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Nurse Clarifies the Truth in a Clinic

March 27, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Over the past two years, I have been reading, memorizing, and transcribing the teachings. With the help of other practitioners I learned to use my computer to surf the Internet. By reading the experience sharing articles of other practitioners on the Minghui website I understood how to cultivate better, and that I should look inward when encountering conflicts.

Master said,

“To tell you the truth, the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

I eliminated my attachments one by one. Some attachments would resurface after a while, so I eliminated them again. It was like peeling an onion, but each time the attachments returned, they were weaker. I felt that I was becoming mature in cultivation, and I was no longer fearful when clarifying the truth to people. Where my previous mindset was one of escaping and dodging, I could now clarify the truth in an upright manner and with a calm state of mind.

My Boss and Patients Felt a Practitioner’s Compassion and Dedication

I opened a small physiotherapy clinic a few years ago to make ends meet. On the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) “sensitive days,” their agents often came to harass me. During the COVID lockdown, I closed the clinic. This allowed me more time to read the Fa at home.

Someone told me that a private clinic wanted to hire a nurse, and asked if I could help. I said, “Yes” and went there the next day. I wasn't concerned about the salary. I just thought that this job would be a good opportunity to clarify the truth to people.

I went to work on time, didn’t leave early, and asked for permission if I needed to take time off. The doctor went home for lunch at noon, but I brought my lunch and did not leave the clinic.

I was capable and well trained. Therefore, regardless of patients’ conditions, I could puncture with the needle accurately, and not hurt the patients.

I treat patients equally, regardless of their financial or social status. I cared for them as though they were my relatives. For example, I would prepare warm water for them, check if they were well covered with a quilt, helped them go to the bathroom, and chatted with them like a friend. If someone had a fever, I would prepare a cool towel for them. I tried my best to help patients in need.

Patients saw what I did for them and they were moved, which laid a good foundation for me to clarify the truth.

Clarifying the Truth to People at the Clinic

A high school student used to come for an injection once a day at noon. He was often in a hurry so I didn’t get a chance to clarify the truth to him. I was anxious about this, and so a few days before his treatment was over, I took an opportunity to tell him about the destruction of the CCP and the three withdrawals. He didn’t say anything at the time, and he didn’t come back the next day.

I felt uncomfortable for several days after because I hadn’t clarified the truth to him thoroughly and might have even scared him away. It turned out that a family member of his contacted the clinic and told the owner that I was a practitioner.

A few days later, the owner politely told me not to tell patients what I had told him. I realized that he was aware of the incident. After getting off work that day, I stayed back with the owner to share with him about Dafa. I talked with him for nearly two hours and explained the truth to him thoroughly.

I explained why I practiced Dafa, what Falun Dafa is, and why the former CCP head persecuted Falun Dafa. I talked about how the “Tiananmen Self-immolation” scam was directed by the CCP, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, how the CCP harvests organs from practitioners for profit, and how Falun Dafa is practiced around the world.

He understood everything. He had never joined the CCP, but he quit the CCP’s Youth League and Young Pioneers that he had joined in the past. He said, “Continue working here! It’s really hard to find people with a good personality and skills like yours.”

Next, I took an opportunity to clarify the truth to the doctor at the clinic. He was an official in the health system and helped out after he retired. He was approachable and easygoing. He thoroughly understood some of the bad things in today’s society, however, he was an atheist and had vested interests.

I talked to him several times to clarify the truth, and he finally quit the CCP organizations. He was worried about my safety and said, “If you think Falun Dafa is good, you can practice it at home. A wise man knows when to retreat. You have lost too much, and you are a good person.” In this way, I had a relaxed environment for clarifying the truth at the clinic, and I tried my best to talk to everyone.

One day, a business owner came for an injection. I noticed that she looked listless, was physically and mentally exhausted, and seemed nervous. After I administered the injection, I chatted with her and learned that she had been nursing her son in the hospital. Her son had suffered from epilepsy since he was eight, developed diabetes at age seventeen, uremia at age twenty-seven, and had been on dialysis for four years. His life had hung in the balance many times. The family spent all their savings, but she didn’t want to give up on her son’s life.

She endured many hardships. She closed her business in the countryside, rented an apartment near the hospital, and accompanied her son to dialysis three times a week. She was on the brink of collapse and couldn’t hold on any longer. I told her that each person had their own destiny, and the relationship between mother and child was also a cycle of karma. I said that cause and effect are a demonstrable reality, and debts had to be repaid. I persuaded her to set aside her emotions.

