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Understanding the Concept of “Self”

April 01, 2014 |   By a practitioner from Beijing

(Minghui.org) A picture floated into my mind this morning as I was doing the Falun Gong exercises. I saw an image that looked the same as me. My expression was selfish and jealous. I felt that this was my “self.”

I had thought all along about “self.” However, I couldn't understand completely of the issue of “self” which other fellow practitioners mentioned in their experience sharing papers. I said that I had let go of self, but I couldn't I completely understand what “self” meant.

I suddenly understood what “self” meant when I saw my “self” this morning. I had a clear realization of its inner meaning. I wanted to share my enlightenment with my fellow practitioners.

Isn't Self and Selfishness the Same Thing As What We Refer to As “I?”

A person forms all kinds of notions, human attachments and karma in a lifetime. Those notions, attachments and karma would form a being. The image of the being is the same as the image of the person, but the thinking of the being is for the purpose of satisfying personal interests, fulfilling desires and obtaining benefits. So when we are controlled by the being, we become angry, jealous and hateful, show off and fight with others.

True Self Encased in a Shell

It's kind of like the true self is encased in a shell. When the main consciousness or spirit is not strong enough, these post-natal states control a person's thinking and actions, and gradually the true self is buried.

The true self or inborn nature is aligned with the characteristics of the universe, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Master has already rectified the parts of practitioners that have deviated from their inborn natures, Dafa and the universe. So when we return to our true selves, we are completely aligned with the standards of the new universe.

The true meaning of letting go of self is to completely get rid of that outer shell that is composed of selfishness, desires and karma. So when we return to our true selves, our every thought is guided by the true self.

I was immediately able to recognize human attachments after enlightening to this. I told myself that this was the fake me or that it was not the real me that was causing trouble. I also found it easier than before to get rid of this bad substance.