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A Fellow Practitioner Changed After I Looked Inward

April 25, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) A veteran practitioner joined our Fa study group a few days ago. She is quite well-known in our local area. She has been clarifying the truth very well to people face-to-face all year around, regardless of whom she encountered. Other practitioners liked to consult her regarding overcoming their illness karma.

She shared her cultivation experience one day after our group finished studying the Fa, including how she improved despite her family conflicts and illness karma. We admired her ability to endure hardship, and hold strong righteous thoughts. She and I are about the same age, but I definitely did not do as well as she did when I faced the same issues. She continued talking for about two hours until she needed to leave to cook dinner.

She shared about her experiences again a few days later, for an-hour-and-a-half in the afternoon, until I reminded her that she was delaying the Fa study time. I believe that her gestures and the expression in her eyes reflected strong attachments of showing off, and feeling superior to others. She also did not pay attention to other practitioners’ sharings.

Looking Inward to Find Attachments

I felt a bit uncomfortable after seeing her behavior, and I started to look inward to find my attachments and the origins of my uneasiness. The causes were jealousy and looking down on others! I recalled the Minghui website series “Removing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Culture.” Listening to her helped me recognize my tendency of speculating about others in a bad way, which is a manifestation of the indoctrination by the CCP in myself. Once I found these attachments, I sent forth righteous thoughts to remove them.

When I was practicing the energy exercises at night two or three days later, the veteran practitioner’s talking image appeared in my mind, and the word “cute” suddenly followed. Shockingly, I switched my view of the practitioner completely. I used to think that she lectured endlessly, but now I believe that she wanted our Fa study group to improve as soon as possible. Her sharing indeed helped me find several shortcomings, including seeking comfort and reputation, but not wanting to endure and suffer.

Fellow Practitioner Improved After I Changed

Once I found my attachments and changed my view of her, amazing things happened. She also realized her issues. After we studied the Fa two days ago, she said that her mentality of showing off was rooted deeply so it became very difficult for her to find the attachment. I replied, “I saw it too.” She asked, “Why didn’t you point it out to me?” I explained, “I tried to find my attachments and correct myself first. I thought that my words would be more helpful to you when my heart was pure and kind. If I pointed it out to you right away, I was afraid that you wouldn’t listen.” While explaining, I also sensed a selfish attachment of mine to protect myself for fear of offending people.

The next day, she seemed to be a new person. While another practitioner mentioned a problem, she responded in a low-key, humble, and kind way. Seeing the dramatic changes in her, I was very happy for her.

Thank you Master for arranging that veteran practitioner to join our study group, so we can improve together.