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Saving Sentient Beings Is My Greatest Joy

Oct. 23, 2022 |   By Yu Xin, a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a 56-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner who started practicing in 1995. Following Master’s instructions, I have seized the opportunity to clarify the facts about the persecution and save sentient beings. Today I would like to share with you a few stories, where people who believed in the goodness of Dafa obtained blessings.

Protective Power of Falun Dafa

In the spring of 2005, I was overseeing three migrant workers as they worked on an electric cable trench at a construction site. Ling was drilling, while An and Min took turns working on smashing a large stone in the trench with a sledgehammer.

The day before, I had clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to An and helped him quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I also gave him a truth-clarification booklet and an amulet. After returning to their accommodations, An told Ling what he had learned and received from me. The next morning, Ling looked for me at the construction site and asked for an amulet. I happily gave him the amulet and he quit the CCP after I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa.

An and Ling were working together that morning, breaking up a large rock with a sledgehammer. Ling’s hand was accidentally hit by the sledgehammer and he stopped working immediately. I quickly told him to recite “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” The sledgehammer had smashed into the base of his left index finger, leaving a wound as big as a thumbnail. A large piece of skin had also been torn off the base of his left little finger. An asked, “Don’t you have the protective amulet? It will be fine!” Ling immediately rallied, “Yes! I have protection from Dafa. Everything will be fine! Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” He then shook his injured hand and moved his fingers. “It doesn’t hurt! Like it was never hit!” An was so excited, he picked up the sledgehammer and hit the stone shouting, “Falun Dafa is great!” With his next hit, he shouted, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is great!” His shouts echoed for a long time at the construction site.

The large rock they had been working on also miraculously began cracking after a few hits. This same rock had been hammered and drilled for an entire afternoon the day before, with only minor surface changes.

I gave Ling a lighter work assignment following his injury. After lunch, he told the other migrant workers about the miracle he had just experienced. Afterwards, a dozen workers gathered around me, asking for protective amulets as well. I seized this opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and help them to quit the CCP.

From then on, whenever they encountered difficulties, these migrant workers would recite “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Suffering Misfortune after Praising the CCP

In 2006 at another construction site, I clarified the truth to a migrant worker named Bo, who subsequently quit the CCP. Three days later, while carrying a large electric drill to the construction site, he started praising the CCP. “Look how powerful the Party is,” he said. “They gained victory over the Koreans without firing a single shot.” He continued his praises, ignoring my attempts to stop him.

At the construction site, six migrant workers paired up in groups of two, digging holes and wielding pickaxes. Suddenly Bo started shouting in a pained voice, “It hit me in the eye!” He immediately covered his eye with a wad of toilet paper. The metal pickaxe had hit a rock, and the rebounding stone chips had struck him.

Unable to tell how badly he had been injured, I walked over and said, “Quickly, recite ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” Bo cried out, “It won’t work, my eyes are already blinded!” I reminded Bo that I had advised him not to praise the CCP as I provided him with a blindfold to cover his eye.

Bo asked me if there was a hospital nearby. I replied, “In this remote area, with no villages or shops nearby, where can we find a hospital for you? Sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and there will be no problem!”

I asked Bo to remove the wad of toilet paper and saw that the stone had hit his eye socket. Blood had soaked through the first few layers of toilet paper but had not penetrated the pad completely. I told him, “If you hadn’t quit the CCP earlier, your eye might really have been seriously injured.” I let him rest under a nearby bridge and reminded him to sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Ten minutes later, I went to see Bo, who still had his eye covered. “Did you recite the auspicious phrases I gave you? It doesn’t hurt anymore, right?” He agreed that his eye no longer hurt. I asked him to remove the toilet paper and examined his eye closely. Only a wound the size of a small fingernail was left, visible only upon close inspection. I told him, “Everything looks fine, and the wound no longer hurts. You can return to work now. Even one missing person can affect our work progress.” Bo agreed and finished his assigned job smoothly without further pain.

Afterwards, I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to five other migrant workers present at that same site. One worker is a devout Christian, who had not been able to accept the truth when I tried talking to him three days earlier. This incident, however, convinced him that Falun Dafa has miraculous powers. He changed his mind and voluntarily quit the CCP.

