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Overcome Fear in the Final Leg of Our Cultivation Journey

Oct. 21, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) A large number of police officers were recently dispatched to harass local Falun Gong practitioners in our homes. Since then, very few practitioners have dared to step forward to clarify the truth face-to-face on the street. Many said they needed to adjust their cultivation state first and stay home to study the Fa and do the exercises for the time being.

In addition to the harassment, the Internet blockade also significantly tightened up recently and many practitioners, myself included, have had a hard time submitting sharing articles to Minghui.org.

I sought help from a fellow practitioner to send an article out, but she shared that it was time for us to break through the situation ourselves. We shouldn’t just wait for overseas practitioners to update the anti-censorship software but should use our own righteous thoughts to solve the issue.

We discussed the current situation. We talked about recent group arrests and harassment, which has caused great fear among fellow practitioners, who didn’t dare to leave their homes or even come to Fa study group. She also heard that there would be another round of persecution targeting Falun Gong practitioners. I shared that it’s not something for us to worry about and what we need to do is to follow the path arranged by Master and do the three things well. If we stay at home due to fear, then we probably would never reach consummation.

Master said,

“And any attachment of fear is itself a barrier that prevents you from achieving Consummation, and is also a factor in your being “reformed” over to the evil side and in your betrayal.” (“Dafa Is Indestructible,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

Cultivation is to get rid of our human minds and attachments. We have gone through so many ups and downs in the past two decades, and how can we stumble over the harassment now, when everything is already in its final stage.

We cultivate towards divinity. How could we be afraid of the specter of the Chinese Communist Party? It should be afraid of us. Fellow cultivators, we should all listen to Master. We are in the safest position only when we fully align ourselves with the Fa and do things following Master’s teachings. Let’s get rid of our fear and become true enlightened beings!

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)