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Indonesia: Practitioners Hold a Parade on Car-Free Day to Introduce Falun Dafa

Oct. 10, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Indonesia

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners gathered in Semarang City in Indonesia's Central Java Province on Sunday, October 1, 2023, and held a parade in the city center to introduce Falun Dafa to the local people.

That day was the city’s Car-Free Day. The Semarang City Government welcomed the Falun Dafa activities, and Triyo Sumanto, director of the city's Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports Department, participated in the event and hosted the departure ceremony for the parade.

In his speech, Triyo Sumanto said, “The Semarang City Government affirms Falun Dafa activities that have brought positive impacts to citizens.” He also said, “After trying the exercises, I feel that this set of exercises have very good effects on physical and mental health, although they seem simple.”

Triyo Sumanto, director of the Semarang City Government’s Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports Department, gives a speech at the departure ceremony for the parade.

Triyo Sumanto follows the practitioners’ hand gestures to do the exercises.

The parade was led by the Tian Guo Marching Band, followed by a banner team, flag team, and an exercise team. Behind them were practitioners wearing traditional costumes from various Indonesian ethnic groups and a team of flying fairies, which also added color to the procession. The waist drum team was the last group, finishing the parade. The entire parade route was about three kilometers (1.8 miles), and included two trips around Lapangan Pancasila in Simpang Lima district in the center of Semarang.

The Falun Dafa parade well was received by locals along the parade route.

The spectacular parade drew many people’s attention, and passersby stopped to watch and take pictures with their mobile phones. Many people happily read the banners held by practitioners: “Falun Dafa is good!”

Spectators accept fliers from practitioners.

Police officer Andi said, “I am very impressed by the kindness of Falun Dafa.”

Andi, a police officer responsible for parade security, said, “This is the first time I have learned about Falun Dafa. I am very impressed by the goodness of Falun Dafa, and the exercises are suitable for people of all ages. People learn to practice, and it is beneficial to physical and mental health. Cultivation of the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is very important to practice in daily life.”

Priyatna (left) stopped to learn Falun Dafa when she and her family passed by the venue.

Practitioner Gito (left) and Ertin (right) demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

The parade ended at nine o’clock local time. Gito from Jakarta participated in the waist drum team and said he felt the peaceful energy field when he was with other practitioners.

Ertin from Lampung wore local traditional clothes during the parade. Ertin said that participating in these activities to introduce the spiritual practice has pushed her to practice Dafa more persistently and seriously.