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Falun Dafa Resolved Our Family Conflicts

April 15, 2022 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Meilian in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was born in the countryside, and I'm 56 years old this year. In 2005, I was fortunate enough to begin practicing Falun Dafa. My life was renewed under Master Li's (Falun Dafa’s founder) benevolent salvation. By cultivating Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I became healthy, both physically and mentally. My gratitude for Master Li is beyond description.

My father passed away when I was only 13 years old, leaving our mother and six children behind. I attended school only to grade five before dropping out. From then on, I began to support my family. Even though I was a girl, I took on more responsibilities than a boy. I worked from early in the morning until late at night and was totally exhausted after a long day.

I dreamed about having a warm family, but my life turned out to be so miserable. In 1985, I got married when I was 20 years old. My mother-in-law did not treat me nicely. I was outspoken and short-tempered and often forgot what I said. In contrast, my sister-in-law was eloquent and good at relating to others. So she was favored by my mother-in-law, who showered her with gifts. Whereas no matter how hard I worked, my mother-in-law never acknowledged me. I felt very upset.

I had a baby in 1986. When I was in confinement after birth, I needed my mother-in-law to take care of me. However, my sister-in-law insisted that my mother-in-law couldn’t help me because she had injuries to her hands and feet. She even went as far as putting bandages on her so she couldn’t do anything. She then asked my husband to look after me, even though he was already tied up with working in the field.

After my husband prepared the meals, he had to serve his mother first. My resentment flared up. As a result, I couldn’t eat or drink. From then on, I developed constipation and felt so bloated I couldn’t do anything except pace back and forth beside the bed. It took a week for me to recover.

One night, both my husband and I were already in bed when my mother-in-law suddenly knocked on the door. She said my brother-in-law had come to split up our family. I got very upset and thought: I don’t mind doing this, but aren’t they supposed to give us a heads-up? As soon as I was about to lose my temper, my husband stopped me. I felt very frustrated. Then I had another thought: So be it! It’s better if they leave us alone.

When splitting up the assets, my mother-in-law initially didn’t want to give us anything. But with the repeated insistence of my brother-in-law and myself, she gave me just 1,700 yuan and a sewing machine. Then we moved out.

Even though we no longer lived with my in-laws, my husband and I still had to take care of their farm work. My brother-in-law didn’t help at all, and the task of planting rice seedlings is rather tiring.

After long days in the field, we went to my in-laws’ home to have dinner. But they only prepared very simple dishes for us even though we bought them all kinds of meat and fish. My mother-in-law told us she would save them for my brother-in-law. I was very upset, thinking: I spent so much effort helping you plant rice seedlings, yet you didn’t cook decent meals for us. You are too cruel! Please don’t come to us when you need our support one day.

Facing all kinds of unfair treatment and knowing my husband couldn’t do anything about it, I said to him, “What if we move far away from them so we won’t be bothered anymore?” We later moved to the city and rented a place from a kind middle-aged couple.

As a saying goes: “Resentment hurts the body.” I developed all kinds of illnesses. In 2005, I was diagnosed with heart disease, an ovarian tumor, and nephritis. My nephritis continued to get worse, resulting in my entire body being swollen. The doctor said there was no specific medication for this illness. Eventually, I became emaciated and was too weak to get out of bed or to eat.

I finally crashed and fell into despair. But since my two children were still very young, I didn’t want to end my life. Right then, the wife of the landlord couple visited. She saw I was critically ill and said to me kindly, “Even though you believe in Buddhism, your illness hasn’t gotten better. Do you want to learn Falun Dafa? Only Falun Dafa can save you.” That explained why they were so nice.

A friend of my landlord dropped off a few cases of his belongings to store at my home. Before he left, he told me that it was all Dafa books and encouraged me to check them out.

I told my husband, “I can’t do anything but lie in bed. Can you take out some of the books that the landlords’ friend left with us so I can read them?” When I opened one of them, I saw it was titled Zhuan Falun. Without thinking about anything, I began to read it. I suddenly came to realize: Isn’t this the Buddha Fa? This is truly the Buddha Fa! At first, I had mixed feelings about leaving the form of Buddhism I practiced, but I committed to practicing Falun Dafa.

During the few years I practiced Buddhism, I always worshiped spirit tablets of foxes. When I came across the section in Lecture Three in Zhuan Falun about animal possession, I learned that this type of worship was harmful. So I asked my husband to burn the tablets.

Through continuous Fa-study, my body went through tremendous transformations. Gradually, I could sit up; I also started taking in food. On day three, I could get out of bed and walk slowly. After my landlords found out, they were very excited and came to teach me the Dafa exercises. I soon learned the five sets of exercises. On the seventh day, I felt even better. On the 10th day, I was completely fine. I felt so wonderful and excited. Falun Dafa was eliminating all my illnesses. I truly appreciated Master and Dafa and began to share my experiences with my relatives and friends.

Since learning Falun Dafa, I understood that I needed to hold myself to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I realized that my relationship with my mother-in-law was the result of a karmic bond from a previous life. So I was able to let go of my resentment towards her.

During the 2006 Chinese New Year, my husband and I bought many gifts for my in-laws. When they saw us, they were very excited. We all went to a relative’s home on New Year's day to celebrate. When everyone saw us, they were all very happy, saying that I had changed into someone who was always upbeat. I then took this opportunity to tell them about my cultivation experience.

Afterward, I told everyone, “I have a very important thing to say. One must renounce their membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to ensure one’s safety.” They were caught off guard and asked me what this meant. I explained, “Heaven will eliminate the CCP. For people who joined its organizations, only by renouncing their memberships can they separate from communism's evil specter and ensure their safety.” I then listed many of the crimes the CCP committed after it seized power, such as the Three Anti’s, Five Anti’s, Anti-Rightist, Cultural Revolution, June 4th massacre, and persecution of Falun Dafa. They all agreed to quit the CCP.

The next day I went to my aunt’s home. My aunt said to my mother-in-law, “Do you remember what I said before? When you get old, only this daughter-in-law will support you, as the other one only cares about money.” My mother-in-law replied, “I didn’t expect her to become so kind after practicing Dafa.” I said, “True. If I didn’t practice Dafa, I wouldn’t have known how bad I was. It’s our Master who taught us to be good people; that’s how I changed.” Now my mother-in-law praises me to whomever she runs into.

In 2012, my brother-in-law died of a stroke. My husband and I attended his funeral. When my father-in-law saw me, he cried out with great sadness. I said to him, “My father-in-law, please don’t cry. Even though your son is not around anymore, you still have us.”

That Fall, I invited my in-laws to stay in a place owned by my sister. Upon seeing me treat them so nicely, they praised Dafa even more. They also studied the Fa teachings with me. My mother-in-law was illiterate, so she listened to Master’s lectures on an MP3 player.

I also brought them copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and The Ultimate Goal of Communism. Besides having my father-in-law read Zhuan Falun, I also showed him Hong Yin. When he read Hong Yin V, his nose began to bleed. I told him it was Master cleansing his body, so he wasn’t scared. Soon enough, all his symptoms were gone. Through this, our family witnessed the miraculous power of Dafa one more time.

Both of my in-laws are now in their 80s and in good health. They are truly blessed by Dafa!