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Adelaide, Australia: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held

Sept. 30, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Adelaide

(Minghui.org) The 2022 Adelaide Falun Dafa Experience Exchange Conference was held in the Fullarton Community Center auditorium on September 18, 2022. Nine practitioners shared their cultivation experiences and how they overcame difficulties when conflicts arose.

Practitioners talk about their experiences.

Overcoming Difficulties and Promoting Shen Yun Full-time

Anna helped promote Shen Yun this year. The Shen Yun performances in Adelaide increased from the originally scheduled three shows to five. Seeing the increase in the number of ticket booths in the shopping malls and the lack of manpower, she overcame some difficulties and was granted three weeks of unpaid leave on top of the four-week annual leave she originally arranged. She spent seven weeks promoting Shen Yun full-time. She introduced Shen Yun to her manager and he said that he would bring his mother to watch the show.

Anna and the other practitioners read the Fa and practiced the exercises together every morning. They then sold tickets for Shen Yun. They cooperated with each other to help people buy tickets.

“Every day we went out early and returned home late,” she said. “When we saw people choosing seats, and the tickets to see Shen Yun being sold, we were very happy for them.”

While coordinating with fellow practitioners to promote Shen Yun, she said she also experienced some xinxing tests. A couple came to the ticket booth with their daughter. Seeing that his daughter wanted to watch Shen Yun, the father decided to buy two of the best tickets for his wife and daughter. However, his credit card payment did not go through. There was no credit card reader on site as in previous years. This complicated Anna’s ability to sell tickets. She felt uncomfortable for a long time and began to complain about the coordinator.

With the help of another practitioner, she realized that her state was not right, and she should unconditionally cooperate with the other practitioners. She got in touch with another practitioner that night. The next day, a practitioner brought two cash registers.

She said, “I learned to look inward unconditionally. No matter what happens, I have to think about how I can harmonize with other practitioners and work hard to solve the problem. Instead of blaming others, I should cherish the environment and the process of cultivation. I will assimilate to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, think of others, cultivate well, and awaken more people.”

Praised as a Good Supervisor

Katherine began practicing Falun Dafa with her parents when she was a child. She is now a company’s financial executive. She is busy at work every day and when she gets home she lays on the sofa and browses the Internet on her mobile phone. She began watching short videos and TV series. She spent a lot of time on her phone. Afterward, she regretted wasting so much time. One night she dreamed of dirty toilets. When she woke up she told herself that she must stop watching videos, but she watched videos again when she got home that evening.

Her physical and mental state began to deteriorate. Her parents advised her to take a leave from work to rest and practice the exercises and read the Fa. After studying the Fa, she realized that there was a big loophole in her cultivation, and if she continued like this, she would deviate from Dafa which would be extremely dangerous. In her mind she admitted her mistake to Master Li (Dafa’s founder) and said, “Master, I am wrong. Please forgive me and help me. I want to return to a good state of cultivation.”

When she made up her mind to get rid of her attachment to watching videos, she no longer had the desire to watch them. “It seems that in an instant, Master helped me to completely remove this bad thing. Thank you Master!”

This experience made her deeply appreciate the seriousness of cultivation. “When you realize that you have a certain attachment, you should take the initiative to get rid of it and take the initiative to assimilate to Dafa.”

Katherine also shared her process of eliminating her attachments to competing with others and upholding her reputation at work. She pointed out a staff member’s mistakes and asked him to correct them. He refused to accept it and loudly defended himself which upset Katherine.

Afterward, she calmed down and looked within, “Why did I feel upset? Why did I keep arguing back when he would not listen?”

She saw her competitive mentality and attachment to defending her reputation. She seriously looked inward for her own fault and felt that her work style was not compassionate. She should not have publicly pointed out his mistakes in front of the other team members. Instead, she should have discussed it with him in private. When she pointed out his mistake, her tone was abrasive and accusatory. She did not listen to him or give him a chance to explain.

The employee had already gone home, so she immediately sent him a text message. She sincerely apologized to him and told him that she was grateful for his hard work. He thanked her for her concern and said that Katherine was a good supervisor.

“When I tried to eliminate this attachment, I found that it weakened a lot. Afterward, I felt relaxed.” She said that in the future, she would keep Master’s words in mind and always maintain a compassionate heart.

Conference Attendees Benefit from the Strong Energy Field

Some practitioners who attended the conference said that they were inspired and encouraged by their fellow practitioners’ experiences. They said they noted the gap in their own cultivation and were determined to improve.

Nguyen and his son Vihn

Nguyen said that he benefited a lot. In particular, he was inspired by fellow practitioners’ frankly looking inward and their steadfast belief in the Fa. Afterward, he deleted the video software on his mobile phone. “I feel that I need to spend more time on studying the Fa, focusing on being a better person, and seize the time to save people.”

He brought his son Vihn who said that the sharings were good, “I also want to make time to study the Fa and not waste time on my mobile phone and computer.” He said that his attachment to falling asleep was resolved after he practiced the exercises. He is also willing to study the Fa now.

Bella said that due to her busy working schedule, she had few opportunities to communicate with other practitioners. She listened to all the sharing that day, and learned about improving xinxing in various Fa-validation projects. She said, “I feel like I have to hurry. It was very hard to come here today. I didn’t get off work until two o’clock this morning. I went home and rested for three hours before coming here. I was a little tired at first, but now I feel great. The energy field here is strong. I’m glad that I was able to be here today.”