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I Witnessed Dafa’s Miracles After Letting Go of Human Notions

Jan. 28, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I would like to share two miraculous experiences I had during the process of assisting Master in Fa-rectification over the years.

Breaking Through the Internet Blockade

Due to the persecution of Falun Dafa that started in July 1999, and the complete Internet blockade in China, practitioners in our area no longer had a reliable way to access new Fa teachings. This was in the second half of 2000. It was also when fake Fa teachings were created and being spread all over. Looking at the situation and seeing those practitioners who were driven by the fake Fa teachings, I felt really sad. I was determined to find a way to break through the Internet blockade, so we could connect with the overseas Dafa websites and obtain the real Fa teachings from the proper sources.

At that time, I didn’t know anything about computer networks. So I went and bought a computer and a modem, and connected them per the instructions. The computer showed that everything was properly connected, but I didn’t know how to get online. So I went to an Internet cafe and asked the person there to teach me. Soon I was able to use the IE browser to surf the Internet at home. However, I still could not get onto Minghui.org. I tried entering a link to the website that was previously given to me by fellow practitioners. But after I entered the link, it took me to a fake website with articles attacking Dafa. I thought I must find a way to break through the Internet blockade and get on the real Minghui website.

At first, I tried every random thing I could think of. I had only one thought, “I must get on Minghui!” Later, I saw some websites that talked about proxy servers. I didn’t know if it would be useful, but I downloaded a text file with a number of URLs of proxy servers. One of the URLs was labeled at the end: “Copy this URL to the address bar to get on Minghui.org.” I tried it and indeed got on Minghui! I cried immediately. I knew Master had helped me. This result was beyond my imagination. I checked my watch, and saw that the whole process took less than two hours. This issue that had been troubling us for so long was solved just like that!

What I learned from this was that regular people must learn some skills to know how to do this, but Dafa practitioners don’t necessarily follow the same process. Master just looks at our hearts. As long as our hearts are righteous, things can be achieved. This is the biggest difference between how cultivators and regular people do things.

Since then, I naturally became the local technical resource for practitioners. Later on, while building up various truth clarification projects, we tried not to think too much about our ages, education degrees, or backgrounds. As long as we felt it would be beneficial to validate the Fa and save sentient beings, we would do it. Miracles often occurred in the process.

Creating an Operating System Ourselves

In 2014, the Windows XP operating system that we used for many years was about to expire, but we didn’t have a new secured system ready for use. In the past, the operating systems we used were downloaded from Tiandixing Forum. However, at this time, Tiandixing had not yet released anything. Only one month remained before the XP system expired, and we thought Tiandixing might not release a new system for us this time. So we had to build a system ourselves. This area of technology was completely unfamiliar to us, so we asked our coordinator to find out where we could learn about building systems.

Soon the coordinator sent me an address, and I quickly got in contact with a fellow practitioner in another area who agreed to meet in three days. The fellow practitioner sent me a message that said we would all be working together and suggested that I be responsible for making the system menu.

I had zero ideas of how that was done. I had never even heard of a system menu, let alone how to create one. Besides, I didn’t have the tools or software to do it. But I thought more about it, “Since that fellow practitioner asked me to do it, he must have his reasons. Time is so tight. We shouldn’t rely on other practitioners for everything, without contributing at all.” So I told myself that I needed to give it a shot. I searched the Internet for how to do it, and soon found relevant software and simple tutorials. I barely learned how to use the software before leaving for the meeting.

We were meeting for only two days and time was very tight. We cooperated and divided up the work: some were responsible for the system packaging, some were responsible for writing the system disk usage tutorial, and I was responsible for writing the boot menu of the system disk. After I returned home, time was also very tight. There were hundreds of local computers that required the system replacement. Doing all of them by myself would not meet the deadline. So I spent another two days training several fellow practitioners on how to install the system. For those who wanted to help, there was no requirement for prior knowledge. As a result, those practitioners with zero IT background not only beautifully completed the work but also matured in the process and became part of the local technical team. Since then, they have been responsible for much of the computer maintenance and repair work in their regions.

I didn’t have time to really think about this experience until after everything was completed. I felt that this achievement was really incredible. The whole process could only be described by the word “miraculous.” It was just like Master said in “The Master-Disciple Bond” (Hong Yin II):

“…When disciples have ample righteous thoughtsMaster has the power to turn back the tide”

Through these two miraculous experiences, I realized that the greatest obstacles we encounter in our cultivation are the various concepts and notions that we formed in ordinary society over the years. It is these human notions that hinder our cultivation and our achieving of things. They also hinder miracles from occurring. It is our human mentalities that make it difficult for us to strive forward in cultivation. Only by eliminating these stubborn human notions, can the miracles of Dafa manifest in the world!

These understandings are based on my limited level. If anything is inappropriate, please kindly point it out.