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“Look at Things from a Higher Plane”

Dec. 6, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


Master said,

“A true practitioner will look at things from a higher plane, rather than through a human lens.” (The Sixth Talk, Zhuan Falun)

I understand that when we encounter tests in our cultivation, we need to look at things from the Fa’s perspective and our understanding of things will then elevate with the Fa’s guidance.

I feel this is especially important in how we look at the persecution and whether we can transcend our human thinking in taking the persecution as opportunities to cultivate ourselves and save sentient beings.

For example, after I was fired from my job for upholding Dafa, I filed complaints against my workplace with the local procuratorate. When the procuratorate refused to accept my case, I mailed my complaint to its supervising procuratorate. When I received no response after one month, I filed my complaint with the provincial level procuratorate. I also sent copies of my complaints to the procuratorates in the three counties and four districts under the administration of the city I live in.

Even though no procuratorate took my case, I believe that one layer of the evil was eliminated every time I sent complaints to a procuratorate.

Meanwhile, I also talked to my former managers at work and told them that there is no legal basis for them to fire me. To let even more people know about the persecution, I mailed my complaints to all the Party secretaries, county executives, and other government agencies under the administration of my city.

In the beginning, I was afraid of police retaliation. But gradually, my fear was gone after I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate it. I knew that Master had removed the fear for me.

I believe that my complaints carry positive energy and will clarify the readers’ misunderstanding about Dafa. When we do our part to clarify the truth by mailing complaints, it’s up to them to make the choice.

My understanding is that if we oppose the persecution for the purpose of counteracting the persecution, then we are falling for the old forces’ arrangement. On the other hand, if our goal of opposing the persecution is to save sentient beings, we are following Master’s arrangement and negating the old forces’ arrangement. Master will not allow the evil to interfere with our saving sentient beings. In the meantime, our efforts to save sentient beings also provide opportunities for us to improve our xinxing.

When a practitioner is arrested by the police, it may seem like he is being persecuted, when in fact the police may be predestined to hear the truth from the practitioner in this way. If the practitioner runs away and hides from the police, he may miss the opportunity to fulfill his vow and that may become the excuse for the old forces to persecute him.

If we look at the persecution from a higher plane as Master taught us, we should just face the police and clarify the facts to them and eliminate the evils behind them. If the evil factors are gone, the police wouldn’t have the power to persecute us.

If the police wouldn’t listen, we can also file complaints against them. We can share the complaints with many other government agencies to further expose the persecution. If people all understand the facts and know the consequences of taking part in the persecution, perhaps we will be able to rectify the environment.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)