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Eleven Years After Man’s Wrongful Death, Prison Cremates His Body

July 10, 2022 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Eleven years after Mr. Qin Yueming was tortured to death while serving a ten-year term at the Jiamusi Prison in Heilongjiang Province for practicing Falun Gong, the prison authorities pressured his father into signing a consent form to cremate his body, which had been kept in the prison all these years. His ashes were delivered to his hometown in Shandong Province on June 16, 2022.

Mr. Qin, a Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province resident, was arrested on May 4, 2002, only eight months after he was released from serving a three-year labor camp term for not renouncing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese regime since 1999. He was later secretly sentenced to ten years at Jiamusi Prison, where he was brutally tortured. 

In a campaign to force all incarcerated Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their faith, the authorities at Jiamusi Prison brutally force-fed Mr. Qin on February 25, 2011. 

Even though Mr. Qin told the prison doctor that the inmate inserted the feeding tube into his lung, the doctor didn’t do anything to treat him, but carried him to an empty room at the end of the hallway. The next day, Mr. Qin passed away. 

Mr. Qin’s wife, Ms. Wang Xiuqing, was planning to take their two daughters to visit him, when she was informed of his death. They rushed to the prison. They saw that Mr. Qin’s body was covered with bruises, his lips were purple, and there was blood in his mouth and nose. His facial expression was extremely pained. Yet the prison guards claimed that he died of “a sudden heart attack.” 

Mr. Qin Yueming

Since then, Ms. Wang and her two daughters have never given up seeking justice for Mr. Qin. They filed complaints against the prison after many trips to various government agencies. On November 13, 2011, only one month after the Heilongjiang Province High Court finally accepted their case, both Ms. Wang and her younger daughter, Qin Hailong, were arrested and taken to the Qianjin Forced Labor camp. 

While they were still serving time, Gu Songhai of the Heilongjiang Province 610 Office and Zhang Yinfeng of the Heilongjiang Province High Court Compensation Commission came to the labor camp on July 17, 2012, trying to settle the case in private with them. They promised to provide housing for the family if they complied. But the mother and daughter insisted on seeking justice for Mr. Qin.

In late 2012, the Heilongjiang Province High Court transferred the case to the Yinchun City Intermediate Court. Gu Zhenchi, a judge for the intermediate court, put the case on hold for two years, before announcing that the case was rejected on December 25, 2014, without holding a hearing. 

After keeping Mr. Qin’s body in the prison for over a decade, the prison authorities began harassing his father, Mr. Qin Xuwen, a Dong’e County, Shandong Province resident in his 80s, and eventually pressured him to agree to the cremation of his son’s body. 

The younger Mr. Qin’s wife and daughters were told by their relatives in Shandong on June 15, 2022, of the situation, a day before Mr. Qin’s ashes were delivered to his hometown in Shandong.

Ms. Wang Xiuqing and her daughter were released from the Qianjin Forced Labor Camp on April 13, 2013.

Current leadership of the Jiamusi Prison:

Wei Chaojun (魏朝军), president and Party secretaryWang Zhongwei (王忠伟), Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Political CommissarCheng Gang (程刚), Party Committee Member, Disciplinary Committee SecretaryLou Ben (娄本), Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee

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