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Financial Persecution Vanished After I Eliminated My Attachment to Money

Oct. 26, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a county doctor. I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. I’d like to tell you how I negated the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) financial persecution.

Standing Up for Falun Dafa

My mother called me in July last year and asked me to come to the village and help look after my father, who was very sick. She said she and my nephew were no longer able to look after him. My parents lived with my brother’s family in the village. My father was bedridden. My brother and his wife work in another province. So my mother, who is in her eighties, my nephew and I take turns looking after him. My nephew asked that he look after him before midnight. I took the late shift. We repeated this routine day in and day out.

My son, who is in his twenties, was involved in an accident when he was riding his motorcycle in early August. My wife called me and I hurried to the hospital. He had suffered a right knee patella comminuted fracture and some facial abrasions. My wife asked that our son be transferred to the hospital in the city. She accompanied him and I returned to the village to look after my father. I practiced the exercises and studied the Fa every day.

I was called to my hospital’s Party secretary’s office in late August. Officials from my hospital’s Health Department Bureau and management team were there. They told me about the CCP’s “Zero Tolerance” policy and said that employees of state-run organizations were not allowed to practice Falun Dafa and would be fired if they continued. They asked me directly if I planned to continue. I immediately said, “Yes.” The management team head said, “We will fire you at the end of next month.”

Soon after one colleague was transferred to work in another clinic. Another one passed away suddenly. Only 9 members were left in our office. If I was fired, they would have only 8 members, and everyone’s workload would significantly increase. Our manager complained to his supervisors and said there weren’t enough employees. The management team didn’t care and said that they were carrying out their “Zero Out” assignment.

The director of the county’s 610 Office pressured my hospital several times to punish me. They said they would punish my hospital’s director if I was not punished. What should I do under the heavy pressure? I thought, I should be firm in my belief in Dafa and not be moved by superficial appearances. I wrote an article in which I cited China’s Constitution and sent it to the county Political and Legal Committee, the 610 Office, the Health Bureau and my hospital’s management team. I advised them to respect the Constitution, treat practitioners kindly and not go along with the persecution.

While I was trying to let people know the truth, I didn’t feel well. I was not able to stand steadily and I felt dizzy. But I did not come to a good understanding about this incident at that time. I knew that practitioners shouldn’t look at things from an everyday person’s perspective. They said they would fire me, but would I be fired? They could say whatever they wanted, but didn’t have an effect on practitioners.

I was called into the director’s office one day in late September. Members of the management team were there, sitting in a big circle. They were going to decide what to do with me. I said, “The Chinese Constitution give citizens the right of the freedom of belief. Which law does practicing Falun Dafa violate? Please tell me.” They were silent. Still, they announced that I was suspended without pay for one month and told me not to come to work the next day. Instead of firing me, they put me on hold. This was not accidental. If I looked at the issue with human logic, the end result would be that I was fired.

I went home, but I was not discouraged. I felt a huge force enveloping me. Suddenly I felt heaven and earth spinning. I couldn’t stand steadily. I felt extremely weak. I sat down and sent forth righteous thoughts to clear away the interference. I asked Master to strengthen me. An hour later I felt better, but the old forces didn’t stop. I felt dizzy the following two mornings. Each time, the persecution was dissolved after I sent righteous thoughts and asked Master to strengthen me.

The Minghui website exposed this persecution, and local practitioners told the villagers what happened. My hospital’s Party secretary said that the articles which exposed what happened were posted everywhere, even on the staff members’ apartment doors. Practitioners outside China made long distance phone calls to the people in charge. The leaders were shocked and very nervous.

Digging Out the Roots of My Attachments

Because I had free time, I memorized the Fa every morning. I deeply looked within and noted my many deeply-rooted human attachments and desires.

Suspension from work without pay meant that I didn’t do well in my cultivation and I had an attachment to money. What omissions did I have? I gradually slacked off in cultivation. I became increasingly like an everyday person. When I wasn’t busy, I watched the news and the contents of the CCP culture entered my thoughts. Because TVs with wifi were installed in every room, I watched the TV programs with the patients and colleagues and commented with them. My mind was polluted.

I followed my colleagues to leave early at work and we had meals at various restaurants at the hospital’s expense. I didn’t look at things with Dafa’s principles.

Whenever I got a bonus, I kept half of it and gave the other half to my wife. Even though I donated the money to the materials production site, I didn’t let my family know and get their support or understanding. I didn’t put the Fa’s principles into practice.

I didn’t measure my thoughts and actions with the Fa principles, but I didn’t realize it until now.

