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A Cultivator Should Be Thoughtful

Feb. 12, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Since I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, I do everything based on Falun Dafa’s principles. Consequently, not only have I obtained a healthy body, but I have also become a kind person. I don’t fight for profit and have changed from being a selfish person to a thoughtful one. People in our village call me “a good person who learned Falun Dafa.” Below are a few of my cultivation experiences.

A Car Accident

One day near Chinese New Year in 2013, I rode a bike around and put up truth-clarification banners. On my way home, a car that was parking on the side of the road suddenly moved backward unexpectedly hit me from behind. I ended up under the car. At that time I cried out, “Master, please save me.” As soon as I said these words, the car stopped. I lay on the ground with my head only two inches from the car wheel. If the car had stopped even half a second later, I would have lost my life. I was scared afterwards when I thought about it; Master saved my life. I am grateful to Master.

The driver who hit me was a young man who lives in the village next to ours. Fellow practitioners and I clarified the truth to him. He knows Falun Dafa is good. When my mom knew I was hit by a car, she asked me to go to hospital for a checkup. Three days later, I had an x-ray that showed my first lumbar vertebra had a compression fracture, and the fourth lumbar vertebra was also broken. After I learned of the diagnosis, I didn’t take it seriously, “I am a practitioner. I should be fine when I return home, do the exercises, and study the Fa.” So when the doctor asked me to stay at the hospital to receive treatment, I declined.

I listened to Master’s Fa lectures every day, and took care of my son who just began to attend kindergarten. About two months later, I carried a step stool outside to prune the fruit trees and started doing the farm work for our busy season of the year. At that time, the doctor told me I should rest in bed for six months upon returning home. I didn’t take any special actions after I returned home, and recovered without any aftereffects.

After the accident, I didn’t ask the driver (who hit me) for any compensation, as I didn’t spend much money at all. So when the driver said he would be fully responsible for the accident and give me compensation, I said I didn’t need any. He was moved. When people learned about this, they thought it was unbelievable. Someone said, “Nowadays, everyone cares about money. It is quite good that you did not exploit the driver. It is rare to see the victim not ask for compensation.” When they learned that I practiced Falun Dafa, some changed their propaganda-induced misconceptions about Falun Dafa.

My Fruit Trees Were Burned

On April 5, 2019, which was Tomb-Sweeping Day, a person was burning incense papers and didn’t contain the fire. The fire got out of control and burned my fruit garden. My 16 Fuji apple trees, while at their best time, were damaged by the fire. The total loss was over 30,000 yuan. When I saw that the apple trees were so burned they were black, I was very sad. They were like my children; I put a lot of time and effort into them.

However, my heart soon calmed down. I realized I was a Dafa practitioner and should judge everything based on the Fa. Thus, I couldn’t treat it as regular people would. The person who caused the fire didn’t want to take the responsibility, and instead proposed that their whole tribe would together pay the compensation. The official who promised at my garden that he would ask the person to compensate me for the loss became quiet later on. The government doesn’t allow anyone to burn incense papers in front of a grave, so the official was afraid I would call the police. If so, both he and the person who burned incense papers would be arrested.

After I understood the situation, I persuaded my husband to take it lightly. Then I told the official I would not ask for compensation. The official was very moved, as it helped solve their big problem. They later praised me among villagers when I wasn’t around. Everyone in our village knows I am a practitioner; thus, because of this, they know Falun Dafa is good.

Finding Peace in Our Home

Before I practiced Falun Dafa, I was a tough person. My husband and children obeyed me, and I had the final say on everything. After I began to practice Falun Dafa, I realized I wasn’t behaving like a woman. A woman should be gentle and care for her husband. Only by doing that, can she have a harmonious family. Therefore, I tried to correct this problem and be a good wife. It was not easy. However, I believe Dafa is miraculous. As long as I truly want to change, I will be able to do so. Therefore, when conflicts occurred, I went from tolerating with tears, to looking within, to unconditionally finding my own problems. The relationship between my husband and me is good, and our home is very peaceful.

After I was hit by the car, my husband was not happy with me because he didn’t understand my response and how I handled it. I focused on taking care of our child and preparing meals and food for the Chinese New Year. I did a lot chores despite the pain caused by the accident. However, my husband wouldn’t help me at all, even when he had time. When I saw that my husband was very cold and didn’t pay attention to anything I was doing, I was resentful at first. My husband and I didn’t get along well at that time. Fortunately, Master gave me some hints, so I could look at things based on the Fa. I no longer cared about my husband’s attitude. I did everything without resentment.

After I improved my xinxing, my husband changed too. He actively did household chores. Soon he started practicing Falun Dafa, and now we cultivate diligently together.

Memorizing the Fa

Encouraged by seeing that fellow practitioners memorize the Fa, I wanted to try to memorize the Fa. Four years ago, I started memorizing Zhuan Falun. At first, I memorized it paragraph by paragraph, and then lecture by lecture. When I became more familiar, the speed of memorizing the Fa was almost the same as reading. Master encouraged me many times. For example, my celestial eye wasn’t opened, but I saw little sparkling stars appear under some characters, which encouraged me.

Now I am memorizing Essentials for Further Advancement for the second time. During the process, I gradually deepened my understanding of the Fa, and became more steadfast. I have a better understanding of Master’s mercy. While I am grateful for Master’s boundless mercy, I have a better understanding of my responsibilities as a Dafa practitioner.

Each step I walked was because of Master’s strengthening and encouragement. I am still a long way from Dafa’s requirements. I haven’t achieved the state of being unselfish. I will study the Fa better, cultivate myself better, save more people, and continue to walk my cultivation path during the final stage.