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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] My Coworker Experienced the Wonders of Falun Dafa

May 24, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My coworker Guo is a straightforward and popular guy. He was born in the 1980s and grew up under the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) atheist doctrines. He had already applied to join the CCP when we first met at work.

The Party branch secretary told Guo that they were accepting applications from team leaders, group leaders, and state-owned enterprise craft-workers first, and asked Guo to submit his application the following year.

Guo told me, “I want to join the CCP now while I’m at the workshop so that I can become a village secretary when I return home. I will then have more power and find ways to make more money.” I thought he was quite honest. We built a good rapport and talked about many things. I shared with him stories of traditional Chinese culture, Buddhism, and Daoism.

How I Encountered Dafa

Way before then, I was on vacation after the college entrance exams and went to help my sister who was living in a farming village. My brother-in-law and I met a fortuneteller who was quite accurate. He said good news about my college entrance exam would arrive on the third day of September, and he was right on target.

After that, I believed that divine beings existed. I learned different types of qigong practices, read many books about religions, and had some unusual and supernatural experiences. I understood the purpose of our lives and how to live a meaningful life. I thought Buddhist and Daoist teachings provided better answers than communist ideologies in the textbooks.

I started to practice Falun Dafa after I read Zhuan Falun. The book teaches us to be good people by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I have been healthy and have not taken any medications for over 20 years.

Sharing Falun Dafa Stories with Guo

Guo didn’t believe the CCP’s propaganda about Dafa. An elementary school teacher once told his class, “Don’t badmouth Falun Dafa if you don’t know anything about it.” I explained what Dafa was and why the CCP was persecuting it. He was receptive when I said the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident was staged by Jiang Zemin, the former head of the CCP, and understood that it was a campaign to smear Dafa practitioners.

One winter, Sun got drunk during the evening shift. I told him to take a break, and I took over his shift. The workshop was cold and he fell asleep. I was afraid he might catch a cold, so I covered him. Guo saw what I did and sensed the kindness of a Dafa practitioner.

I often shared with Guo Minghui podcasts about traditional Chinese culture, cultivation stories, and examples of karmic retribution. I also shared my personal experiences.

I visited Wang, a coworker whom Guo also knew. Wang’s family practiced a type of qigong exercise. We watched the Shen Yun Performing Arts DVD (which was banned in China) and we were mesmerized by the dancers’ stories of ancient Chinese culture.

An old man entered the room. I was startled and speechless, because I clearly saw the face of a weasel! The weasel’s body was as long as the man’s upper body, and its big tail drooped down to the man’s calf. Wang said it was his father. He didn’t speak or look at us and went straight to his room.

I had known for a long time that Wang’s father practiced a certain type of qigong, but I didn’t expect it to be a weasel-possessed exercise. I realized later that Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, opened my celestial eye in times of danger to protect me from animal spirits.

I also shared with Guo another experience. I once talked to Chen, another coworker, about how the CCP persecuted Dafa practitioners. Chen was a member of a religious community and said the CCP also watched and persecuted their bishop. He agreed that freedom of belief didn’t exist in China. We had an extensive conversation, but I didn’t understand why Chen had never read the Bible.

The next time I saw Chen, I felt a strong energy that could have destroyed me. A terrifying force pushed me down, and I felt powerless. When I was about to collapse, something spun out of my abdomen, and it spun faster and grew bigger. It destroyed the force that was pressing me and I felt relieved. It was like a martial arts novel―countless martial arts movements took place at the speed of light, and it was over in an instant.

Master explained in Zhuan Falun that he has installed a Falun (Law Wheel) in every genuine practitioner’s abdomen to protect us. I truly experienced it, and I will never forget that experience.

Guo listened attentively. I told him, “Master not only protects genuine practitioners but also non-practitioners who understand that Dafa is good. They will be blessed for being kind to practitioners.” I gave him a Falun Dafa keepsake and suggested that he sincerely recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” for his own protection.

Guo said, “We were predestined to meet. It was ridiculous for me to think that I wanted to join the CCP and be a corrupt official.” He understood that the CCP indoctrinated people to (in the Party’s words) “fight with heaven, earth, and mankind” and that the CCP made the young swear oaths to follow it―an entity that heaven will eventually destroy. But Buddhas and gods are compassionate and protect those who severe their ties to the CCP.

Guo renounced the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers organizations he had joined as a youngster and said he would not join the CCP if asked. After that, he became more positive and happy.

At work, I often help Sun, who is small and slow. I rarely helped Guo, but he didn’t seem to mind and helped me instead. He was embarrassed to curse in front of me. I was glad to see his transformation, and I knew that Master’s teachings made it happen. It gave me more confidence in my cultivation and I was grateful to Master.

