 2003 while in prison.

Validating the Fa for the First Time in Prison

After studying Master's new lectures, which practitioners had copied down on small pieces of paper, I deeply felt that I wanted to seek justice for Dafa. Master gave me an opportunity in 2004. In prison, inmates are frequently required to write "thought reports" which slander Falun Gong. That time I wrote a report on what I knew about Falun Gong.

I wrote, "I started to learn about Falun Gong out of curiosity. Falun Gong teaches people not to do bad things. Falun Dafa practitioners are kind people."

I brought my report to the office and gave it to the two officers. They read it and said, "Looks like you want to practice too." I answered "Yes." They said there are many cultivation methods and I could choose a different one. I said, "I feel Falun Gong is good." They said, "Your children are waiting for you at home, and we were planning to reduce your sentence. If you practice Falun Gong then your sentence won't be reduced. Won't you regret your decision?" I answered without hesitation, "I won't regret practicing Falun Gong." The officers smiled at me and said, "You may leave." This was the first time I validated the Fa.

Several days later, prison guards started trying to "transform" me by using my family members. I firmly believed in Master and the Fa, and I kept telling them the truth about Falun Gong.

Miracles That Happened While Cultivating in Prison

During my cultivation in prison, many miracles happened. I would like to share two examples.

I began to eliminate sickness karma in 2005. I was so thin that I looked like a skeleton. My legs and feet hurt so much that I could not bear even touching the floor. It took me two hours to walk slowly, supported by the wall, to the bathroom, which was about ten meters away. Prison guards called my family and said I needed to go to the hospital. I knew that Master was cleansing my body. I firmly believed in the Fa, and I refused to take the medicine that the guards provided. After 67 days, I was cured. It was like a miracle. I was able to work in the workshop again. This incident shocked guards, officers, and prisoners. It validated the extraordinary power of the Fa in healing and fitness.

The bed next to mine in the prison cell was empty for a period of time. I thought it would be nice to have a youngster whom I could help. Several days later, a juvenile offender, who suffered from severe convulsions and skin disease, was sent to the prison.

The group leader asked me to take care of her since I had patience. I immediately helped her bathe. That night she had bad convulsions, and her screams rocked the entire building. Bloody bubbles foamed out of her mouth, and all the prisoners were scared. Whatever she did, I was never disgusted by her. I brought her with me to eat and work every day. She asked me many times what Falun Gong was and why the persecution was happening. She said, "I want to learn about Falun Gong."

I told her that Falun Gong teaches people to be good. She started reading Master's Hong Yin and some short lectures. Her convulsions then began occurring less frequently and were less severe. Whenever the guards tried to separate us, other prisoners would say, “Let them stay together. The youngster is getting better. Otherwise who'll take care of her when she has attacks?” Eventually the guards stopped bothering us.

One prisoner tried to take the youngster away to learn a religion. Another prisoner, who knew what the young prisoner was going through, brought her back. She said that only Falun Gong could help her. The guards and prisoners around me saw how extraordinary Dafa was, and with the help of other practitioners, most of the guards and inmates in my prison ward developed a positive opinion of Falun Gong and quit the CCP.

After I was released from prison, I continued cultivating and validating the Fa under Master's protection.

I wish to share my stories, to let more people know Master's mercy and that practitioners are saving people.

Please point out if anything I said is not in accordance with the Fa.