Incredible Healing Experiences After Reciting Auspicious Phrases

One day in 2007, I was at a second-class station’s construction site when I overheard a staff member telling the duty officer about his stomachache. He had visited the toilet at noon and passed black-colored feces. I walked over and quietly told him about a terminal cancer patient who recovered after reciting, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I also handed him a truth-clarification flyer. He asked me, “Is it really that effective?” I assured him, “It really works! Silently recite the auspicious phrases now and you will see!”

He read the flyer, then headed to a corner of the operation room and silently recited “Falun Dafa is good” for around 20 minutes. Afterwards, he told the duty officer, “My stomach feels better, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” When I walked over, he gestured at his stomach and said to me, “While I was reciting, I felt something of considerable size dislodge itself from my stomach. Now I feel very comfortable. This is amazing! Thank you!”

In the past, he had worn a contemptuous and dismissive look whenever he overheard me clarifying the truth to others. Having received healing from Falun Dafa, he became willing to accept the truth behind the persecution and agreed to quit the CCP. A few days later, he told me the black feces had been caused by bleeding from the lining of his stomach.

Later, he told the on-duty site supervisor about his recovery. When the site supervisor ran into me, he asked, “You can heal illnesses? One of my staff told me you cured his gastric bleeding.” I explained that Falun Dafa does not exist solely to cure diseases, but those suffering from illness can sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” to achieve a better state of health. I also clarified the truth to the site supervisor and convinced him to quit the CCP. Soon after, this site supervisor found that his broken wrist was completely healed!

Elderly Man Saved by Dafa After a Fall

In early April 2019, I was riding my electric bike to visit my brother, when I saw a man who appeared to be in his eighties lying on a cane in a flower bed with his legs drooping over the edge of the flower bed. Apparently he had fallen into the flower bed, which was about 18 inches tall. I stopped my bike and quickly walked up to him and inquired if he was alright. The elderly man remained quiet. I guessed he may have had a cerebrovascular disease that robbed him of speech. However, his eyes showed that he clearly understood my words.

At this moment, a female pharmacy attendant and a woman who had returned from the market happened to walk by. Working together, the three of us began to help the elderly man out of the flower bed. I stepped into the flower bed with my left foot, and used my left leg to support the elderly man’s back. I kept my right foot on the ground to brace myself, as the three of us got him out of the flower bed.

Then I said in the elderly man’s ear, “Mister, recite ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ It will save your life!” The three of us started searching the elderly man for identification documents or a cell phone. Eventually, I found a medical insurance card and a phone number in his pocket.

The two women called the number and managed to contact the elderly man’s friend. The friend quickly agreed to contact the man’s daughter. We waited for a long time, but nobody came. The women then proceeded to call for the police and an ambulance.

More onlookers began to gather. One man walked over and told me, “He has been drooling for so long. He’s already beyond help!” I leaned over and saw the elderly man’s head rolling listlessly. I could only see the whites of his eyes and a copious amount of drool from his mouth. I immediately shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I refused to give up and kept shouting.

After a while, I felt my hand being grasped by the elderly man. When I looked over, he had raised his head and his eyes were looking at me. I quietly told him, “Mister, you woke up! Falun Dafa’s Master saved your life! Are you a party member? If so, quit the CCP. Only Dafa can save your life now!”

At this point, the ambulance and police arrived at the scene. When the paramedics tried to lift the man onto a stretcher, he refused to let go and continued to hold my hand tightly. The paramedic could only say, “You must let go! Otherwise, how can we move you?” I broke the elderly man’s grip while the paramedic gave me a thumbs up stating, “You are amazing. Nobody else would have cared.” A bystander pointed at me and said, “Without him, this old man would have been a goner!”

Soon after, the elderly man’s daughter arrived. The onlookers told her I had been instrumental in supporting her father, and if not for me, her father would have died. She gratefully bowed and thanked me over and over.

Before leaving, I told two of the onlookers that the elderly man had escaped danger because he had silently recited “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I also clarified the truth about Falun Dafa and persuaded them to quit the CCP.

Three days later, I paid another visit to my brother’s home. I also wanted to check on the elderly man. I asked one of my brother’s neighbors to take me to the man’s house. However, nobody was in. The neighbor told me that the elderly man had not been sent to the hospital. A few minutes after being carried into the ambulance, he recovered sufficiently to be taken home by his daughter and was likely staying with her.

The above are some real situations I encountered while clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa. My most joyful experiences come from clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings! Of course, practitioners must first cultivate themselves well in order to save the people of the world.