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Learning Falun Dafa in Chinese Class at Two Italian High Schools

May 23, 2021 |   By an Italian Falun Gong practitioner

(Minghui.org) Perito Levi High School in Eboli is a comprehensive high school in the province of Salerno in southern Italy. Its curriculum includes science, liberal arts, fine arts, and singing.

In May 2021, every Chinese class was allotted nearly eight hours of class time on the topic of Falun Dafa. The students were able to see an informational film and explore the ancient self-improvement discipline as well as the persecution of Falun Dafa by the Chinese communist regime.

Students watching a film introducing Falun Dafa's teachings

Students watching the Falun Dafa exercise instruction video

Carlo High School, another school in the province of Salerno, is a key high school in the local area. Many students there are learning Chinese. After watching videos introducing Falun Dafa, the students were eager to learn the five Falun Dafa exercises.

Carlo High School students learning the Falun Dafa meditation

There are questions on Chinese culture and politics, such as the persecution of Falun Dafa and the Cultural Revolution, on the national high school graduation exam in Italy. Some teachers recommended the book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to the students to help them gain a deeper understanding of the evilness and bloody history of the totalitarian Chinese regime.

On May 13, 2021, the 22nd World Falun Dafa Day, the students extended their best wishes to the practice and its founder. They thanked Falun Dafa’s founder for teaching the virtuous practice, which so many people have benefited from.

Students extend their sincere greetings and best wishes for World Falun Dafa Day