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My Experience of Breaking Through the Internet Blockade with Righteous Thoughts

Dec. 4, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I wasn’t able to visit the Minghui website due to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) information censorship, even after trying a program that helped me get around the blockade in September of this year. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors behind the blockade, but I still couldn’t access the Minghui website.

I first sent forth righteous thoughts with detailed steps. Starting from my computer, I tried to eliminate all the evil spirits behind the routers and the CCP's Internet police in China. When that didn’t work, I sent forth righteous thoughts more intensively and for longer periods of time. However, I couldn’t access the Minghui website for three weeks. A fellow practitioner who was able to break through the censorship downloaded Minghui Weekly for me.

Master must have allowed me to enlighten after seeing how I didn’t get it. An idea jumped into my mind: What’s my starting point? Did I send forth righteous thoughts for others or for myself? Thinking back, I didn’t find I had any clear thoughts about it. My motive was to be able to visit the Minghui website as I had before. When things went wrong, the evil must be interfering and it must be eliminated. It doesn’t sound wrong to eliminate the evil, does it? But after pondering my motive, I found my reason was predominantly or solely selfish, because it had affected “me” and interfered with “my normal access,” not because it concerned others or sentient beings overall.

I had previously recognized this problem of not putting sentient beings in my righteous thoughts, but I had forgotten about it. Using divine powers for oneself is not admirable.

I realized that the CCP's Internet police would have accumulated karma for blocking Internet access to overseas websites. I should help them and eliminate the evil factors behind them. Sentient beings are easily pulled down when they can’t access overseas websites with true information, and it's harder for Falun Dafa practitioners to clarify the truth. I must eliminate the evil factors for this reason. Saving sentient beings should definitely be my starting point.

On the morning of October 1, I was able to visit the Minghui website without any problems.