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Lesson Learned from Not Treasuring an Opportunity

March 4, 2021 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioners in China

(Minghui.org) My husband’s classmate, Ding, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, and the cancer also spread to his lungs. He was bedridden, looked very sickly, and was unable to speak or eat. Ding was also unable to sleep, and was near death.

I told Ding that by sincerely reciting “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” he would recover. In believing my words, he started to recite it. Gradually, he felt better, and said that Falun Dafa was indeed good.

I gave Ding the Falun Dafa book Zhuan Falun, and a device that contained Master’s Guangzhou lectures and music for the five exercises. It also had stories about how people recovered from terminal illnesses. In addition, I also taught him how to practice the five exercises. When he returned to the hospital for a check up two months later, he was told that his cancer had disappeared. It was truly a miracle and everyone was very happy.

Ding started to feel very sick four months later and was admitted to the hospital. He passed away the very next day. Why did this happen?

I asked his wife if Ding had continued practicing the exercises and study the Fa. His wife said that ever since he recovered, he started watching television dramas continuously, ignoring what others would say to him.

In the days to come I happened to come across Yang, who was an old classmate of Ding. Yang had once asked Ding how he recovered from his terminal illness and if it was because he practiced Falun Dafa. Ding denied that Dafa saved his life, and claimed that it was due to taking imported medications.

I was quite upset that I did not clarify the truth to Ding. It was Master’s boundless compassionate that healed his terminal illness. Master was compassionate, dissolved his debts and karma, and saved him from a life threatening illness when Ding simply recited “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He was unappreciative and disregarded that Master has saved him. Upon seeing this, his debt collectors from other dimensions were bold enough to interfere and take his life.

The Buddha Fa is able to save sentient beings, but it should be treated with dignity and solemnity. Only when people distinguish between the good and the bad and truly believe in the divine, can they really be saved!

Being an atheist is truly harmful! How can one stay so deluded and lose a precious life, when miracles were revealed? This is truly sad!