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Encountered Tribulation Due to a Lack of Fa Study

Nov. 2, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shanghai, China

(Minghui.org) I experienced sudden abdominal pain and low back pain a month ago. The symptoms persisted, and I could not find any position to let go of the pain. In the meantime, I started vomiting, which lasted for three to four hours. And my head was hurting too.

My family members worried that I could have acute appendicitis or pancreatitis. They suggested that I see a doctor at a hospital. I told them not to worry as I would be better soon because I believed that I was suffering from sickness karma.

I knew from the bottom of my heart, that the tribulation was due to a lack of Fa study and lustful desires. I often browsed ordinary people’s websites involuntarily. The problems were serious, and I had let bad things take advantage of me.

“I am a Falun Dafa practitioner,” I told myself. “Those bad things are not me. I must walk on the path of Dafa cultivation, and let go of those bad substances.” Tossing and turning in bed from the pain, I forced myself to start reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” over and over again. I fell asleep while reciting. When I woke up, I was no longer in pain.

I had come to realize the power of the Fa. When we dissolve in the Fa, we become as big as cosmic celestial bodies, and those bad beings are nothing. But, cultivation is serious. Once we relax and deviate from the Fa, we will be swayed by the messy beings in other dimensions. The lesson was learned.

It didn’t take long for me to forget the lesson I learned though. I became lazy again. A week ago, I started watching a television (TV) series and couldn’t stop myself. After watching it for two consecutive nights, the abdominal pains came back on the third day. The symptoms were the same as the last time, but they lasted longer because my mind wasn’t clear or righteous. I endured them, rather than eliminating them. The pain stopped a little but returned with more severe symptoms.

I was a little scared and flustered. I couldn’t bear it anymore. I gritted my teeth and recited aloud: “Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” After reciting the two auspicious phrases the pain gradually reduced.

I began looking inward and found out it was another ordeal caused by laziness. I stood up and recited Master’s poem “Clear Harmony” from Hong Yin and then read Zhuan Falun again. The Dafa principles touched my heart. I also had my son read Master’s other lectures to me. Slowly, the pain subsided little by little, I could fall asleep peacefully, and when I woke up the next day, all the pain was gone.

Having had two ordeals in a row, I awoke to the fact that cultivation is a serious matter. Fa-rectification could end at any time. Now every minute is precious, and the chance is fleeting. We have been following Master on the Fa-rectification path for over 20 years of ups and downs, and have come through such difficult years, so we must cherish it and keep working hard.

I feel that I did not do well with many things over the years. I let Master down and did not live up to the expectations of all my sentient beings. I hope that I will do what Dafa disciples should do from this moment on.