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Illness Symptoms Vanished after Changing My Notions

May 18, 2022 |   By Hui Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) On February 9, 2021, I woke up with a headache accompanied by dizziness, sneezing and a runny nose. Forgetting that I was a cultivator, all my human notions came out: the weather is getting cold and I didn’t have enough blankets at night, aren’t these symptoms of a cold?

With this human thought in my mind, I fell to the ground abruptly. My four limbs were numb, and I couldn’t get up no matter how hard I tried. I thought to myself: “Maybe I should lie down for a while and then I will be fine.” Suddenly I heard a voice: “No sleep! You can’t sleep!” I was in shock. Then Master’s Fa came into my mind, and my mind immediately became clear.

“I am a practitioner, so how can I catch a cold?” I understood at once, and immediately changed my perceptions and treated myself as a true practitioner walking on a divine path. What did a cold have anything to do with me? My human notions suddenly disappeared, along with the false appearance of an illness, and everything returned to normal.

Validating the Fa with Righteous Thoughts

The next day, I had another incident. At lunchtime, when reaching for a glass, my husband noticed a large bruise on my hand. He exclaimed, “Wow, what happened? Such a large bruise!” He fetched his device to measure my blood pressure, and it was dangerously high.

I wasn’t scared and didn’t care, but my husband was incredibly worried. Fearing that my blood pressure would rise again, he tried to drag me to a hospital. “Just take one injection and you’ll be fine,” He said, as he began to dial the phone number.

I said, “I will be fine. I am a cultivator of Dafa walking on a divine path. It is Master purifying my body!” I ended up not going to the hospital.

I re-affirmed my thoughts: “I am a cultivator, and I must act in accordance with the standards as required by Dafa. How could a practitioner have illnesses? That is karma.” After my righteous thought were strengthened, I found later that the big bruise on the back of my hand had miraculously dissipated! Wasn’t it Master who took it off for me? It was Master who saved my life.

On day three, around nine o’clock in the morning, another strange phenomenon happened. When I went to the kitchen to refill my glass, I knew clearly that I was holding it in my left hand. I was thinking to place it on the counter, but unknowingly the water cup fell and broke.

As soon as my husband heard it, he came to me and asked, “What happened?” Without waiting for my answer, he shouted, “I think you have a nerve problem.”

I echoed his concerns, “Maybe something pressed on the nerve?” As soon as these words came out, instantly my mouth was not able to open and I couldn’t speak. It felt like a foreign object had been placed in my mouth, so I couldn’t speak normally.

Luckily, it happened that a fellow practitioner, May, came along. When she greeted me, my response was slurred. As soon as she saw my situation, she reminded me to cultivate my speech. I understood at once, “Master, I was wrong. I took myself as an everyday person, and the human notion was exploited by the old forces.” I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts to negate the old force’s arrangements.

Master said,

“'I’m Li Hongzhi’s disciple, I don’t want other arrangements or acknowledge them'—then they won’t dare to do that. So it can all be resolved. When you can really do that, not just saying it but putting it into action, Master will definitely stand up for you.” (Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003)

After this, a miracle occurred and my speech returned. Not only could I speak, but the feeling of the object in my mouth was gone. Who took it away from my mouth? It was Master who took it away. I was so excited that I was about to jump up, and I grabbed the hands of the fellow practitioner, and we shouted together: “It’s amazing, so amazing! Master is great! Thank you Master! Thank you Master for your salvation!”

Clarifying the Facts and Saving Sentient Beings

Some symptoms returned the next few days. It was day six and I still could not go out and clarify the facts due to the symptoms. I was very anxious. I thought: “I can’t stay at home like this. I must go out today; I can do it and I will do it now.”

I walked up to the portrait of Master, pressed my palms together and asked Master to strengthen me and bring predestined people to me, so that more sentient beings could learn the truth. I also asked Master to protect me so that I could arrive home safely. I opened the door and walked out. Along the way, I spoke to every person I met. If I didn’t have enough time to persuade them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I would ask them to remember the auspicious phrases: “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Most of them were receptive.

I first ran into a Civil Affairs Bureau worker, whom I praised for his good job and fortune. He was happy until I urged him to quit the CCP for a safe future. I took time to calmly talk about the guiding tenets of Dafa, and the CCP’s propaganda against Dafa. He soon accepted my words and quit the CCP.

After that, I approached a young man at the park. He came to explain that his parents were sick at home, and I advised that they recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” He said he was impressed with my energy and good health at 75. He was also amazed that I hadn’t taken any medication for 22 years, and agreed to quit the CCP and took Dafa materials for his parents.

After clarifying the facts to a few more people at the farmer’s market, I decided to head home. Although darkness had confused my sense of direction, a kind woman offered to walk me to a bus stop. I told her about the stone in Guizhou Province naturally engraved with the words “Communist Party is doomed” and said it was Heaven’s will to eliminate the CCP. She agreed to quit the CCP before we parted ways.

Concluding Remarks

Through the above experiences, I have grown to understand the process of overcoming sickness karma as one of constantly eliminating attachments and improving character. I also truly experienced the sacredness and greatness of Master and the immense power of Dafa. With Master right beside me and the selfless help of fellow practitioners, I was able to turn my human thoughts into divine ones, and end these symptoms after just 12 days.