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Blessings from Reciting Falun Dafa’s Auspicious Phrases

Nov. 13, 2022 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) Many people who support Falun Dafa and sincerely recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” have received blessings from Dafa. Below are two stories submitted by two different people.

Fate Changed in Seven Days

Many of my daughter-in-law’s relatives, including her grandmother, mother, and uncle, all died prematurely. She believed their deaths were all due to some genetic disorder. Her health was not good even when she was young. She had neck surgery and still had back pain. She retired early due to her health. When she reached 53 this year, her worry and concern weighed on her, because her mother had passed away at that age.

During a routine physical exam, her doctor discovered that her kidneys were failing. Because of her age, he wanted to do a biopsy and begin treating her. He also warned her that kidney disease was tough to treat.

Since I practice Falun Dafa and my son also supports Dafa, he told her to sincerely recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and said this would help her. She began reciting them whenever she had the time. I also asked my son to do the same.

A week later, she went to a specialty clinic in a provincial hospital. The doctor there ordered three lab tests and the results all turned out to be normal! The expert told her, “You don’t have a problem. There is no need to follow up.”

A severe health problem disappeared seven days after reciting the auspicious phrases! Our gratitude toward Dafa and Master is beyond words!

Infertile Woman Becomes Pregnant

I live in the southern part of Henan Province. My mother-in-law has been practicing Falun Dafa for over a decade. She has been harassed, arrested, and incarcerated for her belief. I support Falun Dafa practitioners and I despise how the communist regime treats those good people.

I got married in 2020 and struggled to conceive. I went to the hospital for an evaluation, and they found a 20 by 20 mm (less than an inch by less than an inch) ovarian cyst. I was on medication for almost two years, but my condition got worse instead of better and I was still not pregnant.

On July 14, 2022, I went back for a re-check. The results devastated me––the cyst in my ovaries had grown to 55 by 39 mm (2 by 2 ½ inches) and there were still no follicles in my ovaries. It would be impossible to get pregnant in that condition.

My mother-in-law consulted a senior doctor of Chinese medicine and then told me that I had three choices: first, take medicine (I did that for two years without any improvement); second, have surgery (which risked damaging my ovary and leaving me permanently infertile); third, believe in Dafa and Master and sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

My husband and I discussed the options and decided on the third. We sincerely recited the auspicious phrases daily. Two months later, I went back for another checkup. The 55 by 39 mm cyst was gone! The doctor was dumbfounded. Not only was the cyst gone, but I also had follicles in my ovaries!

I am pregnant now. All my family members are wild with joy. My gratitude toward Dafa and Master is beyond words!