I asked her to sincerely recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and gave her an amulet. She came for injections five days in a row, and after understanding the truth and doing the three withdrawals, she felt much better and less entangled.

Another woman, after walking into the clinic, said that she wanted to buy 25 percent concentration glucose. The doctor measured her blood pressure, and it was 60/40mmHg. I said, “She must be suffering from myocardial ischemia, hurry up and give her an infusion to boost the pressure.” The clinic owner had some concerns, saying that the patient had renal failure, was treated here before, and had some conflicts with the clinic. I said, “Isn’t it more important to save her life?” The owner dismissed his concerns and gave her a vasopressor.

During her treatment, I took good care of her. I told her, “You should sincerely recite: Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” When she came the next day, her condition had improved, her blood pressure had risen a little, and she had the strength to chat with me.

She said that she had married for the second time, and her husband was a young man from the countryside. She invested her money for him so he could open a business. But he changed his mind when he made some money and left her. She couldn’t get her money back. Her resentment made her health worse. I told her about the principles of Dafa and about the principle of no loss no gain, and repayment of debts. I told her that emotion was the most unreliable thing. I persuaded her to let go of her resentment and treat herself well. I asked her to recite the auspicious words sincerely. I did the three withdrawals for her and gave her an amulet and an MP3 player to listen to information about Falun Dafa. She got better day by day.

A man in his forties hit a hornet’s nest while he was cutting grass with a sickle, and he was stung on the back of his hand and head. Someone drove him to the clinic. The back of his hand was severely swollen, with red lines extending up his arm. He said he was nauseated and had a headache. This type of hornet was highly poisonous and could cause death. I immediately gave him an infusion and told him, “Quickly say, ‘Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” He did as I asked, and after a while he calmed down. The red lines on his arm stopped extending, and the heavy swelling on the back of his hand gradually disappeared. The people who witnessed this said, “It’s amazing!” They witnessed the power of Falun Dafa.

An older woman who suffered from kidney stones was in severe pain when she came in, and her face was pale. After treatment according to the doctor’s advice, I asked her to recite the auspicious words silently, and I helped her recite them. I gave her a lotus pendant amulet necklace, and she immediately put it on. When she came to the clinic the next day, her symptoms were gone and the pain had lessened. Her son was worried and took his mother to the provincial hospital for an examination. The result of the examination showed that the stones were really gone.

There are many such examples, which showed the miraculous results of sincerely saying, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and doing the three withdrawals to ensure safety.

In this way, I clarified the truth in the clinic, and many people quit the CCP’s organizations. I helped government officials, teachers, students, business owners, contractors, artists, migrant workers, and people from all walks of life.

Meeting a Former Practitioner

A woman in her 60s came to the clinic. She had a cough, asthma, and could hardly catch her breath, her face was blue and purple. I recognized her as a former practitioner and said, “Hi, why are you here?!” She was surprised. She said she had been coughing up phlegm and couldn’t sleep at night for two years. She had already been to five other clinics and had received injections and medicines that didn’t work.

While giving her an injection, I chatted with her to learn about her current situation. Since the CCP started the persecution of Falun Dafa in July 1999, she became less diligent in her cultivation. For the past five years, she had stayed in her daughter’s home to help take care of two grandchildren. She barely read the Fa, and only practiced the exercises for half an hour a day without listening to the exercise music.

I said to her, “It’s not coincidental that you came here today. It’s because Master was worried when he saw your state. Master didn’t want to leave a disciple behind. You’ve had injections and taken medicines, but it still didn’t help. You haven’t realized that you’re a cultivator. How can a cultivator get sick?”

I said, “The Fa-rectification has reached the final stage, and the time was extended by Master. Master hopes that practitioners will improve quickly and practice diligently.” While we talked she stopped panting. She said, “Thank you so much for reminding me!” I said, “You don’t need to thank me, this is Master’s arrangement, thank Master!”

When she returned the next day, she felt much better and said she was able to sleep. I recorded the exercise music for her and prepared Master’s lectures for her, as well as audios and videos of truth-clarification. I went to her home to practice the exercises with her and corrected her movements.

I said to her, “Dafa is compassionate, but also majestic. We must take cultivation seriously, believe in Master and the Fa, and respect Master and the Fa. When we encounter problems, we must unconditionally look inward, cultivate our hearts and cut off our desires, and get rid of our attachments to family affection.” She resumed cultivating and planned to transcribe and memorize the Fa.

I will cherish the time that Master has given us with huge sacrifice, cultivate myself well, and try my best to let more people understand the truth.