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Brasov, Romania: People Ask, “Where can We Sign the Petition?”

Dec. 13, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Romania

(Minghui.org) Every Saturday, Falun Dafa practitioners go to Republicii Street, the busiest street in the old city of Brasov, Romania, to set up a truth-clarification site. They introduce Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa), raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution, and collect signatures calling for end to the persecution. 

The Falun Dafa booth is set up every Saturday on Republicii Street.

At the foot of Mount Tâmpa, the medieval ambiance of the winding, narrow streets that criss-cross the old town of Brasov, is a well-known tourist destination. Many tourists walk along the activity venue by the Falun Dafa practitioners. Some silently watch the practitioners demonstrating the exercises, and some talk with them. Some went to the table and asked, “Where can I sign?” Many signed the petition calling for a stop to the the CCP’s state-sanctioned organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

People sign the petition calling for an end to the CCP’s persecution.

A 45-year-old man, dressed in sports clothes, wearing glasses, and standing still in the middle of the street, listening to the music and looked at the display panel containing information and images. He asked, “Well, what is this? Why are Falun Gong practitioners persecuted?”

A practitioner briefly explained to him that Falun Dafa is a spiritual practice that was extremely popular in China in the 1990s and that initially helped hundreds of thousands of Chinese return to the traditional cultivation of honesty and kindness. But the CCP persecuted it later and began repressing, denigrating, and defaming. The practitioners were taken to and tortured in forced labor camps and prisons, and even had their organs harvested while they were still alive.

The man practices Chinese martial arts, and understood immediately that the loss of these human lives is linked to their belief in divinity, and that this makes the Chinese communist regime consider and treat them as a so-called threat to its communist ideology. He said that the Chinese culture and civilization, including traditional Chinese medicine, is of divine origin. He signed the petition as he believes that Falun Dafa is good. He then discreetly thanked them by giving a small bow of his head as he left.

Background: What Is Falun Dafa and Why is the CCP persecuting it?

Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) was first introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in Changchun, China, in 1992. The spiritual discipline is now practiced in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Millions of people who have embraced the teachings, which are based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and have learned the five exercises, have experienced improved health and well-being.

Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology and on July 20, 1999, he issued an order to eradicate the practice.

Under Jiang’s personal direction, the CCP established the 610 Office, an extralegal security organization with the power to override the police and judicial systems and whose sole function is to carry out the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Minghui.org has confirmed the deaths of thousands of practitioners as a result of the persecution over the past 23 years. The actual number is believed to be much higher. Countless practitioners have been imprisoned and tortured for their faith.

There is concrete evidence that the CCP sanctions the harvesting of organs from detained practitioners, who are murdered to supply China’s organ transplant industry.