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Changchun City Court Held Illegal Trial against Ms. Zhang Yanmei

June 16, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jilin Province

(Minghui.org) The trial of Ms. Zhang Yanmei, a Falun Gong practitioner who is being held at Xinkang Prison, was held at the Erdao District Court in Changchun City on May 22, 2014. Without notifying her attorney, the trial took place in the early morning. Ms. Zhang was taken away in an ambulance by 7:40 a.m.

Several police cars and an ambulance were parked outside the Erdao District Court, and four policemen stood guard outside the courtroom. In the courtroom during the trial, there were over 20 people from the Procuratorate, Political and Legal Affairs Committee, Erdao Police Department, and other district courts.

Ms. Zhang’s family arrived at the Erdao District Court around 7:00 a.m., but were not allowed to enter the courtroom. Instead, they were taken to a meeting room and threatened. After the trial, Ms. Zhang’s family looked for Judge Zhao Junfeng, but he avoided any contact with them.

Ms. Zhang, a Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun, was illegally arrested by the Domestic Security Division police on January 13, 2014. Neither the police nor the prosecutors handling the case could give a valid legal explanation of what Ms. Zhang was guilty of when her family questioned her arrest. However, she was charged with breaking the law and her collection of Falun Gong books, informational materials, and photos taken before 1999 were used as “evidence.”

Ms. Zhang has been detained for more than three months, interrogated, and tortured. She was handcuffed to an iron chair, and her mouth was bloody from being beaten.

When she was taken to the Changchun No. 3 Detention Center, Ms. Zhang was diagnosed with heart disease and tuberculosis. Detention center officials twice refused to admit her. However, the Changchun Domestic Security Division still managed to send Ms. Zhang to Xinkang Prison.

Earlier report:Changchun City CCP Authorities Attempt to Cover Up Their Illegal Actions and Continue Persecuting Ms. Zhang Yanmei