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A Conflict With My Daughter Pointed Out My Stubborn Attachments

Oct. 17, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning, China

(Minghui.org) For more than a year I used every spare moment to memorize Hong Yin VI. No matter how busy I was, whenever I had a few minutes, I picked up the book and memorized a poem. While memorizing, I enlightened to many Fa principles and discovered my attachments.

The Fa principles that I understood while memorizing strengthened my cultivation. I sincerely felt it was an incomparable honor to practice Falun Dafa and learn so many Fa principles during the Fa-rectification period. I am fortunate to follow Master to cultivate and save people in this lifetime. I know I should cherish this sacred opportunity and keep up with the progress of Fa-rectification by removing my attachments and saving more people.

I recently memorized Hong Yin VI for the sixth time. I understood that the universe has now reached the final stage. In order to save the universe Master created a new celestial body and introduced Dafa to the world. While saving us Falun Dafa practitioners, Master is also saving all sentient beings.

Even though I read the Fa every day, I felt I didn’t meet Dafa’s requirements. I realized if I continued on like this, when the Fa-rectification period ends, I would have many regrets.

I realized that human notions and attachments are roadblocks on my cultivation path. I also understood that as long as I work hard and cultivate myself, Master will help me eliminate my attachments.

For example, I did not do well in my family environment. When my children said or did something wrong, I did not treat them compassionately and I didn’t handle the problem appropriately. I always used my parental authority to accuse and criticize them. Sometimes what I said was harsh, and I made a big fuss.

Master said,

“Some people lose their tempers when disciplining their children and get all worked up. But it needn’t be like that. You shouldn’t genuinely get angry. You have to be calm and rational for your child to be reared well. Do you really think you could develop higher energy if even little things get to you or cause you to lose your temper?” (The Ninth Talk, Zhuan Falun)

My behavior was just as Master described. Although my character improved after I began practicing Falun Dafa, I did not eliminate my bad temper completely. When my husband did something wrong, I could tolerate it because I felt I should respect him, and I would not lecture him. However, I thought I had the right to discipline my children. When they made mistakes, I did not let it go. I couldn’t guide my children with kindness and resolve the problem with compassion.

My daughter and I never had a good relationship. Every time we met, we always argued. My daughter got upset whenever she saw me. She always said something to make me angry. I always felt frustrated when I was with her.

I understood that we had a karmic relationship, but I was still angry when my daughter mistreated me. Master saw that I could never pass this test, so he let me see the true situation in my dream: In a previous lifetime I instructed some people to kill a person. I was very cruel and I made that person suffer terribly. From this dream I understood that I had a bad karmic relationship with my daughter, and the reason she mistreated me was because I owed her a debt. After I began practicing Falun Dafa I should have used the Fa principles to balance our relationship well.

However, when I saw my daughter again a few days later, I forgot Master’s enlightenment and we argued. Was I a practitioner? I felt ashamed and realized I did not cultivate myself. Knowing that I owed her a debt, I still did not want to repay her. Wasn’t I holding onto human notions and not letting them go? Wasn’t my cultivation in vain? How much regret will I have in the future?! I discussed my issue with the other practitioners. I wanted to disintegrate these attachments to improve myself as soon as possible. I wrote this article to expose my human notions again and eliminate them.

My daughter recently visited us. This time, I no longer had any resentment. Instead I felt bad because I knew I wronged her in another lifetime. I knew I committed a great sin against her. Because I took her life, I owed her and she should be allowed to retaliate in this lifetime. Because Master resolved most of the issue for me, she could only criticize me. I should have been more tolerant. I should treat her with the compassion of a practitioner. As soon as I thought this, my daughter’s attitude toward me changed. She was no longer angry with me. Instead, she became respectful. I knew that I had taken a step forward in the Fa. It was Master who helped me dissolve this stubborn stone in my heart that blocked my cultivation.

Compassionate Master has given us the Fa, and we are the envy of all the gods in the universe. Master taught us such a great practice to cultivate our true selves and our main souls, something that no cultivation discipline in the past could. To cultivate our true selves, we must use the Fa to remove our attachments. Dafa’s power is boundless. As long as we genuinely cultivate, our human attachments will be eliminated.