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Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Brings Hope: Falun Dafa Supporters Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 22, 2021

(Minghui.org) On the special occasion of the 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival, practitioners and supporters of Falun Dafa are sending their best wishes for a happy holiday to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice.

The family of a practitioner in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province, said, “Although we don’t practice Dafa ourselves, we witnessed the changes in our family member after she took up the discipline. For all these years, we’ve supported her and tried our best to help her raise awareness about the persecution. We know that Master Li has been looking after us and blessing us as well.”

The manager of a supermarket in Jingzhou County, Hunan Province, said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are the universal values. For people who are lost in this degenerate world, they bring hope. The Chinese Communist Party virus has let us see even more clearly the evil nature of the Party. I hope every Chinese will reject the evil Party, understand the facts about Falun Dafa, and be protected from the virus.”

A villager in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, said, “Our entire family know that Falun Dafa is very good. We never believed the propaganda put out by the communist regime to slander Dafa. We know that the regime wouldn’t do anything good for the people, that it just deceives and suppresses us. I was talking to a Falun Dafa practitioner one day when someone said the police were coming to arrest him. I took the practitioner home with me and protected her.”

Another person in Beijing wrote, “To make a living, I’ve travelled to many places and always ended up being deceived and bullied. A few years ago, I was doing business in Inner Mongolia and was again ill-treated and taken to a forced labor camp. There, I was shocked to see how brutally the guards tortured the practitioners, who remained firm in their faith. Practitioners in their 50’s and 60’s who shouted ‘Falun Dafa is good’ were stripped naked, hung up, and beaten. But none of them gave in. I felt so sad for them. But at the same time, I really admired the inner strength they derived from their faith.

“Now the god of plague has come and I believe it has come to target the communist regime. I hope that all the police officers who assist the regime in carrying out the persecution will stop. If they don’t repent, there will have no way out, because sooner or later, justice will be served.”

Other greetings came from supporters in the following regions:

A government official in BeijingA police officer in Kunming City, Yunnan ProvinceA media employee in BeijingA family of nine in BeijingOver 80 residents of the Zhongyuan Oil FieldTwo siblings, who are 80 and 83, in Santai County, Sichuan ProvinceThirty-two residents of Quzhou County, Hebei Province

as well as:

BeijingTianjinShanghaiJiamusi City, Fujin City, Qitaihe City, Heihe City, and Qiqihar, Heilongjiang ProvinceGaobeidian City, Handan City, Shijiazhuang City, and Cangzhou City, Hebei ProvinceKunming City, Yunnan ProvinceXiangtan City, Hunan ProvincePingdu City, Dezhou City, and Jinan City, Shandong ProvincePanzhihua City, Chengdu City, and Shifang City, Sichuan ProvinceXuchang City, Henan ProvinceWuhan City, Hubei ProvinceShenyang City and Anshan City, Liaoning ProvinceShuozhou City, Shanxi ProvinceShanwei City, Guangdong ProvinceYanji City and Changchun City, Jilin Province