Master Has the Final Say

A month passed, but the hospital still didn’t call me back to work. I waited for another month, but I was not asked to go back to work. The hospital didn’t contact me. I asked the management team why I wasn’t asked to return to work. I said I needed money. The 610 Office officials said that I would get paid only if I wrote the three statements. The hospital leader also said that if I wrote the three statements, they would offer my son a job.

I knew this was a continuation of the persecution, so I refused.

I consulted some legal experts online and learned a lot. This increased my confidence when I clarified the truth to hospital officials. I went to see the management teams in various departments, while local practitioners sent righteous thoughts for me. Some leaders were sympathetic while others were rude. However, there were some subtle changes.

After being suspended for four months, I didn’t have much money left. My wife didn’t give me a penny, as I didn’t give up cultivation. My parents were old and unable to help me. I didn’t have an income. What should I do?

I remembered Master’s Fa,

“Every one of us is making history for the future, and that is why each person should, in addition to participating in group activities, proactively look for things he or she can work on. As long as something is good for Dafa, you should take the initiative to do it, take the initiative to work on it. Every person you come into contact with in society is someone to clarify the truth to, and what is demonstrated in clarifying the truth is Dafa disciples’ compassion and their salvation of the world’s people.” (“To All Students at the Nordic Fa Conference”, The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

I started to look for a job and found one at a private clinic. I told the owner how I was being persecuted. He immediately hired me. I went to the clinic each day before it opened, cleaned the rooms and disinfected the equipment and tools. I worked hard and treated patients kindly. I gained their trust. I found it easier to clarify the truth to them.

Each month the owner gave me a pay raise. More patients came to see me. Two more beds were added. We now had a total of six beds. I told the owner, “I was brave to look for a job here.” He said, “But I was more courageous. I hired a Falun Dafa practitioner when my business was floundering.” We laughed heartily.

I continued clarifying the truth and I was even more determined to expose the persecution. I received a phone call from my hospital this April. I had been suspended from work for six months. I was asked to go back to work and I was told I didn’t need to write the three statements. They asked me to complete a simple application for work and promise that I would not attend any “illegal social activities.” I didn’t see through this or negate it, and my eagerness to earn money was seized upon. I wrote a few sentences and returned to work.

Two days later the county 610 Office learned that I had returned to the hospital. The hospital management team called me into their office. They were angry because they thought I posted my information on the Minghui website. They gave me two days to consider whether I would give up Falun Dafa. If I didn’t, I would be fired.

I was called into the office two days later. Members of the management team sat in a big circle. The director asked me what I thought. I asked him, “What crime did I commit? On what basis are you going to fire me?” He couldn’t say anything. Finally he said, “We cannot handle you. We will hand you over to our supervisors.” I asked them if I could work today. He said, “No.” When I walked out, I silently asked Master to help me. I received a call from the hospital and told me to go back to work. I knew Master helped me.

I worked for three months, but they didn’t pay me. I talked it over with my mother, who is a practitioner. Even though they didn’t pay me, I continued working. My heart was not moved. My mother lent me some money for living expenses. I repeatedly went to the Political and Legal Committee and the 610 Office. They kept saying that I would be paid if I gave up cultivation.

By June, my father was critically ill. I asked for leave and returned to the village to look after him. I told my wife, “My father is about to die. My sister-in-law said that we should share the cost of the funeral.” She said coldly, “You borrow the money then.” I was not moved. When my father passed away, I contacted her. She didn’t say anything. I was calm but I didn’t borrow any money. My wife and son came to the village. When my sister-in-law told her about the funeral, she agreed to pay half of the cost.

The leaders of my hospital and of my wife’s hospital attended the funeral. Many friends and relatives came as well. After the funeral, my colleague told me that I would be paid a “performance bonus” for the last three months—which was over 10,000 yuan. I gave more than 2,000 yuan to my mother and the rest to my wife.

Persecution Dissolved

By late July I still hadn’t received my salary. I went to the 610 Office to clarify the truth to them again. They demanded that I give up cultivation. I was not moved. I decided not to leave the hospital, but I wasn’t afraid of being fired. I knew that I could give up everything in order to practice Falun Dafa. I realized that there would not be financial persecution or any test I could not pass if I truly let go of my attachment to myself and money and I considered others first. I realized the tribulation was caused by my attachment to personal gain.

When I had this insight and let go of attachments, the finance department was notified to pay my salary in mid-August. The financial persecution had ended.

This was a very profound lesson. I hope practitioners will learn a lesson from my experience and cultivate diligently. Please don’t slack off. Please let go of every attachment and follow Master home.