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Master Helped Me Save Lives and Dissolved Difficulties for Me

Nov. 26, 2022 |   By Dafa practitioner Guizhen, in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am 74 years old. I started cultivating Dafa after hearing my relatives say Falun Dafa teaches people to be good, and it heals illness and improves fitness, in late 1997. 

I suffered from constipation, internal hemorrhoids, and eye fatigue for many years, and stubborn oral ulcers since I was a teen. Shortly after I started cultivation, all my illnesses disappeared.

Setting up a Local Materials Production Site

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tried desperately to destroy material production sites set up by practitioners in 2004. These material sites were set up to produce Falun Dafa informational materials. Master wanted material sites to spring up like flowers blossoming everywhere. I felt every Falun Dafa practitioner should assume this responsibility, and our local practitioners should have our own materials site. Within three days after I had the thought, some practitioners came to help me set up a production site.

At first, I worked with practitioner Cai. Her husband supported her cultivation, and her home environment was good. Thus, we set up the equipment in her home and produced materials. However, within two months, she asked to move the equipment out of her home. She said her husband did not cultivate and was afraid. I started to worry. My family has seven people living at home, and my husband opposed my cultivating. My home did not have the environment to be a material production site. I did not know what to do.

When I was frustrated, Master gave me a hint – a thought crossed my mind about my second daughter’s home. She and her husband lived in an apartment, and nobody was home when they were at work during the day. Her husband is also a practitioner and was supportive of the idea. I thanked Master for the arrangement. Since then, I took on the task of making the materials at my daughter’s home.

I grew up in the countryside and did not have much education. I did not even know the alphabet, and I had never touched a computer or related equipment. Some practitioners only taught me how to make copies and load an ink cartridge. During that time, it was difficult to get in touch with practitioners who had computer skills. When the equipment had problems, I could only wait for my son-in-law to come back home to help.

Over time, I learned some skills, such as simple equipment repairs, surfing the Internet, and downloading and printing various informational Falun Dafa materials. I also handled buying consumables and equipment. When the equipment had problems beyond my repair capabilities, I took the equipment to a repair shop. I also learned to copy MP3 files for other practitioners, to make amulets and desk calendars, and to copy CDs. I also helped to upload the lists of names of people who quit the CCP. I did everything I could and continue to do so.

In those several years, I went to my daughter’s apartment by myself to make the materials. I did so to protect the materials site. The practitioners’ sharing on the Minghui website helped me a lot. Every day on the way to my daughter’s place, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. 

I recited Master’s poem:

“Should you have fear,it will seize upon youIf thoughts are righteous,evil will collapse”(“What’s to Fear?” Hong Yin II

It would take me half an hour to ride my bicycle from home to my daughter’s place. I went there three or four times a week, regardless of the weather. I delivered the materials to fellow practitioners every Monday. One day it snowed heavily, and buses, taxis, and many businesses stopped running, I rode my bicycle as usual to deliver the materials. The trip took me more than one hour, and I delivered the materials to other practitioners smoothly. I was 58 years old that year.

Master Helped Me Travel Through Different Dimensions So I Wouldn’t Be Late

By the spring of 2007, I had not yet learned how to download the needed materials from the website. Instead, I went to a practitioner’s home every week to get the materials she downloaded, and then I printed quantities of them. One morning, I went to the practitioner’s home, and after talking with her, I left in a hurry. When I got ready to make the copies, I found that I did not bring the materials with me when I left the practitioner’s home, so I hurried back to get them. 

After I finished printing the materials, it was 5 minutes to 11:00 a.m. I hurried home to cook and thought, “I am late cooking lunch for my husband today. He will criticize me.” On my way back, I also delivered materials to a practitioner’s home, and it also took extra time. When I got home, it was only 11:05 a.m. I still had plenty of time to cook. I was puzzled, “The trip usually takes me more than 30 minutes. It took less than 10 minutes today.”

I kept pondering while cooking. Then, I realized that Master helped me go faster by having me go through different dimensions. Thank you, Master for watching over me and helping me.

Master Protected Me

After taking my granddaughter to kindergarten, I headed toward our group Fa study site on a morning in June 2005. Since it was too early for Fa study, I talked to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution on the way there.

I came across a young man in his 30s. I greeted him and talked to him about Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) and the persecution. He listened, agreed to quit the CCP’s organizations, and accepted a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other materials. I then continued to walk forward. However, before I walked far, he caught up with me, grabbed my bicycle, and said, “What you gave me are Falun Dafa materials; the government banned these materials.” Meanwhile, he called the police.

I was calm and had no fear. I told him, “It is not wrong to believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to be a good person. It’s not against the law. I gave you information to help you understand the truth about Falun Dafa and be saved. By treating good people this way, you are committing crimes. It’s not good for you...” However, he did not listen.

I wanted to leave without my bicycle, but he grabbed my arm. In my handbag there were truth-clarification materials and more than a dozen copies of Master’s new scriptures. I wanted to protect these materials and did not want him to commit crimes against Dafa. However, I did not succeed. 

A police car came shortly after. Two officers got out and asked me to get into their car. I thought they are also predestined lives. They also came for the truth about Falun Dafa. I got in their car and talked to them about Falun Dafa. They listened and did not say anything.

They handed me over to the police officer on duty after we arrived at the police station. The officer on duty said, “Leave your bag on the table and go to that room to wait.” I entered the room. It was empty. I thought, “This is not where I should be. I must leave!” I calmed down and sent forth righteous thoughts, and I asked Master for help.

Within three to five minutes, an opportunity presented itself. They seemed to have forgotten that I was in the room. While they were not paying attention to me, I walked out of the police station. It had been only a little more than half an hour since they took me. Master protected me again. Thank you, Master!

From the beginning to when I walked out of the police station, I did not have any fear. I stayed calm, did not complain about the young man who reported me, and did not worry about what would happen to me or my family. I wholeheartedly wanted to stop the police from doing evil and committing crimes against Dafa.

Thinking back about my cultivation during all these years, that I was able to cultivate until today, despite such a severe persecution and harsh environment, was all due to Master’s protection and strengthening. Master is by my side all the time.