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Negating COVID with the Power of Righteous Thoughts

Jan. 29, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Millions of people have died because of COVID. Every day one can hear funeral music played in villages and towns across China. An overwhelming sense of horror and sorrow grips peoples’ hearts. Local practitioners began experiencing COVID symptoms this past month. Most returned to normal by relying on the power of righteous thoughts, but a small portion remained in tribulations.

Master told us, “Dafa disciples’ righteous thoughts are powerful” (“Dafa Disciples’ Righteous Thoughts Are Powerful,” Essentials for Diligent Progress)

As practitioners, there is nothing we cannot resolve and no test we cannot pass as long as we believe 100% in Master and Dafa. Our righteous thoughts come from Dafa and Master. Master said, “However strong the righteous thoughts are, that’s how great the power is.” (“Also in a Few Words,“ Essentials for Diligent Progress)

I’d like to share a recent experience.

A month ago I also started to have COVID symptoms. I recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” countless times. I also recited Master’s poems in Hong Yin. When I felt I couldn’t endure anymore, I asked Master to help me. No matter how much pain I was in, I fell asleep every night.

I was inspired after reading numerous practitioners’ sharing articles on the Minghui website, and my righteous thoughts were strengthened. No matter how bad I felt, I regarded the symptoms as illusions.

Master said,

“True Dafa disciples have higher energy and are able to destroy karma and germs; they are emissaries of salvation in these latter days, and bring their wisdom to bear upon saving people as they share truthful information related to our practice.” (“Stay Rational”)

As practitioners, saving people is our most urgent task. When I first began having symptoms I stayed home. However, I knew I had to go out and fulfill my mission to save people. After I meditated, I said to Master, “With the pandemic so severe, saving people is most urgent. Master, please help me. Please give me power and strength so I can go out and talk to people.”

I went to the market to tell people the facts about Dafa and distribute pamphlets. Miraculously, I did not feel bad, and I did not cough once. Instead my entire body felt warm. I felt I was 80% recovered and could do the three things well when I got home.

I fell asleep after I had just read a little when I returned to my normal schedule of Fa study. I realized when I woke up that the sleep demon was interfering with me. The number one priority for a practitioner is to study the Fa, so I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the sleep demon. I regained my energy after I did it twice. Not only could I read the Fa, I was also able to memorize it. I began listening to Minghui broadcasts. I constantly immersed myself in Dafa.

A bad substance disturbed me from time to time, and I knew it was trying to interfere with my cultivation. Whenever it disturbed me, I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate it. Every time this happened, I began to burp and the interference was gone. I enlightened that Master turned the bad substance into gas and expelled it.

One day my gums suddenly started to hurt. Half of my face hurt the next day. My cheek was swollen, making it difficult to eat or drink. When I looked inward, I found I was still affected by the Party indoctrination, as well as attachments to jealousy, combativeness, resentment, impatience, zealotry, showing off, and ego. The old forces used this as a loophole to interfere with me. I made up my mind to correct myself. I sent powerful righteous thoughts toward the negative entity that attacked my gums. All the pain disappeared the next day, and on the third day the swelling was gone.

The printer suddenly stopped working while I was printing Falun Dafa fliers. The computer monitor showed that it was offline. This was the first time this had ever happened, so I did not know what to do. Then I thought, “Dafa disciples have Master who can resolve everything.” I asked Master for help. I suddenly saw a small square blinking on the monitor. I hit it with the cursor. It responded, “Install the print head.” I followed the instructions and did it. The printer began to work right away.

I had difficulty getting on the internet yesterday. I sent strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference. As I did, the “Free Gate” signal became stronger and stronger, and I was able to open the Minghui website.

These are my recent cultivation experiences. I hope fellow practitioners will remember to send righteous thoughts whenever they face difficulties. Our righteous thoughts are powerful. Master and other divinities help us destroy the evil in other dimensions when we send righteous thoughts in this dimension. Believing in Master and Dafa 100% is true cultivation.