Guo’s Inspiring Stories

When someone is kind, his path of life will be one of hope and light. It was Guo’s turn to share his stories with me.

Guo said he almost had a car accident one night after work. It was about 11 p.m., and he was driving in the far right lane on the highway. A big truck was in the inner right lane about 50 feet ahead of him. They were both going about 50 miles an hour. An intersection was coming up on the right side, but Guo didn’t slow down since the truck didn’t signal it was turning.

The truck suddenly turned right, heading towards the intersection. Guo didn’t have enough time to step on the brake, and his car would have flipped over had he done so. “Falun Dafa can save people!” came to his mind. As soon as he had that thought, the truck suddenly veered to the left and continued straight ahead. Guo pulled over to the side of the road, got out of the car, and squatted down for a while. He went home after he stopped shaking.

He told me what happened and asked if he was protected. I had a feeling he was still skeptical about Dafa’s miraculous powers.

A friend of Guo’s came to town for work at the beginning of 2021. He stayed at Guo’s place due to the pandemic. They went out for cold cuts and beer after work. Guo had severe abdominal pain around one in the morning. A COVID test was required for a hospital visit.

He remembered what I told him, and began to recite, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He fell asleep and was fine the next day. This time he seemed to somewhat believe that Dafa protected him.

Guo was in a bad mood one day and had a spiteful look on his face. He explained that he’d had an argument with his wife. They’d had many arguments before, big and small. His father-in-law liked him, so he would lecture his daughter and things would be fine. But this time, Guo saw a man driving his wife home. He became suspicious and almost hit the man. Guo was annoyed with his wife and wanted a divorce, but he felt sorry for their son.

I said, “In many traditional cultures, a couple makes a promise to care for each other for the rest of their lives. When conflicts arise, they should look inward and correct themselves and be kind, respectful, and considerate of each other. Life will improve when both parties improve themselves. Divorcing your wife means that you think she is wrong, and you won’t improve if you think you’re right. You might not find happiness even if you remarry.”

I also shared my understanding of Master’s teachings on relationships between husbands and wives and Minghui podcast on related topics. Many practitioners searched inward and improved themselves, forgave their spouses and the individuals they had affairs with, and resolved the marital crisis. Guo eventually dismissed the idea of divorcing his wife and decided to reconcile with her. This time his wife refused to answer his texts and calls.

He looked radiant a few days later and said, “So Buddhas do help people! I think they even care about trivial problems like mine! I held the amulet you gave me and text-messaged my wife, and she returned my text! We had a heartfelt conversation and she finally reconciled with me!

“This time, I sincerely searched inward and changed my attitude, and my wife responded positively. In the past, we felt more and more hopeless after each conflict. But this time was different. We both improved and our relationship is better than ever.”

In the past, after working all night, Guo’s wife woke him up for lunch even when he wasn’t hungry. Now she waits until he wakes up to prepare his meal, and the house is tidy and clean.

I’m happy for him and thankful to Master! A difficult relationship became harmonious after a predestined encounter with Dafa. It’s like Master said,

“Bathed in divine light, conduct and thought become right.” (The Third Talk, Zhuan Falun)

What really convinced Guo of Dafa’s power was an incident at work. The company increased the fines for poor workmanship. For example, if a faulty piece ended up in the assembly workshop, the employee responsible could be fined 500 yuan or more. One day, Guo and Liu skipped a step and failed to drill a hole the thickness of a cigarette in the interior compartment of the box they were working on together.

They rushed to find the problem box. There were several, far-apart storage areas in the warehouse. They looked all over several times but couldn’t find it. They were exhausted and stressed out, because they could be fined 2,000 yuan if the problem wasn’t fixed.

Guo said, “This time I sincerely recited ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and asked Master for help. After a while I thought of searching a certain area again. It was a long walk. When we got there, I noticed that a hole was not drilled on the third level at the top. I showed it to Liu, and he saw it, too.

“The box had three layers and was about 6 feet off the ground on a stack. It was sprayed with black paint, and you had to get close enough to see if a hole was drilled inside the interior compartment. I told Liu that I was able to find it after reciting ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Liu didn’t believe me, but I believe it helped, because it worked every time I recited the phrases.”

I have told Guo’s story to celebrate Falun Dafa Day. I sincerely hope that people all over the world can think for themselves, not be deceived by the CCP’s lies, and let go of their misconceptions about Falun Dafa.

Whenever you encounter difficulties or desperate situations, especially now with the pandemic, please open your heart and ask Master for help. Remember to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” You might find that “big problems become small, and small problems disappear” and that there is light at the end of the tunnel!

There are many stories on the Minghui website about people who recovered from COVID-19, other illnesses, and accidents after reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Happiness, wonders, and many touching stories are waiting for you to discover.

People of the world will one day learn the true situation and immerse themselves in Falun Dafa’s immense grace!