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We Are Dafa Cultivators Walking Towards Godhood

July 6, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I would like to share some of my thoughts and understandings after reading the article “Getting Rid of Human Notions and Walking Towards Godhood” published on Minghui.org.

The current situation in China is indeed very bad. In our local area, the streets and alleys are full of surveillance cameras, and people are being monitored as soon as they leave their homes. Plainclothes officers are everywhere, making it very difficult for Dafa disciples to do anything. 

In particular, due to the latest “Zero-out” harassment campaign targeting practitioners on a massive scale, out of fear, many have stopped clarifying the truth to save people. Those who used to do a lot are now doing less or nothing at all. This is very worrying, as time is pressing and it is critical that we save more people.

Sometimes I’ve wondered if we should use our divine mindset to fulfill our mission. When I went to distribute truth-clarification materials, I would try to avoid surveillance cameras, but they were everywhere and sometimes were unavoidable. So I would think to myself, “They cannot see me.” I would send forth a thought to them: “To all surveillance cameras that I come across, please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Do not be used as a tool to persecute Dafa disciples. You will then have a bright future.”

Master arranged the sections in Lecture Nine in Zhuan Falun in a particular order, with “Mind-Intent” before “A Clear and Clean Mind” My personal understanding at my current level is that, on the last leg of our cultivation, as cultivators, we should pay special attention to our every thought, change all kinds of our human notions, and look at everything in everyday society with righteous thoughts. 

If we treat ourselves as everyday people who are confined by the communist regime, then we will find ourselves tightly restricted. In that case, we might not even be able to cultivate on a personal level. The situation will be totally different if we are clear-headed about who we are. We must not “belittle ourselves and think big of the evil.” That would be the same as “belittling the Fa,” like what the practitioner shared in the article.

We should think outside the box of everyday people’s mindsets and free ourselves from the factors of ordinary people. We must pay attention to Fa study and letting go of human attachments. When our righteous thoughts are strong, we will become more divine-like. 

I now have a new level of understanding of Master’s poem “What’s to Fear?” in which Master wrote:

“Should you have fear,it will seize upon youIf thoughts are righteous,Evil will collapseThe cultivator’s mindis loaded with FaSend righteous thoughts,and rotten demons explodeGods walk the earth,validating the Fa”

(“What’s to Fear,” Hong Yin II)

If practitioners hold fear, then they are holding onto an attachment and treating themselves as everyday people, and the authorities will dare to arrest them. If they hold strong righteous thoughts, then the evil will collapse. Dafa disciples are the only ones in the human world to validate the Fa. Dafa disciples are gods on earth, as Master has already made clear. 

I understand from the Fa that Dafa disciples are beings walking the path towards godhood. However, when we are confronted with trouble, very often we fail to regard ourselves as Dafa disciples. Instead we view ourselves as people who are being persecuted. Why can’t we be more divine-like? My personal understanding is that we haven’t studied the Fa well and we have not gained deeper understandings of the Fa principles. At the same time, we need to ask ourselves if we have paid enough attention to cultivating our own minds and thoughts at all times and check to see if our thoughts are human notions or righteous thoughts. We need to carefully analyze our thoughts and, by cultivating, get rid of those that are not in line with the Fa standards. 

I have read articles in which fellow practitioners shared how they used supernormal abilities. I share the same understanding. Let us be more diligent together, walk out of humanness and walk towards godhood, and truly do well the three things required of us as Dafa disciples. 

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating,” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)